Going Back To Doha After a Year

Hi to everybody,
i have a problem about going back to doha, last june i resigned from my company and came back my home. the company didnt cancelled my residance permit,(they forgot) i still have a valid RP till dec 2008, but i am out of qatar for a year and it is written in Rp on passport that RP is not valid if i stay out of qatar more than 6 month.
2 month ago i got a good offer from qatar and wanted to go back.. so they begin to process my visa, but they said they couldnt issue my visa becouse of my old company. (my old company and new company has same sponsor also)
i am still searching for a way, i dont understand why they r still asking NOC? i am out of qatar for a year. and i dont have cancel in my passport.
does anybody has information about that?
qait for one more year.
and also i have worked in doha for 1,5 year in that company..