Job Offer , Plz Help

I have been offered a job in Qatar and the package includ:
1- 13000QR / month------------------------Salary
2- 1500QR / month-------------------------Transport Allownce
3- Free 3bedroom house
4- Health insurance
5- The Education allownce not confirmed yet
6- Annual Tecket with 2month holiday
7- 60,000QR intrest free car loan
I am married and I have one daughter, I want to know is it good offer ? can we save? how much we can save per month?
Please tell me your opinions
Yes Raph it is teaching assistant at QU (Math),
Thanks all, do you think I can save with this package
dont settle with education allowance, ask for the school to be paid fully.
its a good offer
Seems that you are offered a job as instructor in Qatar University as per the description of the package.
What kind of position is this ?
For myself, I wouldn't have considered it at all.
Its fine but you won't save that much. You will live very well here. Ideally if your wife work aswell then you'd be on gravey train. Depends what your after.
What school you teaching at?
" if its not a good time, its a good story"
take it, it's a good offer.
take it!
14500 is a great offer. It actually depends on where u spend your money. If u choose a luxurious life or not. If u get education allowance then u will save up alot of money. Say around 7000 riyals. Which is around 1000 pounds. U can search other topics around the forum to know more information. This kind of questions have been repeated alot of times, they might be useful.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
"Be Like a Flower, Which gives off it's fragrance even to the hand that crushes it"--- Imam Ali (A.S)