By swissgirl39 •
Morning has broken, like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the world
Sweet the rains new fall, sunlit from heaven
Like the first dewfall, on the first grass
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
Sprung in completeness where his feet pass
Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
Born of the one light, eden saw play
Praise with elation, praise every morning
Gods recreation of the new day
hey SW am good thank you and lookin fwd to the week end, have a great week end SG and to all.......
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
Youtube of tala badr alayna by Yusuf Islam
you will find most of his video captivating
can i find this one on YouTube?
want to hear it
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
Tala'al-Badru 'alayna,
min thaniyyatil-Wada'
wajaba al-shukru 'alayna,
ma da'a lillahi da'
O the White Moon rose over us
From the Valley of Wada'
And we owe it to show gratefulness
Where the call is to Allah
Ayyuha al-mab'uthu fina
ji'ta bi-al-amri al-muta'
Ji'ta sharrafta al-Madinah
marhaban ya khayra da'
O you who were raised amongst us
coming with a work to be obeyed
You have brought to this city nobleness
Welcome! best call to God's way
Tala'al-Badru 'alayna,
min thaniyyatil-Wada'
wajaba al-shukru 'alayna,
ma da'a lillahi da'
good afternoon prisoners, lol
hi mallrat.
how do you feel to be in Doha?
do you already started to love it?
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
How are you today?
have a nice and relaxing weekend
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
hope you will love doha like i do.
enjoy your time there
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
Good morning too swiss girl and to all of you !!! its my second day in this site,and so far so good!!!
good morning to all them lovely folks on QL this morning?and guess wat tis the week end................woohoooo
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
Beautiful morning QL prisoners.
Yeah weekend, where's the party??
Never go younger by a month, a hard bod is no substitute for wisdom.
Good Morning all!!!!!!
ya hala
sabahul khair to u tooo
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QatarLiving football group
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
i can touch not only IT...
ok, swissie, no probs.. will do it for
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Sun and I
does any one else get that reminicing feeling when they hear a song that reminds them of their childhood, you know the time before life really starts to set in.
i never knew u can touch it
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QatarLiving football group
good morning to you too
just keep Doha safe,nice and clean untill i arrive.
have a great day
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
morning... the good one.. to you!!
what's up girl? started packing your suit cases yet??
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Sun and I
everything is fine here in Chocolat Country.
how about you?
hope your day will be cool
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
[img_assist|nid=92055|title=BE HAPPY|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Morning All, reminds me of singing hims at school as well, that's back when I could sing without sounding like a strangles cat, haven't heard this one in years
GooD morning
You can't teach experience...
My dear lady,
Dont you think you are running atleast a few hours faster cos hell girl, I dont see any weekend here...its tomorrow budd, right now I am in the freaking office...
hmm,you came from work or you still at work or you have to go soon?
Or is it your day off?
Anyway have a nice and great day
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
Have u listen to Cat Stevens song "Kathmandu". very nice:)
and thx for that info.didnt know it,just like the song a lot.
have a great weekend there in suny Doha
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
You can't teach experience...
everything alright here in Swiss.
hope you enjoying your weekend.
hmm,if i am in Doha i would spend the whole time at the beach.
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
Its an old christian hymn, First written in 1922 by Elenor Frajeon.
hope you will have a relaxing and great weekend
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
Something that I dont often read early morning, poems, and literature, but still for the Title of the post...
Good morning my dear lady how you doing today...and hows Swiss keeping you...?
one of Cat Stevens nice songs ... I love this guy so much, how come you did not know him Darude :D He was back then on the top of the pop world ... Good morning SG and all QL ... it is already weekend so have a lovely day everyone ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
Thanks for that, took me back to primrary school. We used to sing it every friday at assemembly.
well it is a very beautyful song from Cat Stevens.
how comes you dont know it?
if you want to hear it just check YouTube
*When hands reach out in friendship, hearts are touched with joy*
Good morning to you too
where did you get those phrase from i never published them :?