Calls to UK

Hello der.
Does anyone know of any cheaper ways for me to phone home [no ET jokes please].
My wife uses a system in the UK where she buys a card that allows her to call me a lot cheaper than it would cost normally.
The card has a code on it that she has to dial first, then she dials my number.
Is there anything like that I can use here to phone the UK?
Thanks in advance. :p
Thanks Rayyz,
Thanks for sharing that info with us all.
The only problem I have is I have no land line yet so it has to be cheaper mobile calls for now.
Call me Maninibat!
now a days lots of websites providing this type of facilities , if u need to call on any land phone in uk its 100% free on some , eg:- try its free for calling uk land phones , and its free for some other european countries... and there is other one called and the recharge card for that u can buy shops on sofitel... but note , for land phone its freee for u .......
Calls thru hala card (prepaid) or even postpaid mobile phones for that matter are more expensive than calling thru normal Q-Tel landline as they add per minute airtime charges to the international rates.
i.e. Say calls to UK are Qr. 2.00 per minute. Calls made from Q-Tel's landline you only have to pay 2.00 net. However, if you do call from prepaid you pay 2.00 + .60(?) = 2.60 per minute and for postpaid you pay 2.35 per minute.
E4U Presents
"DJ Aqeel - Live in Qatar"
@ Qube, Ramada Plaza Doha on April 4, 2008
Call me Maninibat!
VOIP routers aren't openly sold at computer stores in Qatar. However, I can let you know few shops at Sofitel that sell them.
Basically what Umsarmad was talking about is prepaid calling cards you get at shops at Sofitel. The shopkeepers bulk credits in bulk and sell them to end users like you at smaller denominations. It is slightly expensive than buying it online by yourself, but saves you from the risk of exposing your credit card details online. I'm not trying to say that Yahoo voice or Skype is risky, they're pretty safe and I've used them before to buy credits when I didn't have VOIP router installed.
E4U Presents
"DJ Aqeel - Live in Qatar"
@ Qube, Ramada Plaza Doha on April 4, 2008
any cold stores i guess
Mr Paul,
Can you remember where you bought them, where I can buy them please?
Umsarmad and Rayyz, I assume I can get the items you mentioned at computer stores?
Many Thanks,
Call me Maninibat!
I've installed a voip router at home that connects to my normal cordless phone. This cancels out the hassle of switching on your PC and logging onto MSN / Skype everytime for making calls. Just pickup the phone and dial at internet rates! I think calls to US/UK are charged at .02 cents per minute.
In fact, I've installed a similar device at my home in India and now I just have to dial a four digit number, more like office intercom, to talk to my parents that too for FREE cos we are not using any GSM or local telephone service provider. It is complete IP to IP telephony! :)
E4U Presents
"DJ Aqeel - Live in Qatar"
@ Qube, Ramada Plaza Doha on April 4, 2008
you can buy prepaid card called justvoip and to UK it is free ie you just pay for susicription and loud it to your computer and call from PC
buys, dial a number, then the number you use.
When i was in Qatar, you got 23 mins for 50 QR i think, not bad i guess.
Ok thanks Matey.
Does that code make it cheaper, or is it just to get through to UK?
Call me Maninibat!
i only use my mobile dial +44207 and rest :D
Skype and msn for video conferencing, one seems to work when the other one doesn't
Thanks y'all.
Call me Maninibat!
there is a Skype mobile that uses Wi-Fi, a friend of mine bought one at the U.A.E., i don't know if it is already available in the market here in doha
- live your life as simple as you are
- money doesn't create man, but it is the man who created money
- don't do what others say, just listen to them, but do what you feel good
JBH, i know what u r talking about- no, there is no such thing in here, i have never seen it.
but, as mentioned here, u can use voice over net option.
If you're looking for a problem, you're probably gonna find one.
check voip it and u can get its recharge card easily from anywhere
"Imagination is more important than knowledge"
Thanks ohbee wan.
I am getting skype set up soon, but was wondering about using mobiles.
I'll Google it.
Call me Maninibat!
we use skype to communicating with family in the UK
all of my colleagues from the UK and the rest of Europe are using Skype :)
- live your life as simple as you are
- money doesn't create man, but it is the man who created money
- don't do what others say, just listen to them, but do what you feel good