Work Visa

Hey folks,
I got an offer in Qatar recently and I am waiting for my VISA to be approved.
Anyone can tell how long does it usually take to get everything ready and are there chances that the employer cancels the process if it takes long?
Last question: What would be an acceptable package including housing and transport allowances for a single? I am being offered a mid management role.
Any help would be appreciated - Thx,
... So any info about medical coverage? I have not been offered anything formal since medical coverage is covered by the gvt but I would really need to understand how that work and if I should require any specific package!
Hi User1981, I sent you a PM and email, pls check your inbox. Thanks
Live life w/ Loose cash & nothing to Lose
Thanks folks!
Any info about the $$ and medical insurance part?
Qatarisun is right, i had a routine of sending 2 emails and 1 call to HR per week. You every second day i remind them to pursue my case. Put your best effort. All the best.
Live and let live...
approval itself doesn't take more than 1 week.. but the question is WHEN DID PRO apply for this approval?? you have to push them, otherwise they just keep forgetting about your existence...
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for those who are still in doubts:
I am not a MAN/BRO... I am a WOMAN/SIS...
hmmmm looks like we r on the same boat, only I am half step ahead. All i can say is just wait. I also bugged them like hell, and luckily, the visa application has been approved and now the processing formalities is being done. hopefully within 1-2 weeks ill get it. hopefully.
the most crucial part that takes ages is the approval of the visa application internally and from the ministry. This sometimes takes 2 months.... or more if unluckier.
Live life w/ Loose cash & nothing to Lose
I am joining the Telecom services - Mid management.
Wondering also if you can help about the medical system in Qatar - Should I require this as a part of the benefits package?
User1981, whic company or industry sector hired u? govt? telecom? oil/gas? energy? banks?
Live life w/ Loose cash & nothing to Lose
I know i have been through this. Which segment are you coming in ? i.e. banking , etc ??
Live and let live...
Thanks budd!
I have been waiting since almost 5 weeks now and you know how funny it is to wait especially when HR does not contact you at all to give a status update :)
By the way, I went there for a personnal interview and for that, they got me the visit visa in one day.
Mine took three months and now i m arriving InshaALlah in next week, how long it has been since u accepted the offer. Well dont excpect too much it takes time, some freinds waited for 5 months, yes 5 months
Hae faith, dont be nervous
Live and let live...