your suggestions, views and comments needed

what you gonna do if somebody accused you of doing something like something which you dont even know what it is all about.....
this happend to me and my everdearest cousin.... we both work here in qatar in a different companies... one time she called me up and i heard her crying over the phone and told me that she received a call from our country regarding bad RUMORS about her... And shes telling me why i did it to her and hung up the phone and suddenly I receive a message (a bad message) from her.
for God sake i really really dunno what is the whole story all about then I made a call to my mother and ask whats goin' on.... and that all i know my mom not used to tell me anything and everything bad news at home... then she told me everything and its just about RUMORS about her and what she thought I am the one whos sending all that news back home.... which i never ever did and whatever she does I really dont care and in fact I only see her once in a blue moon because we two are busy.... And i heard bad things about me and that maybe she did it just want to hurt me too...but i dont mind at all anyway its not true...
Isnt it she is just guilty maybe she did something wrong? coz if not why sooo big deal for her.
if someone knows what you know as well ... guess that she is sharing with others what is she sharing with you ... Strange thing how people get changed when they leave their own country and move to another ... Hate, Jealousy and bad feelings are eating the hearts and souls these days ... so sad but more sad true ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
i wish you can straigthen things up for your peace of mind. the best way is to talk to her but if she refuses, i think its better to leave this situation until it subsides. but if you didnt do anything then there is nothing to be guilty about your conscience is clear. probably some devious people just want to spark trouble between the two of you. anyways the truth will set you free...
this story is familiar...hehhee....
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
Don't just call her to try to solve the problem. Meet up, eye balls to eye balls, talk about it and solve it out.
We stopped our communication after that arguments and i was surprised when i knew that she left already and went back home... But the reason is she got a problem with her company, with her colleague.....
feel sad about her but I know everything happens for a reason....
"Crazy World"
Forget about her.......seems she is bad company to keep and always in trouble.
Its good to keep away from such people no matter how endearing they may
this is the only problem here... hmmm do explaination and some investigation about the rumors... where and who started it... and how you been involve with it...
Live and Die with DIGNITY!
theoxic, I am not allowed to parties, friends or anywhere alone! that's how!!!
better you two have to sit down and talk.. discuss one by one what was the issue... the key here is communication.. :) hope everything ends well between you and your cousin..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Who's ever and how does he get bored ???
No human can stop racism.
lol, just talk to her, she'll be fine.
No human can stop racism.
nothing mila, bored as ever!
hi afaque, wazz up tonite???
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
mila is right, as always....hi there
you have to sort it out with her only, go meet her and talk about it...
thats causin problem alrite. happened all the time. best you talk to her face to face and explain that you got nothing to do with all the rumors about her at home. also offer her help to find out who is behind all the troubles.
tell her that you lov her as one of your best causin, dunno how many you got but hey.. sweet love talk is work all the time.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.