In search for food....

Hi to all~
as I have gone through some of the forums and responses its seems like there is a tight community of friends. I admire that. As my work forces me to be in Doha more and more
I hope to be a part of the community someday ^^ but for now, I am in need of advice..
I will be in Doha next week for 11days, and it would be an huge help if I knew some more places that had excellent cusine. Oh I was there for 4 months when the Asian Games happened, and I did find some really good places, but since I am going back, I would like to try new stuff as well.
What I am looking for... in GENERAL... something that will be worth eattin..;P
The restraunt doesn't even have to be exquist.. in truth I've found that the smaller, hush hush restraunts have more depth and regulars AND its cheaper lol.....
From Indian to Thai, I love em all.. if its tasty, I am willing to experience!
To cut things short.. if you know any good places and was willing to share the knowlegde, I would love reading about it... and definitly try it out once i'm there..
Thanks for reading. ;D
Hold on a sec, you scooting off alright, but you didnt let me and smokey what you getting us from Malay land...
Be nice and tell us what ya getting us from over there...other than yourself ofcourse...
see i told ya we could count on KSA , (never fear KSA IS here)hehhehhehheh ok buddy ya gotta take over for now as i am supposed to be out the door roundabt now need to send me cat for boarding for the week, back in a bit you guys.....take care and if i dont see yall later see yall when i get back next fri--- toodles and over and out
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Life2live..nope..they don't each other. they are vegetarians.Any new drug or cosmetic will be used on it, before releasing in market...Uff....end of class.
Alright people, KSA in the house...I m sure people miss me around...O well, even if it is for food in da house...doesnt I am...
Alright but this aint interesting, i thought we were talking about actual food...
And speaking of which, I can always be a good cook and a good critic as anyone of you lovely ladies want to avail my services (Critic Services...) its free of cost...Lol...
hey we talkin abt food here not which animal eats the other animal .....geeesh life2life my apetite just went flying out the balcony......>sighs
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
just as we are on the topic of guinea pigs.. are they the ones who eat each other?? or was it hamsters... humm.. confusing... back to work...
shhh not so loud we dont want ksarat stampeding in here looking for food
syamsat - if ya could call it that?lol or to put it nicely lets say a 'food critic' sounds better dont it?lol
yah KSA where the heck are ya??
life2 live - yes he is the one always hungry too...............loll
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
I am a fulltime guinea pig ??
thanks fer the invitation =) and I take it from spicemom that so called KSA is some sort of a food guru? if that's the case.. yeah... where are u KSA =P~
yr wife is just like me syamsat we experiment in the kitchen alot hence we need 'guinea pigs' hehehehhehhehheheh
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
each and every day without fail we talk abt food in here, err KSA now where are ya , the food topic is now on , are ya listenin??
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
I am inviting you to my home. You can taste good food ...(My wife is experimenting in kitchen of late)
scribble.. scribble... noted =) thanks
Far East Restaurant (Thai) - Al Naser Street (Mirqab)
Turkey Cental - Al Naser Street (Mirqab)
PAUL - In Villaggio
getting hungry here.... is this thursday going to last for ever???
the "dry weekend" news depress me already....
there is search button on top of this theard and search for your restaurant you refering to.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.