
Hi Guys, Im new to the forum. Firstly I really want to thank all of you for the valuable comments that you guys have made. I have really learnt a lot.
I have a problem and really need your help. I'm from Singapore and have established myself as a teacher(HOD). Recently my wife was offered a job as an executive secretary for Qatar Airways. I really don't know the package that has been offered to her but she is to fly in to Doha to discuss it. She is currently employed with an Australian firm here in Singapore and drawing a salary of about SGD3000.
Reading through the forum, I can see that the cost of living there is very expensive and I keep telling her that it is not worth it to uproot ourself and move there. She is convinced that our lives will be better there. Here our combined income is approx SGD12000 which translates to about QR32000, I just feel that it is not possible to get that amount based on what I have read in the forum. Minus the fact that accomadation there is ridiculously priced. Whereas here I have my own house.I have to make a decision soon as she will be going there on the 20th of April and she wants me to tag along.
To be honest I am sick and tired of life in Singapore, Its too stressful and you don't get to enjoy what you work so hard for. But is Qatar a better option.... I really don't noe. Based on the forum also I can see that teachers pay is relatively low as compared to here in Singapore . I am right now in two minds about her taking up the offer. I also understand that QA is not the best of employers. I have three kids ranging from 3 months to nine years, I just don't want to make a mistake. I do hope you guys can help.
Thanks a million in advance
With a combined income of SGD12000 - I am sure you are living rather comfortably there. Not forgetting CPF contribution from employer.
Why go through the hassle of uprooting yourself and your family. If your first priority is your kids, then remember the education system here cannot be compared to Singapore. Many friends from Singapore is having this problem too.
Good luck!
Yes I guess all of you have confirmed my fears, I just feel that it would be better for us to stay here rather than go there. Now comes the ardous task of convincing her. Don't want it to look like I am hindering her career development or that I'm putting myself first. In actual fact I guess my first priority are my kids.
Thanks alot guys, all of you have been of great help.Have a great day ahead.
Don't come to doha unless the package offered is very attractive as Novita & Canary mentioned ...
Moving to a new place is like burning your ships and building a new one !! i don't suggest .. Yes if the ships are ready made then come and grab it
Teachers are not highly paid here ... also please note Qatarisation (Recruitment of Qatari Nationals) is on HIGH !! and Qatar Airways is on Govt Target list !
Pls. click the link to read article pubished in local news paper recently:
Decision is yours !
On top of that you surely will miss eating in hawker centre in singapore. There are no such thing over here ...
Actually I am surprised that they are flying her in for an interview as generally Exec. Secretaries are 20 to the dozen here in all nationalities and they don't pay them well normally.
Getting a place in a school for the children will be your first hassle, then the school fees which are high, then you have your medical care which if noti n your package you will have to payfor yourself.
Accommodation is very expensive and you will need at least a three bedroomed appartment, for your family - you can check on QL how much they cost and also look in the Gulf Times which you can read online.
In your situation life is not about cars (no matter how much cheaper they are) but it's about making ends meet and unless you both have good salary packages it is not worth the risk (1.000 SGD = QR 2633) so you would need to have at least QR 40.000 to be able to live comfortably if you have to pay for your own accommodation.
That is what I have been telling her. Even if they can match our combined income of QR32000(highly unlikely), We would have very little to save or to do much with in terms of the cost of living there. Here at least, we lead an average lifestyle and still have some money to put away for our children's future. Yes novita, my wife keeps stressing the point that cars there are cheap knowing my passion for them. I just don't know, if it was just us, I would take the leap of faith but I do have to consider my kids. Im lost....
and on top of that ... good school here is always full and not cheap. The same with housing, make sure employer paying full fees of the school not just allowance. Also make sure you get your kids school sorted in this end before you uprooting them from Singapore.
It is only better in Qatar if your combine income more than what you guys earn in Singapore.
Also consider that your employer will not contribute to any CPF in Qatar.
And ... make sure your employer giving you a house not paying you an allowance.
Met thinks Singapore have more places to go. You can take a bus to go to KL or cross to Bintan / Batam. In Qatar you would see only desert ... and to leave the country you have to take flight which is not cheap.
Of course car here cheaper than Singapore ... you dont have to pay any COE ... no parking no taxes and petrol cost to nothing.
All the best with the decision.