second hands brandname shop

hi everybody i am new in this website (just visit this time) nice to meet you all.
i come here coz i hv questions, i hv been in qatar for 2 years for work (dont ask about my company it not allow haha)
i want to do some part-times job.
since i hv the business in my country that is BUY-SALE second hands brandname (such as louisvutton bag, hermes, chanel etc.) and i think is it possible if i open this shop in Doha what do u think? anyidea?
accually, i want to sale the bags via internet but not in E-bay coz i really need the customer from qatar not around the world (for now) any website that you can recommend me to go for sale? or any place i can do ? and do you think it gonna work here in qatar?
thank you in advace for your answer and am so sorry if i make you confuse coz my english not good enough
thank you ^_^
Happy, if it is second hand, i don't think it will click, who do you think here buy such a stuff? Do you have those stuffs now? If those are signature originals, those will be too expensive for expats, for the Qataris, those stuffs are garbage, i am talking about the truth, i am not sarcastic or to make you down, but the business you are planning will just make you loss. Think of more trendy modern stuffs to sell.
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
if you hv any ideas plz post reply for me or e-mail me
[email protected]
if you need to buy second hands brandname bag or new brandname bag also can contact me
thank you