Studying in Texas A and M University Qatar

I am currently studying in Pakistan. I have now to start university and am faced with many choices. I have good opportunities in pakistan, but there is also a chance rather fair amount of chance that i will be accepted at the Texas A and M University Qatar. The problem is that i do not have sufficient information about the Qatar branch of this Texas Univesity for example: its acredition and its standard etc. And regarding the universities in Pakistan; I have all the information recquired but only two of Pakistan's universities come in between 400 to 500 top universities and none above 400. Therefore any body who has some information about the Texas A and M University Qatar, please help me. I will be obliged and thankful for your help.
Muhammad Tahir
Do you have first hand knowledge or are you making an assumption?
I suppose the proof will be in the first class to graduate from TAMU-Q.
it would be unfair to rank the Qatar Texas A&M alongside the Texas A&M in the US... I am sure Qatar TAMU aspire to be the same and I am sure that they would have done everything to make them the same... but I still don't think they are the same in terms of recognition, facilities, placement prospects, alma mater, industry relations etc...
Per the Texas A&M Qatar website:
"The curricula offered at Texas A&M University at Qatar is identical to that which is offered at the main campus in College Station, Texas. "
The 2008 edition of the US News and World Report ranks the Texas A&M University Dwight Look College of Engineering graduate program tied for 14th and the undergraduate program 17th among U.S. universities. Among public institutions, the undergraduate program and graduate program are ranked 9th and 8th, respectively.
Good luck with your decision.
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