Job Offer Not Sure if I should come to Qatar?

Hello All,
Hope you can help. I have been offered a job as an IT Manager in Doha. I am UK based and on £60k per annumn as a package at home obviously paying a lot of tax! I am married and have 1 child who is 9.
I was intially offered 43,000 QR per month but declined the job. They has since increased this to 48,000QR per month and I have still said this is short, but it maybe the final offer, take it or leave it. And that is the question. Do you guys think this will give me a better/equvilant life than in the UK?
I want to:
Find a nice three bedroom placed to live in a reasonable decent area in commuting distance of the city centre.
Send my child to a good English school.
Have a good car like a 4x4 and maybe a second car for my wife.
Be able to afford to go out, i.e. activities for the kids/hobbies.
Be able to save a decent amount of money because I wont be getting a pension.
Im not looking for a flash lifestyle just comfertable like I am here, and with the ability to save a good lump so if I do return to the UK, its worth it.
On top of that I will need to send money home to make up the payments on my mortgage as the rent I charge wont cover the mortgage on my UK property.
Any comments would be good, I will have to decide sharpish as I have a UK offer on the table too, thanks everyone!
If anyone at human resources who hired you told you that you will be able to financially be able to handle all that you mentioned, rest assured they are misleading you. 50,000 Qr /month after realistic expenses and you will save nothing. Qatar sorry to say is extortionately expensive now. Leave the wife and child at home, live in a small hole here, and then you will be able to save something for yourself and family. GOOD LUCK.
Hello again,
Well I am not really offering a job. I am a Qatari holding an associate degree of business, IT diploma, CCNA, A+. Net+, Sec+, MCSE Diploma. Without a bachelor I cannot get anywhere near your offer.
I was interested in seeing in comparing your CV with your income since your in the IT industry as well! I can use some advice in my career path. That ofcourse: if you do not mind: I REALLY want to know what kind of qualifacations would get me that kind of salary!
No offence to anyone who live in a flat ... flat here very basic. Just a flat with a space for your car on the bottom of the building. One or two maybe have a gym or swimming pool. But most of them dont.
Except you want to spend QR 16.000 and up for a nice apartments like Beverly Hills, i found the flat in Doha is very less desirable.
If we have to live in a flat, thats the time we pack up from Qatar.
Yeah, I'm with dweller and the others. School fees have just gone up 20-25% at most schools and there is absolutely NO GUARANTEE AT ALL that you will be able to find any positions for your children in schools. Ignore what the schools say, there is NO guarantee. For me, that would be a bigger concern than the salary itself.
Just out of interest when you say "unless you want to live in a flat" what are flats like? Is this an apartment with access to Gym/Pool etc? Would these flats be any good?
Just wondering on this one! Thanks
Hello Nasserqa,
Do you mean you are looking for someone for a role? Do you have more information?
to you graeme.
I was interested, can I have a look at your CV please?
anytime Graem ... i guess with site like QL very hard for employer now to lure future staffs with false promises.
all the best for you Graem
Thank you all for your help. You have confirmed what I suspected and therfore I will not take up the offer, I have been offered another very good job in the UK working from home, with excellent prospects which I will take.
You never know I may come to Qatar in the future but only on the right package so may be on here again Thank You!!
I have my favorite stores I miss too for groceries and clothes !!! But I love the restaurants here especially Turkey Central and the Thai Snack so I guess its not a bad trade
tweety ... i miss shopping at Tesco
Novita is right on this one. QR 15000 is the minimum for a 3-bedroom villa in Doha. Don't forget utilities, cable, internet, phone, etc. They all eat into the budget too. Also compare the prices for groceries here versus the UK. I was suprised at the cost of groceries here compared to where I am from. Also most companies here offer expats and families a free ticket back home at least once a year or every other year.
I don't think I would take this offer - especially if you have to pay back the QR 40K for furniture if you don't stay.
property for 9000 is impossible. Except if you want to live in a flat. 3 bedroom villa will cost you QR 15.000 MINIMUM.
mate i liked him alot as a defender but its different ehn u r incharge........
i think he is too young for it
needs more time and experiace remember its primer league not division 2
anyway good luck to him
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QatarLiving football group
Maybe he wont do any wonders, but he will certainly have that Teeside passion and give people a kick who need it, plus he seems to like attacking football as we have seen with West Brom!
but dont think he can do any wonders
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QatarLiving football group
Well as I though this is take or it or leave it time.
My 48K pm is an all inclusive amount, they will not pay school or accomodation. They initially offered me 43QR pm and raised it by 5000QR pm which they say will cover the school. The senior manager is adamant that I can find a property for 9000QR per month is this at all possible, and if so will it be any good? I have my doubts.
They have talked about the growth, strong promotion prospects and high bonuses but I just dont know if this move is worth the risk. I will be provided with 40000QR for a furnature allowance.
Any final thoughts or comments on the above?
Thank you.
Greame, considering you are getting £60k per annum in the UK, my view is that the Qatari offer is better (I accept it does look a bit tight). Two other important factors are 1) your future salary raises and promotion propects in Qatar, and 2) the UK economic situation. Read today's FT FInancial TImes). The UK economy looks increasingly worrying and the UK prices are going further up. I think you can save up more in Qatar compared to what you will save in £60k in the UK (plus a better standard of living?). Best wishes with whatever decision you go with!
Wouldn't accept offer if they don't pay for housing and schooling. That simple.
Tell them you'll take 30,000QR a month but they pay for the above.
" if its not a good time, its a good story"
Thanks all for the comments,
As I say I think more money is required just to be sure. To answer the football question, yes Southgte is a good manager still very young and still learning but he has some potential. Shame about the FA Cup thought that performance against Cardiff was a disgrace.
I would have prefered a high profile manager for him to learn from but hey, yes I would definatley give him another season and see what happens. I would at some point love to see Tony Mowbray as manager, a true Teesider, lets hope the Baggies go up! (but dont beat us lol).
M.Khursheed Uddin
in terms of figures, it looks good but in real / practicle life you should think twice before accepting this offer, prices of all things are going sky high, inflation is uncontrolable. anyway I wish you good luck...
btw mate how do u like southgate???
and do u like him to stay incharge for another season?
************************************** [img_assist|nid=64346|title=saddavi|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
QatarLiving football group
i think its pretty good offer.
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QatarLiving football group
Well if you have a promise of bonuses and the its a good career move then go for it..
the pound is weakening and soon the pay will not seem so low!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
Dweller some things are better said by those who know better ;).
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
PH, what happened to your post about renting?
Thanks Dweller,
Thats good to hear a real view. I have gone back and asked for another 5000 QR pm plus school fees fully paid but it sounds as even that is not enough. As novita rightly points out I need to think about the future as I wanted to move for a decent length of time.
I am being told that the bonuses are excellent, but this is not guaranteed and really a bonus should be a bonus and not for paying bills.
The only other option is to go on my own, but then again why should I leave my familly behind to make a bit of money?
On the furniture front I have been offered 40,000QR which I would have to pay back on a sliding scale if I left within 4 years, If I stayed I wouldnt pay anything back.
I think unless a signifcant increase even more than what I asked for is not given I will stay here in the UK! Thanks again.
you do have to pay tax on the rental income.
Our daughter rented her property in the UK and had more than enough problems with maintenance and renters.
Property agents take a substantial amount of the rental and charge top (almost indecent) rates for any repairs that they undertake
mmm dweller is making sense! He's an intelligent man! Listen to him!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
dweller ... we only start saving significant amount by the end of 2nd year.
I would be extremely hesitant to accept that as an all inclusive amount.
As has been indicated earlier by others, housing costs are sky high, inflation is considerable and schooling is expensive.
Additional costs such as leave ticket (I am surprised that isn't catered for and is the only instance I have ever come across), transport allowance, social club membership and utilities will rapidly eat into your income.
You didn't mention furniture provision.
We reckoned that it was a couple of years before we could save anything and we had interest free car loan, furniture grant, shipping allowance, free accommodation and utilities, transport allowance and leave tickets. It takes time and money to establish a home from scratch.
graem ... the rent increase in Doha is unpredictable each year. School fees also increase 10 percents mins each year.
tickets to go back to the UK normally coast us about 7500 QR for 3 of us and sometimes more depend on the season.
you probably ok for the first few years, but when the inflation keep going up what would you do?
Is that a good salary without these things? I.e. I get the money the rest is up to me. They are not providing housing, education, tickets or a car, simply 48K per month for me to spend as I please.
Any thoughts?
"why don't you try to look at the classifieds not here in forum :D"
---> Kinsley, Graem asking for advice about his job offer, why on earth you referred him to classified? Care to explain?
thats salary is handsome with some facilities like housing,education,return tickets,car etc ,that normal here every company is being provided.
Yes its 48K per month all in. Except for medical which they pay when used.
Thanks again.
why don't you try to look at the classifieds not here in forum :D
and also medical of course ... mind you for good private hospital the consultation will set you about QR 300 a visit.
graeme, what other benefits are being offered. Is 48k all inclusive. what about things like annual ticket? is that separate?
3 bedroom villa not in the compound QR 15.000 a month minimum
Good english school (in this case i would say DESS) QR 8700 a term (if you can get in, very good school with long waiting list).
eating out for brunch in the hotel for 3 person at least QR 500 minimum
Good 4WD i would say about QR 100.000 and up. Not a 4WD obviously would be lesser than that.
I would suggest, ask your employer to pay the acommodation and school fully (not giving you the allowance).
Then the rest you just have to calculate your expenses in the UK.