The Prophet's Recommendation Allah bless and greet him - to Ibn `Abbas in Which He Describes the Habits A Believer Must Have With Allah Almighty
Al-Tirmidhi narrated from Ibn `Abbas - Allah be well-pleased with both of them! - that he said:
"I was [riding] behind the Prophet one day and he said to me: 'O my boy! I shall teach you certain words. Keep Allah [with you], and He shall keep you. Keep Allah [with you], and you shall find Him facing you. If you ask for something, ask Allah. If you seek help, seek it from Allah. Know with certainty that if the entire Community gather together to support you, they can benefit you nothing except in what Allah has foreordained for you; and if they gather together in order to harm you, they can harm you in nothing except in what Allah has foreordained against you. The quills have been raised and the records are dry.'"
Imam Ahmad added in his narration: "Seek to know Allah in the time of prosperity and He shall know you in the time of affliction. Know that perseverance in the face of what you hate is an immense good, that help lies with patience, deliverance with trial, and with hardship goes ease."
Actually it is assumed people already know the existance of Allah in his/her Fitrah.
The messengers were sent as a guide as how to establish the worship of Allah whilst living in this world and being of the successful.
So like every test we must have a teacher and a book on the subject. The prophets are our teachers and the Book is the Quran. And knowledge mandates action.
And in every verse in the Quran it is a benefit for ourselves and the only action which is for Allah is the prayer. And even then we still benefit! So people who strive due to greed, wealth, status and pride are only harming themselves yet they do not realize it!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
Allah has sent messengers since Adan (as) to know the existense of Allah. This is the method opted by Allah.
However it is evident from this Hadith of Prophet Mohammed (saws).
Hope it clarifies.
Jazaka Allah khair
subhanallah...may allah bless u
U Cant change ME and dONt EVen TrY
Just a thought...
"If you seek help, seek it from Allah.", I was wondering if this is the case then
whey did Allah send messengers?
It's always the small things that make big differences.
MashAllah !