Sending 2008 Honda Civic from US to Qatar!!!
Please help me out!!
I just bought new Civic. But should go to Qatar on May.
I live in LA and tried to find the moving company. but they charges around 5k and if my car is less than 3years old, I can't even bring it to there due to the Custom issue. Is that right?
I have about 3cbm of boxes and a new civic. How can I ship it to Doha??????
Need to find out the cost and reliable company. I have to pay the cost by myself.
Not worth it. Rent or buy here, put the other in storage somewhere.
but the shape in US and UK is totally different from QATAR or DUABI
dude buy a new one here... cars are also cheap here. no one ships civic from the us, especially from the west coast!!! brand new 2008 civic will cost u around 17000usd.
So my car should be go to Qatar. Moving cost is for the company. so I don't care about it. Just need to send it. So if anybody knows the moving company please let me know.....
Thank you very much for the info!
Car rental
for a
Civic for one month around 3000 approximate
for 2yrs (per month around 2200) approximate
If bought on loan it is QR 2000 per month for 3yrs. QR zero downpayment.
Can you please advise as to how much an approximate long term car rental would be per month? Thanks
If it would cost you $15,000 to transport then it is better to buy a new one here. New civic costs around QR 65,000.
If you are here for less than 2 yrs then its better to rent, else buy a new one.
i dont know eugene, but i think the best thing to do is leave your car in the US and just buy a new one here...
eugene ... how long you will be in Doha? Is that worth it to send the car here and send it back to the US with all those hassle?
have you ever consider with what Scarlett doing?
just be sure its packed in a crate and not stored up on top of the ship, with no protection...That's called drive on, drive off..and its incredibly cheaper (for obvious reasons, called damage!) than the crated version. It will be taxed over here before you can claim it and they will base the taxes on the value of the car. I was going to ship my new car, from Texas, over in Sept, but when I found out it was going to cost about 15K, decided to rent one over here.
They will allow cars unless they are over 5 years old.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)