Visit visa costs
By jayne_stax •
Hi there (again!)
My friend is coming over in May with her daughter (6 years old) to stay with me for a week. They both hold a UK passport, so obtaining the visa at the airport won't be a problem, but does anyone know how much (in QR or £ preferably) this will cost?
I never did it as I came in on a working visa so therefore didn't have to pay.
Thanks all :)
Jayne x
Thanks - from what I can gather from the link I think it will be 100QR for her and 50QR for her daughter.
Thanks for the tip about debit cards - why don't they accept cash?
If you have UK/ EU passport cost is QR 100 per person for a 1 month visa, you can only pay by credit or debit card (cash not accepted), this can be extended for a further month for the same amount at airport immigration.
Not sure if you will even have to pay for the childs visa.
"only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun"
Qrs.100 for 14 days,renewable only 14 days more
visit visa is @ 220.00 QR for one person for a month
extension is @200.00 per person per month