2nd Hand Toy Sale

TOYS & THINGS SALE USED TOYS, BOOKS, CD’S, DVD’S & CLOTHES - FRIDAY 11 APRIL from 11am – 3pmQIPCO Compound in the West Bay (next to Doha Golf Course on the Lusail Road) Need some space in you kids’ cupboards and want to get rid of gently used/unwanted/not played with any longer toys, books, DVD, CD’s and clothes in good and working condition? Now’s your chance! Bring all your goods to the TOYS & THINGS SALE at Qipco’s multi purpose hall and do what you’ve been wanting to do for a long time…clean out those cupboards. The cost for setting up a table to sell your goods will be QR50 (to cover costs for renting the hall). Please note, you will need to bring your own tables/chairs to display your goods. For more information please contact:
Annalize or Claire M - 506 2169Email: [email protected]Email: [email protected] Deadline for bookings is 8 April 2008. To participate as a buyer/browser/window shopper, please RSVP to one of the above as your name needs to be on the gate list to enter the compound. RSVP by latest Thursday 10 April at 5pm. Raising funds for HIV/Aids charity in South African dealing with babies and toddlers www.littleangels.co.za
Nice... garage sale in qatar :D
We usually give out the toys for needy not sell them :/
"Be Like a Flower, Which gives off it's fragrance
even to the hand that crushes it.