QL I Have a problem

Ok, I know YOU QLRS know everything about Qatar.
Now I have spend more than 2 weeks trying to talk with Non-English speakers to get some information.
Let me explain you guys what I need.
My company is going to have a party for all the workers. (Concert) according with the people of Ras Laffan Industrial City we need to fill one application form. in QBS Qatar Broadcasting Service. or I dont know which office in Doha.
In this form I believe I have just to put the info of the company, the day of the event. type of event and blah blah blah. (Qatar Sucks)
Ok I have this number 489-44-44 They are nice the first minute until I SCREAM ENGLISHH!!!!
Then they dont answer the phone, I know why LOL.
Darude, Novita, Mila, Richard, Speed, My brother, Canary, Mom, Pope (Looks like the Super Friends list) Superman, Batman, Robin, Incredible woman. I need everyone here.
Note: QBS its inside the TV Complex by the TV Roundabout, if You go to the Gate the dont know ($·%*) some people give me ramdom numbers and guess all of them were Arabian people. I couldnt talk with anyone.
Can you guys could help me to get this FORM.
Thank you guys.
This is what I have.
1. Location
2. 4000 Workers
3. Band
4. Sound System
5. Performers
6. Food & Drinks (Non Alcoholic) for all of them.
7. Gifts.
I just need the Bloddy Form to make the party for them :)
But thanks anyway with all your information.
The Venezuelan Sensation!!!
I can give you contacts for 2 bands here in Qatar but no arabic singers among them :)
Try Ramada..
try diplomatic club too bro.. they can do this stuff
You give me an Idea, Let me contact Master Jay. He should know about it. He is always making parties in Doha.
The Venezuelan Sensation!!!
skanky, i make 400ppl party before and marriot does it for us in their ballroom. i must say it was boring as no live music but good food and good room design.
Maybe we can try to get it by E-mail, Fax.
Please do not go there because I dont want you people waste your time.
If anyone make a party for the company or any type of event before should know the procedure....
Keziah17 send me the link of your post. Maybe I can help you.
Thanks everyone. QL ROCKS.
The Venezuelan Sensation!!!
good thing u r only asking for a form...i was asking for washroom and nobody seems to understand me...
tip for expats - know the language!
skank, talk to khanan he might be able to help you. you got his number? i will pm you his number now. he is very helpfull.
what do u call that form? and who to contact for the form?
So what do you want from us to collect the form and bring it to you or to get someone to call them and get the necessary information??
ana mafi speaking arabic skanky.......
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
how can i go there i dont even speak arabic?
wait brother, help is coming..