pregnant & need advice!!! help!

hi there,
i'am currently pregnant with my 2nd child and due sept, i have a serious headache from not being insured for the al ahli hospital and trying to find somewhere i can have my baby, i'am told that the hamad is the only main hospital here but that when in labour you husband cannot be with you, which of course distresses me, i cant go home to have my baby (uk) as my son starts school in sept and with me going home he would miss 10 weeks of school which i cannot do! so here is my dilema!! we are insured by alico insurance and i have no idea what i'am going to do, does anyone have experiences with the health care in pregnancy in doha that could advise me? i know that the al ahli hospital is the best and we have been cared for by them from day1 of arriving here but we have medical bills in the thousands of riyals that my husbands company and insurance will not pay out so we can no longer afford to be patients there, any advise anyone could give me would be very gratefully appreciated
Thanks for that. Progress at last!
It wasn't a c section it was a normal birth.
Dweller - I'm pretty sure that part has at least changed. My friend was able to have a girl friend in there with her. Probably not for a c-section though.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
giving birth at home?
is that comon in Qatar?
sorry for hijack but i really want it to know.
delivered in the HMC and even her mum was not allowed to be a birthing partner.
The door was closed firmly in my wifes face.
That however was 13 years since, maybe times have changed
I have heard many woman talk about giving birth at Hamad and they have had good experiences but you should now it is very hit or miss depending on what doctor you get. If you have no other option financially, go to Hamad, talk to the doctors and see how you feel about things. They do have private rooms available that are affordable. I had my son at Al Ahli and it was a good experience.
Here's a couple links for some more info:
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Have a trusted good friend (or your mom from UK) go with you to Hamad. I've heard that as long as you have someone there (female of course), they are OK. I think in your situation that might be your best alternative. The husband can be there in the waiting room, just not in the labor & delivery room. Sorry for your problem. What lousy company does not pay any medical?
Also, how old is the son? If he is 17 and in his senior year, then yes, missing too much school is not advisable. If, however, he is 6, then a couple of weeks won't really matter. You can travel with your newborn when he's about 2 weeks old, although it is not easy. Actually it's mostly not easy on you, small babies tend to sleep very well on airplanes. So you have to decide what is more important to you. Your son starting school on time, or your husband in the delivery room. Good luck to you. may you have a healthy baby.
angelicwave, have you check like Doha Clinic or American Hospital? They should be slightly cheaper than al ahli (not too sure by how much).
If you want to cut the bill down by alot i guess your alternative would be Hamad Hospital. And yes the father cant present at birth (which why we opt for private when i had my son 7 yrs ago).
PS: Have you got your health card sorted yet?