My WTF Moment

I went over to my cousins house today and parked on the side in front of his house and waited for him to come out.
I had a friend with me in the car too. The road was a bit dark and a car was coming towards me flashing his lights. I ignored it thinking that his lights were faulty because if he was flashing his lights, they were really weak.
So he stops next to me and starts to say stuff with his window shut. I see that he's an Indian guy. I say, what's wrong?, he can't hear me because his window is shut. So I ask him to put his window down by gesturing. He starts saying "Are you stupid? I could have had an accident. Your full beam shouldn't be on" I said "it wasn't on!".
He gets out of the car as if he wants to fight. After some words, I'm screaming at him now because he's asking like a freaking asshole. I said "Look! My full beam was not on". I demonstrate the difference.
"No, you just switched it off", he said. "No I didn't!" Now we're two guys standing in this guys face and I'm telling him that I didn't have my full beams on. He was shorted than both of us and I would have smacked him in the face for being an asshole but he was as old as my father.
"Get in your car and leave", my friend says. The guy gets in and drives away.
What is this?
That's my WTF moment.
Note: to avoid any comments. The guy looked Indian and sounded Indian and could have been Sri Lankan, Bengali, Pakistani, i.e. from that region.
I'm one of those that if you signal, you increase your chances of me letting you squeeze through
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actually whoami even if he poured out all the honey in the world to let him go when his signal was RED i doubt i would have let him pass..God forbid he ram his car into some other not so fortunate creature. but of course i always give way to other cars when i can so that other traffic can pass freely i'm a good Non Qatari :)
@smoke, yes well done! I'm sure if he was nice about it you'd have let him go.
@everyone else, this could be a nice thread. Why not everyoen talk about their WTF moments.
@JBH, nope, I'd say it was level with the road and I drive a low ES350 not a 4X4 :)
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What the douce man, u have just been here for a few weeks. First the sco'ish guy and now this... hang in there mate, u will have to get used to these things in qatar.
"Be Like a Flower, Which gives off it's fragrance
even to the hand that crushes it.
No excuse for his actions, but, here is a possible explaination.
I was driving around lost last night as usual and a couple of times I was driving towards a Land Cruiser sized car that was parked on the wrong side with his lights on.
They were backstreets and the guys were probably waiting for a friend or something, so no worries.
But as their car was high up and mine is not I was dazzled by their head lights.
Could you have been on a bump in the road that could have raised the front of your car at all?
Still no need for his reactions though.
Call me Maninibat!
i like to read a story about crazy drivers around. is funny yet sad that some people can be so ignorance and stupid.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
you are indeed a civilized person...
Education cannot make a fool wise. In other words, "polish a turd, it's still a turd". Happened to me also a couple of times, what I did is just smile at him and whisper to myself "ur an arse hole"
***** I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it. ******
What ever nationality he is ,,,,,, shouldnt be doing that.....
hopeless creature
[img_assist|nid=92055|title=BE HAPPY|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Thats right my friend, I got into such incidents too, i dont care who the person is... if I'm right, i wont move. If u flash, honk... hell die to go ahead of me, if i am driving at 80 on an 80 road, im not moving from the third lane.
"Be Like a Flower, Which gives off it's fragrance
even to the hand that crushes it.
A lot of it is sheer ignorence. I love it when someone is on the inside lane of a roundabout and cuts right across the lanes, honking because I am supposedly in the way..
Racial Issue
mmmmmmm research should be done to see what nationalities commit what offences to see if there is any correlation. then an awareness campaign could be done in the correct language. instead of silly little pictures at traffic lights with chiller font.
There is a difference between people who don't know they are driving badly and people who do.
A fine wont stop the former.
Well it is a difference from a Qatari being blamed, and I understand your rage as you were parked.
Whoever is in a car and wants to communicate should do it in an orderly manner and not shouting and ranting and raving out the window.
This is not a racial issue, but an issue all of us should and must get under control.
Anger management on the road is a relatively big problem here and even in the rest of the world - even if you overtake at times, some people take this as a personal vendetta for a race and/or to engdanger the life another driver by driving haphazzardly in front or beside them. (personal experience).
Smokey are you unaware of the fact that the term "PAKI" is derogatory.
Its racist! and considered an insult to all asians from the subcontinent in UK.
Maybe just mention them as "PAKS" or whatever.
BTW I am not a Pak.
Last nite in the plane One Qatari Fat Guy though that I will not put my seat in the back position because the screen behind my seat did not move out and he cannot see his Tom & Jerry or whatever they were broadcasting last nite.
He start to shake my seat as he cannot watch tv and I shout at him that He was to FAT and there is no MILK SHAKES on the plane LOL.
then the rental company forgot to return my car as they take it from the parking lot for service. as I call the supervisor he say to me, that my car will be ready for tomorrow and of course they will not pay me back the Taxi.
I guess am back in Doha...
The Venezuelan Sensation!!!
Greeker by WE i didnt mean all Indians...just lets call the WE the general expat community, who cant tell the difference between a Local and a any other national wearing a ghattra. So why should we expect a Local to know the difference between a Paki or Indian just by the way they talk?
With all due respects...
I AINT one of the 'WE' you were talking about. And in return, i expect people not to think that I AM one the 'them Indians'.
simple, i care what they say about my people, coz i am what i am. I avoid generalisations like the plague. Then again, it just might be me...
lol greeker who care what nationality he was..if he Looks, walks and talks like an Indian then he could be from any of those countries..dont forget they were all part of INDIA once upon a time. Besides we sometimes generalise about every tom dick and hussain who wear the ghattra to be a Qatari!
From your text:
I see that he's an Indian guy.
From your explanation:
Note: to avoid any comments. The guy looked Indian and sounded Indian and could have been Sri Lankan, Bengali, Pakistani, i.e. from that region.
In that case, in my opinion, you should take off that first reference from the post. I really dont like when people generalise. You usually dont, but this gives an impression that you are.
But like PM said, i laud you for your levelheadedness. Its becoming so much rarer these days. And hey, its the season of forgiving and forgetting, you did the right thing!
The other day was the first time i can remember getting pissed off with someone at the traffic signal. as always big rush and people are still trying to push themselfs even as the yellow lights are about to shift to red causing them to block the traffic for the other cars to pass. Unfortunately I WAS sitting in the first car at the signal to move, and i had to go slightly around the cars that were blocking my way. Keep in mind its MY green signal and this BIG LANDCRUISER on the opp side thinks since the traffic is blocked he'll take a chance and run the red signal ( no there were no cams at this signal) so he tries that and he almost runs into my baby (my car) i stop just in front of him so i block his way. so i honk my horn and i'm like "where the hell do u think ur going?" and instead of admitting his mistake the arse hole honks back at me and is yelling inside his car for me to move.
So i clamly look behind me and notice no one else is there, then i look at his signal its still i just waited there blocking the BIG LANDCRUISER...bugger kept honking and finally when his green light came i moved out. If i'm in my right no one even try to Puck with Smoke coz to me it doesnt matter what ur wearing or what ur driving :)
i would like to see you with your temper whoami Lol.
Man, u r wicked and one of the cool people I've met, dont get down to their level. Btw he was a pakistani... I can tell by the amount of aggression lol. Just for the heck of it, tell him oh i didnt know that, wont happen again :P, he'll be speechless.
"Be Like a Flower, Which gives off it's fragrance
even to the hand that crushes it.
@abu, yes sure thing indeed.
@PM, I know right? I don't get annoyed that easily, but I was in pure shock! My Kuwaiti friend was even more shocked if you ask me.
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