Primary school, what a nightmare.
I have read many post about schools and know that they have been increasing in price and have been filling up quickly along with waiting lists. It shouldn't be this hard.
Can you apply to schools before you arrive in Qatar ?
Some schools say your child needs to be assessed by the priciple. How can you do this before you even get there ?
Other schools want your Qatar Residency card, again you dont get one until you have been there for about 6-8 weeks ?????
I emailed 12 schools a month ago and only heard back from 3, all of which are already full
for September.
Can anyone really accept a position in Qatar without knowing for a fact that there children can actually get a spot in a school ???
My advice would be to get your applications in to EVERY school that you like the look of. Just e-mailing them to enquire about places is not enough, you must get your applications in, including all the necessary documentation. Then KEEP phoning them every week (seriously!) to find out what the situation is with regard to available spaces. That way the admissions officer at the school will definitely remember you. I managed to build up a very friendly relationship with a couple of schools this way. Also, try and get the kids out here for a holiday before you move out this will definitely pay dividends - you can do the rounds visiting all the schools and in turn the schools admissions officers can meet you and the kids. You can also let the kids do the entrance tests at the schools (not nice I know, but a necessity out here). I dont know if the British passport angle will work but theres no harm in trying. Also keep in mind that there will be lots of kids leaving Doha in the summer who wont return due to parents changing jobs etc (it seems to be a natural time to move job, country, employer etc) so places may well come up that way.
word of advice - definately play the UK passport card with ANY British school ;) x
we also have not arrived in Qatar yet.
My husband has plans to start in August although he has a choice to start whenever he likes. And we are still deciding on where he would like to be based as we also have a choice.
too many choices is never a good thing! Just wish we could choose a bigger paycheck
Like you we are also incredibly nervous about find a home. 2 homes in fact, one of us and one for my mother in law. And dissappointed about the schooling situation in Qatar.
Speaking of therapy I will not be arriving in Qatar until September as I have a spa holiday with my name on it! While my husband takes care of the munchkins.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
will be all too soon. They are impossible!!! I need Super Nanny times i drop my basket on a daily basis lately.
My DH leaves Friday for Qatar. I'm going to need therapy,etc. daily to handle this big move. How long have you been there? I'm excited! Our kids: 9-son, 6 & 4-daughters
We'll be joining in June. Along with the school headache, is finding a house.
Any ideas please? :)
lol you are better off them me.
I have ages 2 and 4 colouring on the walls at the moment. My 2 year old has just developed a fascination with toilet water. He is a boy!
I'm thinking of sueing them for damages due to the harrassment! But so far I can't find an attorney oops I meean husband to represent me.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
How many halos do you have? at this very moment my three (9, 6, & 4) have thrown theirs out the window.
lol I was thinking the same thing today helenann
Any kindergarden/ primary school teacher who would like to make a few extra bucks privately teaching my brats oops I mean angels?
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
this is anightmare to say the least!
My husband has alrady taken a position. Does anyone know if private teachers are available? May be a strange question, but hey.....
I agree with Novi, dont uproot the kids before securing a postion for them. THe schooling system is a nightmare here....
If your kids have Brit passports definitely play that angle with Doha College and DESS.
Ummm, research long and hard about the schools. There are two new schools opening this summer, but don't know much about them. Have a co-worker who went through all the expense and trouble of bringing 4 kids to Doha, only to not be able to find a school position for ANY of them. Quit and is leaving after only 8 months and great expense because of the lack of schooling. It is very much something to think about.
As a teacher, I know how bad the school situation is over here - our school is going to rapidly increase in size for September, and most of our classes are already full to capacity even with that!
RP shouldn't be a problem, because as the previous user said they do understand.
All I would advise is keep trying - and good luck!!
PS I don't think you would get your kids in anywhere firmly without them being here - could they come out just for a week or something??
Can you apply to schools before you arrive in Qatar ?
Very few school entertained you applying school before you arriving in Qatar. They dont normally entertained people by phone. However one of my friend who i met through this site, have managed to secure a place for her son in DESS through the phone / e-mail.
Other schools want your Qatar Residency card, again you dont get one until you have been there for about 6-8 weeks ?????
Most school understand about this one. They take your kid/s in ... and you can give the RP copy later on when you ready.
Can anyone really accept a position in Qatar without knowing for a fact
that there children can actually get a spot in a school ???
Is not advisable uprooting your kid/s without securing a school seat over here.