Cartoonist vows to sell Prophet row drawing

By skdkak closed 1... •
London: A Danish cartoonist whose drawing of the Prophet Mohammed sparked riots across the Muslim world wants to sell the original drawing “to make something out of a difficult situation”.
The small, ink cartoon is locked in a bank vault as Kurt Westergaard, 72, hides from Islamic militants who have vowed to kill him. The threats have made his life miserable but he puts a brave face on his plight.
His drawing, featuring a bomb in the prophet’s turban, is by far the most famous of a dozen “Mohammed cartoons” published three years ago by Jyllands-Posten, the Danish paper Westergaard works for.
It could command great interest at auction. Auction houses, however, were voicing doubts about the wisdom of putting such a controversial item on sale. “It’s too hot to handle,” said Franck Lombrail, an auctioneer in Paris.
One option for Westergaard might be to put the cartoon up for sale on the internet. A less well-known Mohammed cartoon went for £1,500 in an internet auction. Already Westergaard has had offers: on Tuesday, he received a letter from Martin McNally, who is serving life in America for hijacking an aircraft in 1972, offering to buy the cartoon.
“What is he planning to do with it?” asked Westergaard. “Will he hang it up in his cell?”
The small, ink cartoon is locked in a bank vault as Kurt Westergaard, 72, hides from Islamic militants who have vowed to kill him. The threats have made his life miserable but he puts a brave face on his plight.
His drawing, featuring a bomb in the prophet’s turban, is by far the most famous of a dozen “Mohammed cartoons” published three years ago by Jyllands-Posten, the Danish paper Westergaard works for.
It could command great interest at auction. Auction houses, however, were voicing doubts about the wisdom of putting such a controversial item on sale. “It’s too hot to handle,” said Franck Lombrail, an auctioneer in Paris.
One option for Westergaard might be to put the cartoon up for sale on the internet. A less well-known Mohammed cartoon went for £1,500 in an internet auction. Already Westergaard has had offers: on Tuesday, he received a letter from Martin McNally, who is serving life in America for hijacking an aircraft in 1972, offering to buy the cartoon.
“What is he planning to do with it?” asked Westergaard. “Will he hang it up in his cell?”
Hmmm... I think you're confusing acts of aggression with simple definition.
The term "Communism" is not a bad term, it has just been portrayed that way and by people who often do the same atrocities that you mention in the name of Capitalism.
There are two sides to every coin and it is people who commit atrocities, not ideals!
Maybe I don't like communist because of the great atrocities - genocide and so on done in the name of Marx, Mao, Lenin, Stalin!
So people even walk around with a t-shirt saying Che Guevara or even having an iconic picture of - in other parts of the world he would be considered just a big criminal as a Heydrich t shirt or a Himmler t shirt
Communism has not let to anything good anywhere in the world - socialism has I admit as a liberal voter (liberal in DK is a moderate right wing party)
Communism is just demagogue direction as Fascism and Nazism
- I took the blue pill and found myself alive in Qatar - wish I had taken the red and stayed in Europe
Realsome... he's putting his after life for sale. It's a shame.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
Good to know you're feeling better, and yes thanks PM. I now have a selection! but it'll only be for a few days I hope, I also have viewings with some estate agent.
Wish me luck!
Thank You, PM.
How are you today?
"...In certain countries you can even found or be a member of a Nazi party or be a communist - everything goes!..."
Since when was the ideals of communism as bad as being a Nazi?
I admit communism rarely works in reality, but c'mon???
The theories in principle are founded on good ideals!!!
first you say: "you can denie all you want....but only the idiots who do that"
then you say: "we can joke of the gay French Prince... even in public...that's the beuaty of free speech"
I can prove to you that this is hypocracy. Just reverse it and see:
"you can denie all you want....even in public...that's the beuaty of free speech....we can joke of the gay French Prince but only the idiots who do that"
Just a bit of clarification:
In Germany and Austria - denial of the holocaust and the use of the swastika is a federal crime! Otherwise everything else is freedom of speech - this is ofcourse because of the history and the following burden that the germans and austriaa accepted after 2nd worldwar. So for those 2 things and maybe a few other things its illegal because of the history!!!!
In the rest of Europe/Northern America you can denie all you want and use the swastika as you want - of course that's only the idiots who do that. In certain countries you can even found or be a member of a Nazi party or be a communist - everything goes! It might not be beautiful but the entire concept is that you can do it because freedom of speech!
In my country we can joke of the gay French Prince married to the Queen of DK. AND WE DO - even in public - that's the beuaty of free speech - everything goes even though it's not political correct as the Mohammed drawings or the Jesus movies (heck even Life of Brian was extremely controversial - but still funny as hell except for a few right wing christians that did not get the joke...
PM: Sorry about the spelling error - my point was just to point out how controversial a lot of religious FAMOUS paintings are! As well as movies and so on! And still is
- I took the blue pill and found myself alive in Qatar - wish I had taken the red and stayed in Europe
i think some people can not properly govern their emotions, which is a pity.
you need to read my posts more carefully.
i clearly said that i do not agree with the cartoons.
whether you believe the holocaust happened or not, it is not the same thing as a cartoon.
if you want to talk apples to apples, talk about what happens when offensive cartoons about Jesus are published. talk about how you think westerners are outraged when that happens but not when the prophet is insulted (or whatever you believe).
honestly man, comparing it to the holocaust makes you look a little ridiculous, especially when doing it with someone who agreed that the cartoons were published only to piss people off, and someone who clearly said that free speech is also under threat in the west (or part of it).
their wives beat them
Anyways the life of this cartoonist is in danger.
he can be killed any time..
May be this poor soul is trying to make some bucks before he die ...
oh I cant beat my wife...and there is no sunah evidence for this....its only practised in some countries for cultural purposes which I totally think is wrong.
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
Between questioning a historical fact.....and questioning what someone "believes"....I still think you have the right to question everything!
But I also reiterate the difference between supporting the message ("what" is said) and defending someone's right to say something (whatever it may be).
Just as it IS possible to be pro gay rights without being gay.....I am pro free speech even while I may disagree with "what" is being said!
I don't know how much clearer I can make my fingers are aching, and its almost time to head to class.
On another point....finally got to a 1,000 QL points yay!
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
and the story of insulting a prophet? "Freedom of speech"?
You see the double standards that I am concerened about & you are practicing?
"If they are the same thing to you, then that speaks volumes about you."
I also can say the same about you; if you think that insulting a prophet is the same like publishing real facts about a 'holocaust', then that shows what kind of person you are.
Again, there can be double standards here.
The holocaust is an event that resulted in 6 million people being murdered. It was an attempted genocide.
I don't see how any cartoon can compare to that. If they are the same thing to you, then that speaks volumes about you.
Now, let's assume you could prove that the holocaust did not happen - in that case I would defend your right to speak out about it. But you can't because it is a story that antisemites use to justify their bigotry.
Two wrongs don't make a right, and so your argument is moot. Having said that, freedom of speech is a right that many believed was under threat by President Bush, and you are right when you say that it is under threat in the west. Freedom of speech is like all other rights - they will always be under threat from some people who would chose to do away with them in their quest to accumulate more wealth and power.
and I also think that people should have the right to express themselves, not put them in prison because we don't agree to their studies
it is the same issue so no need for you to change it.
either freedom is ensured for all, or all should be imprisoned.
You can't imprison those who publish the real figures, hail those who insult other religions, and then claim that you are practicing freedom of speech. This will logically result in people being extremists.
of course there are taboo subjects in the west.
look at mel gibson's movie "the passion of the christ" - there were jewish groups who protested that movie saying it was antisemetic.
i thought those groups were silly, and i did not agree with them. but, i defend their right to speak up and protest peacefully.
Try to publish a column in one of the newspapres about any of the issues you mentioned & see how many muslims around the world will go in protests & riots....almost none!
Anyway I was asking about taboo issues IN THE "WEST"
BTW, during the years, I have read some articles in newspapres about the issues you mentioned. Articles that were listing facts/history/figures, not bashing any party. I found them quite reasonable.
Well we all know what happens when Egyptians went rioting.
i don't think your lack of focus adds to this discussion.
if you believe the holocaust did not happen, please start a fresh post and list your reasons/evidence.
if you read my post again, you will see that i defend freedom of expression, and not everything that is said by people exercising that right. there is a big difference - i hope you see that.
i hope you come back on topic, as that would keep things interesting.
So what does that figure has to do with this subject? What about the genocide of shi'as in Saudi at the early 19th century?the figures of Islamic brotherhood been tortured & killed in Egyptian prisons?Figures of genocide of sunnis in iran?Kurds?Aren't those subjects also taboos in our region
Sorry qatar designer but the fact is that people ARE followed & imprisoned in Europe/'west' if they publish the real facts about the so-called 'holocaust'. So what you are saying is not true. Once we see that people around the world will be free to issue facts & real figures, then we will believe that the 'west' has 'freedom of speech'. But when this is ONLY practiced with insults to religious figures, then the only explanation is that it is "hate-directed"
I fail to see how you expect me to tell Europe and Denmark how they should legislate their affairs!
But you can bet your last dollar that as a voting Canadian I let my goverment know how I think we should legislate our affairs!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
if you read my previous post you'll realize that this is the ONLY taboo issue in the 'west'. Do you have in mind any other taboo issue?
That is what i'm trying to say but apparently my thoughts are scattered all over the place today! Very concise, thank you.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
you should tell that to Europe/the west....including Denmark. All people in Denmark should be free to investigate & publish about the 'real figures'
That a lot of people do not agree with a lot of things.....I say again that in my opinion, censorship is not the answer!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
whew! hot thread!
why do you insist on bringing " holocaust" into this subject? unless you're airsupply!
you have the right to insult whatever faith you want, but one would hope that you exercise your right to freedom of speech in a mature manor.
if you don't then that would be a shame, but not a reason to come after you.
that is the whole point here. freedom of speech is a right, and the fact that some will abuse that right (like the danish paper) does not mean that it should be taken away from others.
what happened in denmark is unfortunate, but it does not change the belief that many have regarding freedom of speech.
"people demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom us." kierkegaard (danish philosopher).
a lot of people don't agree with that cartoonist. So what?
If you disagree with their findings you should try and discredit them NOT imprison them!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
in this case scholars who don't find it offensive to publish books about real figures, should not be imprisoned
I cannot be held aacountable for that! oh, well maybe I can...anyways LOL
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
What if THEY find it offensive?
I mean presumably the creator of the cartoons did not find HIS own work offensive, you did!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
but 'slowing getting it'? That's new (advanced English)
on the day I find an 'offensive' item in 'my book', I will not follow it. So far, it is a PERFECT book.
Have you never heard of the expression "slowly getting it"? LOL
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
anything wrong with your "advanced enough" English, rangarock?
You'd be fine with them banning your holy book?
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
"if Billions of people told you your religion is insulting to them, would you back down?"
But that does not give me the right to publish insulting cartoons about buddha for example, just because I don't recognize this faith
Yes UmYaMal, it should apply to everything, and slowly but surely it is.
Keem: havent u ever heard this saying
U demand respect only after u deserve it.
No one has in the history ever got respect by force. U are respected when people love u and u are only shown respect when u dont deserve it
Also not fear and respect to make funny cartoon about Jesus
Better late than never eh?
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
But if Billions of people told you your religion is insulting to them, would you back down?
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
"Many people don't like it, and if that is the case, they either ignore it or say that they think it is bad taste. There,khalas."
This should be the reaction for ANY issue...not just religions & prophets
No it isn't Keem. Respect is earned, not enforced.
What benefit gain from insulting and not respect to billion of Muslims
If billion of Muslims feel insulted and not respected, this is enough to back up and respect us
Gypsy: all christains are gonna be after my head. Guess what. I need Z class security. LOL
They are both funny, but I just read a book on Jesus and the possible truth of the raising of Lazarus, so that one is particularly humourous.
But then again nothing is sacriligious to me.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
LOL! love the Jesus one SKDKAK
The whole point of an editorial cartoon is to make light of a sensitive subject. Now I will agree that those particular cartoons weren't all that clever, I mean Mohammed with a bomb in his turban isn't exactly an act of artistic or satrical genius, however the purpose was to make you question Islam and you knowledge or beliefs of it. So now the whole world knows that if you draw a picture of Mohammed you will receive death threats and dozens of people will die in useless point made with the bomb in the turban I guess.
And i'm under no illusion that they were published in order to prtotect freedom of expression!
But once they were published, that's when I come to the defense of this freedom, even If it means putting up with offensive stuff....but at least you understand what i'm trying to say, unlike UhYaMal who is putting words in my mouth.
And you are 100% corrcet in saying that a violent reaction (to ANYTHING) totally detracts from the message of the protest!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
there is no problem in these cartoons
but apparently your english is not advanced enough to understand the concept of the difference bewteen harming another person vs insulting their beliefs.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
words of wisdom buddy.
i found the cartoons offensive, in that they were published only to piss people off. i don't believe it was about freedom of speech, even though i agree with you that they have the right to say what they want.
i found the response to them offensive too - it's a real shame that the protests were not peaceful (or that some protesters were not). it's kinda like the antiglobalization campaigners. a few years back there was always trouble and violence, and sure enough the next day the message was lost because the media only talked about the destruction.
i would have more respect for the danish paper if they just admitted that all they wanted to do was kick off a sh$# storm and see what happened.
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I
according to rangarock, there is absolutely no insults or disrespect in these cartoons???!!!
By some other people's defintions Islam is insulting and offends billions of people too.....
So since we all have different definitions, how can we guarantee everyone's rights to believe in what they want?
The freedom to choose that's how!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
If some ignoramous draws bad cartoons, you are saying the only 2 options are:
1) censorship
2) tit for tat cartoons to see who can offend the other more?
Wow those are bad choices, but for me, IF those were the only 2 options, I would choose #2 over censorship!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Please pardon my bad language, but i'm just trying to illustrate a point.
We used to cover this in self defense classes....the psychology of a confrontation. Often before a fight starts, some guys will initiate verbal sparring. They will say stuff like I "slept" with your mother last night. Most guys will fly off the handle at hearing that....when if you think about it, it is absurd...I mean you KNOW it didn't happen....he is just saying it to get a rise out of will succeed IF you let it.
Now back to offensive cartoons.....would I LIKE you draw offensive cartoons of my family? probably the answer to ban all offensive cartoons? If you answer yes, then you just opened up a whole can of worms like what is offensive? who gets to decide? etc....
That's my point cannot expect mature behavior from everyone all the time, but to let a few @$$hats ruin it for all by allowing censorship is not acceptable either!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
as i don't read arabic, i can not.
but i have attended 2 lectures in the last month by scholars on middle eastern issues (people from Georgetown University) and I have heard it from them.
i will take their opinion on this matter over yours.
canada is the most open tolerant place on earth, but even i wouldn't be so ignorant as to claim there is no discrimination there.
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I
if you think that the Prophet cartoons don't cause any harm/hurt to anyone, then I agree with you that all people should start publishing cartoons about the so-called 'holocaust' and scholars should be allowed to publish books about the truth & real figures of that 'holocaust'.
This way, according to you, no harm/hurt is caused to any party & the love & peace between nations will increase.
So it means I have a freedom to make a Cartoon of anyone to promote "Hate" and publich it on the QL ?
Don't get offended with my cartoons if I do that ? Just send me the picture of your love ones and let me work on it !
I believe you, but that was on television how many people think that that is now ok, and how many people do you think this programme reached.
Getting beaten up by you husband, father, brother as a woman is not exactly a womans' dream but goes on (personal experience) and no woman will admit this publically because the chances that it will be repeated are high on the score.
It is not the message of the Quran it is the misinterpretation of this that is dangerous and the people who promote it.
I already highlighted in the posts above how hurting someone's feelings is different from doing them i'm very glad that you agree with me that since the cartoons don't hurt anyone they should not be banned!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
"As long as you are not hurting anyone you are free to do/act/think/believe whatever you want"
That's the key to most of our problems
Withnail : chk this
I grew up in the "west" and went to school, college, university, and worked there. I cannot speak for all the "west" but I can tell you that we never taught anything was unquestionable....that's the whole point of using your brain....even if you arrive at a conclusion that others do not share, at least you thought about it!
The freedom to choose is the root of all other freedoms: religion, expression, etc... As long as you are not hurting anyone you are free to do/act/think/believe whatever you want.
All those asking that these cartoons be banned are only doing so becuase they preceive themselves to be in a position of power....they wouldnot be supporting something like a ban on the Quran for instance (if they were in a less powerful position)....and that is the point, inorder to protect EVERYONE's right, you must allow freedom of speech EVEN if it means occasional drivel will result.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Then I guess there should be more & more of those cartoons that withnail mentioned. (wasn't this what the Iranian president called for? I think?)
But from my point of view, you can not compare the so-called "holocaust" to jesus, odin, thor, buddha, shiva or to whatever religion or religious figures. Actually you can not compare ANY issue in life, to the so-called "holocause" when you are dealing with 'western' people. Why? Because 'somebody' has taught them EVERYTHING (including God) is questionable & can be trashed, except for 1 ABSOLUTE fact, called "the holocaust". It's a taboo!
So 'religion' to a muslim is like 'holocaust' (not jesus) to a 'westerner'.
If you know anything about my previous posts, then yes you would know that poeple who react in this manner to cartoons about the holocaust would get the same : Sheesh haven't they heard of freedom of speech?
Same goes for cartoon/books/movies charicaturizing jesus, odin, thor, buddha, shiva, and whatever/whoever else someone out there chooses to revere/worship!
Freedom of speech does not guarantee that everything published/said will be in good taste, politically correct, and inoffensive....but it does guarantee that those who do not agree with you cannot shut you up!
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
"he puts a brave face on his plight" from the Sunday Times!
Then rangarock said: "has no one heard of freedom of speech? Sheesh"
There is one issue that comes to mind, here:
I wounder if the Sunday Times would still consider the person "brave", and rangarock would still consider it a matter of "freedom of speech...sheesh" if the cartoons were about a so-called "jewish holocaust"?
Why are researchers, writers & scholars put in jail if they started some investigation about this "holocaust"? Where is the "freedom of speech...sheesh" here?
And according to withnail: "antisemetic cartoons are published all the time in arabic newspapers"
Really? Would you care show us 1 example?
(unfortunately arabs can not be antisemetic! Arabs ARE originaly a semetic race)
@sdkak, the point is that the Quraan never changes but interpretations vary.
MOST would agree that hitting a wife is NOT acceptable.
@rag, no I didn't get offended, I just wanted to explain something in case there was a misunderstanding.
@canary, I know that show and if you saw the amount of Muslim friends (and we were from UAE, Qatar and Bahrain) that were in shock at his words you'd be surprised.
Click here for Qatar info I♥Q
Freedom of speech should be used to seek truth and bring people closer together.....but not everyone will use it thusly....and so we come to the true test....when people choose to use it for "other" the answer to ban it, or ignore it?
I happen to think its the latter and NOT the former....and that's where we might disagree.
As I said before, the price to this freedom is putting up with crap....but censorship is no alternative!
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
The purpose of freedom of speech should be to seek truth not spread hatred !!!
That basket is a hero to many Anti _ Fanatics :)
That Cartoonist bastard will end up his life in Hell.... Not only that he will face that in this existing world also.........
The ideology of the freedom of speech has created unjustified attacks
on the life of the Holy Prophet (saw). The supporters of freedom of
speech who started the cartoon controversy attack the Holy Prophet
(saw) not because they are necessarily atheist or extremist Christians
but because their religion is freedom of speech. They published their
cartoons of the Holy Prophet (saw) to “contribute to the debate
regarding criticism of Islam and self censorship”...
They drew the offensive cartoons to make one point only that the
Muslims should get used to the insulting of their Prophet just like
other religions have gotten used to the insults of their prophets. They
might be promoting freedom of speech but at the expense of peace. The
world is already divided due to religion, nationalism, ideology and
ethnicity, can hardly afford more divisions. Freedom of speech is
important but when it becomes a license to spread hatred than it is no
better than Christian or Islamic extremists who are dragging the world
to the brink of global violence. The purpose of freedom of speech
should be to seek truth not spread hatred !!!
realsom1, I was completely against your early posts on this thread, now I am in complete agreement with your last statement.
My opinion is that a man of no creed can do far better than this cartoonist (I literally mean this). But overly angered Muslims gave him the boost to feel superiorly important to the extent we see in the article above.
Can we be smart once and not fall into the trap we always choose to step into voluntarily?
I certainly dont agree with insulting any religion and religious figures , specially someone insulting Jesus (pbuh) is like doing the same to Mohammed (pbuh)..
So certainly dont like that , and though I am not Arab but i condenm insulting anyone's religion....Allah has given human's a freedom to worship.
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
all these muslims up in arms about the cartoons, meanwhile antisemetic cartoons are published all the time in arabic newspapers. if you think your religion deserves a certain level of respect, you should be fighting for an equal level of respect for all religions. how many of the protesters write to their arabic papers telling them to stop publishing cartoons that are offensive to other religions?
and this Danish newspaper with their nonsense about protecting freedom of speech. i recently heard that a year or so before publishing the cartoons of the prophet they declined to publish some other cartoons that depicted Jesus in a manor that would have been offensive to christians. the only thing they were protecting is their bottom line. they got tired of reporting the news and wanted to make it for a while.
"Even a stopped clock gives the right time twice a day." Withnail & I
I rather had come from the apes, instead someone calling himself Peanuts!That is right, we got a lot of peanut politician lately in QL. "Every once in a while, declare peace -- it confuses the hell out of your enemies." - Quark quotes a Rule of Acquisition, "The Homecoming"
It is different kind of hitting. Hitting that kind is allowed under any religion.
WAKE UP :)))))))))
furthermore I'm offended by all religions that stops all progress!
In Europe we have a small church called the roman catholic church - it does not allow abortion, stem cell research, the pill or condoms,
500 years ago it burned scientists for saying the earth was round and not in the center of the universe
Darwing wrote a little book - that offended all Christians saying the obvious - that Man has developed from the Ape - but today most normal people except a few christian right fanatics accept the theory of evolution
Making a drawing of a guy with a bomb as a head - how can that be offending? Maybe because you know that your religion is seen as a "hatred religion" and that you feel sorry about the way others look at your religion?
If you started being an openminded religion maybe the next drawing would have a guy with a rose between his teeth?
- I took the blue pill and found myself alive in Qatar - wish I had taken the red and stayed in Europe
Anyone can find insult in any work IF that is their agenda....but how hard is it to just dismiss it as the work of someone uniformed instead of giving it the publicity which skyrockets it into mainstream news!
Think before you issue threats man.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
genesis I have seen the movie ....and really annoyed me...anyway Theo Van Goph is under the soil now and I guess there is more to follow if this kind of provocations wont be halted.
Specially I will love to see someone who has my blood to follow Theo. my wish...she got us shame.
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
well wether you call it indirect or direct threat to him....I am sure he is putting his life for sale.
and that guy saying Quran has offended 5 billion people, I guess your interpretation of the Quran you read it in Mars language, beating a wife is not jusitified in the Quran normally it happens under wrong cultural circumstances which I dont like too.
but what is painfull and hatred is those of you who are advocating this evil who insulted us and you think he will be enjoying life,...I am sure he wont last long.
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
As said above there have been many discussions about this on QL - even where DG even informed us that there was a TV programme in Saudi where a would be Arab Dr. Phil told the audience that it is ok to give your wife a slap (or suchl ike).
"that is a STUPID interpretation of the text", very true but this interpretation is followed by many.
Pity it didn't say anything about hitting the husband I might have used that to get my exhusband to behave lol.
I swear I was NOT trying to pick a fight...just using a bizzare example to illustrate a point.
Stay safe my friend.
erfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
have you seen Theo van Gogh 's short movie "Submission". You can catch it up on youtube. The man was murdered on cold blood over a less than ordinary movie. Egyptian directors like Yousef Shaheen ,Nadia Hamza & Inas Al dgadi had displayed more stronger images of women oppression & extremism in their movies.
whoami: there are plenty of threads saying so in QL. a slight hitting to ur wife is accepted and allowed
@ragnarock, I know what you are leading at, beating of women is NOT allowed in Quraan, that is a STUPID interpretation of the text.
Thats why most people reject that.
Click here for Qatar info I♥Q
This is their home, Muslims are allowed by permission of the Government to build their mosques and practice their religon on foreign soil so it would be very unwise to start a storm in a teacup mini war because of a cartoon don't you think.
you think he is utting his life up for sale - hmm is this an indirect threat??
I m really waiting to face the person who Draw the Pic Of Prophet MOHAMMAD (P.B.U.H) before i die...i want to show him a real taste of Life
[img_assist|nid=26062|title=|desc=|link=none|align=center|width=180|height=146] [---"Imagination is more important than knowledge"---]
Hi there,
Again this is a way of drawing attention to the cartoonist - I don't agree with what he has done but it will not change matters and that cartoon does not belong to him as it was printed in a newspaper so he gave his art to the newspaper.
Unfortunately whatever money he may earn on that cartoon will not bring him happiness knowing that you will be followed under the imminent threat of death - a very unwise decision.
This is not the first time Prophet Mohammed (Peace be on Him) is abused. He is abused flagrantly almost everyday by Muslims and Non-Muslims. More episodes will yet to come, this isn’t the end of it.
I fervently hope that we, Muslims, will stand up with a solid, long term and educated plan to piece together our hand-made tarnished image and collect the remnants of dignity and civility, by putting ourselves out to the world in the best of fashion the East, West, North and South can taste, using a language all can understand........and that language would be humanity? The language endorsed and comprehended throughout the history of mankind, singed and sealed in all Holy Books and rational philosophies.
So where do you draw the line.....has no one heard of freedom of speech? Sheesh!
And before you! It has no limits (except when you harm others....not insult or offend, but actually HARM another person) yes the price of this freedom is putting up with a lot of crap that will be produced....but its a LOT better than the alternative!
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Please don't bother with this question it will not recover but his post is gone better like that.
In 50 years time that drawing will be worth millions - other controversial drawings/paintings:
The sixteenth chapel
The last supper
But realsom1 - what is those severe consequenses? Please tell me?
So just because there is 1.5 Billion people that feels annoyed - then its justified to kill people?
Where is the so called respect and justice you talk about? Saudi? Iran? Kuwait? Somalia?
Check the amnesty internal reports moron before commenting on anything
- I took the blue pill and found myself alive in Qatar - wish I had taken the red and stayed in Europe
CB - By Way of Deception is much more better:)
This is just theoretical...but IF lets say there was a book that insulted almost 5 billion people on this earth...what would you say to that? Now IF that book happened to be a certain religious text that said you could beat a woman lightly, and it offended everyone who was not a follower of that religion...what then?
Do you see my point man? Live and let live....its is only insulting if you give it the power to insult you.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Maybe a muslim guy will just buy it and burn it
Click here for Qatar info I♥Q
realsom & canarybird... hope things are fine btw both of you now?????
I think someone who tried to insult and offend 1 and half billion people must know there could be severe consequences the least being living in horrible life, like Ayan Hersi Ali and Salam Rushdie and the worst being losing your life like Theo Van Goph.
my opinion will be that I think countries like denmark and other european countries must reject these people and not give them a safe heaven to insult billion people who have all kinds of human beings.
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..
I think it is Salman Rushdie I actually read his book but to be honest it was not all that interesting - many yesrs ago someone borrowed it and I never got it back no great loss. He is still going strong and I do believe he got married again but lives a life like a closed book lol ironically.
Did you managed to do something to Salomon Rashidie(not sure about the spelling) :) Talk only.
I think he is putting his life for sale...let us see where he will end up.
Where there is respect and justice...there is peace..