Myth of Monogamy
By skdkak closed 1... •
A new study finds faithfulness is a fantasy in the animal world
Unlike Eliot Spitzer, ex-governor of New York who had to resign last month after being exposed patronising high-priced prostitutes, male angler fish never stray once they’ve teamed up with a mate. But that’s only because they can’t. For when he finds a female, an angler fish bites into her and releases an enzyme that digests the skin of his mouth and her body, fusing the two into one organism. He then atrophies into nothing more than a pair of gonads which release sperm whenever the female needs it.
However, barring such extreme examples of forced fidelity, almost every other species of animal cheats on its partner — males a little more; females somewhat less. That’s according to a recent study by various zoologists who discovered that sexual promiscuity is rampant in the animal kingdom even among such romantically hyped creatures like swans, eagles and foxes who apparently pair-bond and remain faithful to each other for life. A simple DNA check on the offspring showed that their genetic make-up was far from being a pristine two-parental affair and routinely involved inherited hand-me-downs from mommy’s and daddy’s extramarital dalliances, flings and one-night stands.
But why did this finding come as such a shock to zoologists who’ve known even before the appearance of Richard Dawkins’s The Selfish Gene that nature’s one blind goal is to make as many viable babies as possible? For, in order for a species to survive, nature also requires mixture and diversity in offspring because the more the genetic variety, the greater the likelihood that they’ll be able to survive into adulthood and do well. One suspects the surprise is due to the tacit conviction that at some basic level humans are animals too and, therefore, similarly hard-wired to have multiple sexual partners.
Statistics bear this out somewhat. In the United States, for instance, slightly more than half of married couples remain monogamous. Which of course only means that slightly less than 50 per cent don’t. Does this in some convenient biological way excuse people like Spitzer of fornicating on the fly? It doesn’t. Whatever cultural codes go into making human bonding acceptable — and there are many variations involved here — it also implies an investment in the obligation. We are capable of rational thought and moral decision-making and that, ultimately, is what separates us from animals.
Well SKDKAK, animals (persumably) don't know about STD's, we do, which is why we have to be better behaved.
Well that is certainly to do with responsibility towards ones family and taking care of the members of ur family.
animals dont do more than feeding their little ones for some time. Unlike humans, we have a hell of a responsibility and with that comes your ability to earn so much as to take care of the needs.
in such a vicious circle of life, one tends to (not all but some do) have extra unwants / etc maritial affiars and relatinships only for two reasons
1. it gives u more excitement
2. no need to officially have any responsibility towards the other (2nd) partner.. I mean in most of the cases
I don't know the figures....but yeah one partner in your whole lifetime does seem almost impossible eh?
No I was referring to sex for procreation and not when in ones youth they are just trying to get laid lol.
When humans decide to start a family, they do so with one partner only....or at least most have done so in all regions and all times, spanning almost all cultures and all religions....interesting stuff to note eh? I wonder why that is?
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
RR: if monogamy is living with one partner at one given time then most of us have the tendency for it but if the meaning of monogamy is to have only one partner in ones lifetime then from time immorial and atleast male member of our species has never been monogamous.
there might be not more than 1% of such kind of males on this planet today who have not had more than one partners. that is irrespective of him being with one at one time.
Mila: report says all living beings want to be near MORE THAN ONE PARTNER.
In ur words, ""human being like to be with another human BEINGS (being) is normal."
Why don't humans have a maiting season?
Because we have the ability to CHOOSE with whom, when, where , and how often we wish to copulate.
So while we may feel the URGE to sleep around, the fact that humans have been monogomous (most of them anyways...or at least aspired to be...I can't honestly say if most are or not) from the time of earliest record speaks volumes in my opinion.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
human being like to be with another human being is normal.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
Gypsy: sorry there. Need to contact Mr. Spitzer and tell him our dear fella animals dont have concern about STD diseases.
How poor humans are... brains sometimes create havoc.
Think we were also dumb and dud creatures and what fun would we be living in without the knowledge of AIDS and other STD's.
Yes, but, in the case of Spitzer, allowing for the idea that humans are not meant to be mongamous, even if they are meant to be paired, doesn't mean that you can be reckless. Sleeping with prostitutes is not safe or healthy, you could bring a disease home to your family. Your family always has to be the main priority.
I guess I thought serial monogamy for about 6-10 years was understood to be human nature?
it sure does mean that and we should stop talking crap like ethics and one partner etc . LOL
I think all this proves is that it's a natural imperative for many species to raise children in a paired environment...even if the children aren't both parents child.