Crash diets can reduce lifespan: Study

(from TOI)
Crash dieting doesn't reduce your waistline alone; it significantly reduces your life expectancy too.
Researchers at Glasgow University observed that fish given a "binge then diet" food regime had a reduced lifespan of up to 25%.
Their study compared the growth rate, success of reproduction and lifespan of stickleback fish. They believe the findings could have implications for teenagers and children who follow extreme patterns of dieting. This is because they are still growing.
The study was conducted by researchers in the University of Glasgow's faculty of biomedical and life sciences, reports BBC News portal.
The findings are published in the journal, Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Professor Neil Metcalfe said: "The fish on the fluctuating deit put just as much effort into breeding -the males became brightly coloured as usual and the females produced the normal number of eggs.
"However, on average their lifespan was three-quarters that of animals eating a constant amount every day." The research found that the difference in lifespan was not a consequence of more rapid aging but an increase in the risk of sudden death.
Metcalfe added: "It seems that uneven growth, due to the fluctuation in the amount eaten per day, is responsible for the increase in the risk of sudden death.
"This is possibly because the body tissues are more likely to have imperfections due to growth spurts."
Similar results would most likely be seen in other animals with short lifespans that grow throughout their lives, said Metcalfe.
But it could also be applied to humans who follow extreme patterns of dieting, he went on, and could be seen in teenagers and children who are still growing.
Metcalfe said: "Applying this to humans, it would only occur in children and teenagers.
"But it would be for extreme switches in diet. Just skipping lunches would not have any effect, but if they had several weeks of one diet followed by several weeks of the extreme opposite, then there could be an effect."
The world has already seen the deaths of models aspiring to be "size zero" by crash dieting.
everything within its limits is good for health. Extreme actions are never good.