Record breaking forum topic?

By FranElizabeth •
I have become shamelessly hooked on QL and was just wondering what the most controversial subject has been to date? Who was it by? Which has been the longest 'living' topic? Has there ever been an Uber post?
I can dig up some for more...
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
I think that my thread was pretty long and controversial. Maybe it's the longest thread? 626 posts and (counting!). It is called 'Saudis answer to Dr. Phil'and about men hitting women. Must re-read it all sometime.
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________
Mila, thank you also for the threads! It was really fun!
"tagalog pala ka bisaya baki..."
mila, thanks for posting the threads of your choice, i get the chance to read them. anyways i find THE RICH MAN thread most controversial. i dont know why i missed that thread. how come the author did not say anything to the comments? i guess its a total crap!
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
What changed your mind? Schooling?
...and yeah, I just decided I wanted to leave the country. Jumped on a flight with just hand luggage and haven't looked back. Some of my friends thought I must have been on the run! LOL (I'm not by the way!)
I was originally supposed to be coming out in Jan. You crazy maverick type, you.
Yeah, some of what people post can be really frustrating at times though!
Shocking yes, but no religious preaching please.
22nd Aug??? That's a lifetime away! I only started looking into Qatar a few weeks before I came to the Middle East. I'm just crazy like that though.
start thinking of something shocking to say! ha..
Should be 22nd Aug but no contract as yet. Think if it all fell through, I'd still be hooked on QL. Can't remember the last time I watched something on TV! QUALITY entertainment:))
Very True!!!
...and yes Corne started all the trouble with one of her 1st threads.
The same thread title that seems to pop up every few weeks! lol
Got a date set yet?
-is usually the bad news, so I try to ignore it:) ....
I don't think there's anything wrong with your thinking. Just your reading!
It says under this section
"This is the old Forum...this stuff will be moved to other categories (eventually). Please do not post new posts here..."
ooo so one of my first topics here was one of the most contraversial ? Awesome
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
You can't teach experience...
Cheers for that.. Just checked out Western man/ asian woman... what is a watwat????!!! I love it. I'm stealing that
erm.. it's about old forums?????!!!!! Lateral thinking? Or just stoopid? :)
Why did you post this thread in the old Forums section??
yep.. and proud:P (not sure about the sheep loving thing though).. ha Richard.. I noticed Realsom's hufty! I wasn't sure if that was for real
It's better than Jerry Springer!! If it WAS Jerry Springer, who would be Jerry? And who would be the bouncer? ROLF
thexonic - if that happened I think QL would lose a lot of users. The controversy is what keeps some people coming back here. Plus everyone would start screaming about freedom of speech.
what happenned with my reply??? hihiihi missing in delivery.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
okay i will try one more time, hope this one the mod not delete my post. finger cross.
The most controversials thread so far to me are:
1. Saudis answer to Dr. Phil (about wife bashing) by diamondgirl
2. Top Secret by Cherie
3. The rich man thread by Birdgang
4. Western man with asian woman by cornellian
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
All the threads that could create violence and disturbance in the forum should be deleted.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
"Be Like a Flower, Which gives off it's fragrance even to the hand that crushes it"--- Imam Ali (A.S)
Friendsheep. There is a lot of friendsheep going on here.
Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children dragons can be killed. G.K Chesterton
Lets see if we can make FranElizabeth "kick off". How about it you leek eating, sheep loving, Pobol Y Cwm watching valleys girl ;-)
Asian girls and white guys tends to get everyone fired up.
"Salary Ranges in Qatar" by Dalila is a thread that continually pops up even though it's from March 2006.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
That's the one, Red Cajun. It was hilarious. I was reading some of the stupid comments I made a year and a half ago. Unfortunately, I am still making them.
Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children dragons can be killed. G.K Chesterton
i think richard referring a thread posted by someone call Red Cajun or something like that?
It happens all the time. Just today Realsom threw all of his toys out of his baby carriage and went off in a sulk.
Mila, good to see you have your signature back.
Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children dragons can be killed. G.K Chesterton
Just read a few of the threads from the Politics/Religion forum - people are always making enemies and renewing old feuds in there! From the way some of them go off on one you'd imagine they'd rip each other to shreads if they ever met each other in person. It'd be interesting to see what would actually happen, as people tend to be for more confrontational when they're hiding behind a computer screen.
i dont know richard, i was posting some link the most controvisals thread and suddenly just gone. Da u doing this to me man??
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
Has anyone actually fallen out permanently over anything? lol. I find it darkly amusing when someone 'kicks off' haha.. some of the folk on here should be in Politics...
What happened to your signature. Everybody is right Everybody is wring, it depend whe
What happend to the re you stand. Is someone trying to censor you?
Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children dragons can be killed. G.K Chesterton
What about "how old to spank your children thread", i thought that was pretty contreversial and some tempers flared..
That was started about two years ago and is still going. It was hilarious. It was started by an American girl (Redwing?) on behalf of her sister and soon degenerated into an argument between the sisters. Plus all the usual loonies joined in. Good thread.
The adultery one of more than a year ago is also still going.
Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children dragons can be killed. G.K Chesterton
religious topic
polygamy's spell plz
hate you amercia or west