What you say on this

By Torontoguy1 •
Hello Every one Good morning,
Let me ask you very clearly what do u think about an offer from Doha 12000 salary+200 Gas+7000 rent/month+ company car. etc. please give me honest comments on this.
I would like to live in 2 bed room furnished apartment in a good area.
Please advise me on this.. i will really appriciate your honest comments.
Salary is good, gas isn't really an issue here, housing is low. Any kids?
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Decent area means such as Al Saad which is much clean and well planned (inside road are wide and clean and compare to other areas such as Najma/ Masoura etc..
Hi Speed,.....
Mind if i clarify too
when u mentioned decent area/good area in doha,where exactly is it,any specific names/rd names?
Hi Dan (hope u dont me asking in your thread aite)hehehe
If you are looking for 2bed appt. that will cost you between 8 - 12k (in a New building furnished/ unfurnished) in a decent area in doha ...
If you are single you might survive but If you are married then it's very difficult to survive with family with this salary since there are other hidden cost such as food/ entertainment/ medical etc...
It's also very important to check the reputation of the Company in the market. Best way is that if you know someone from same Company, he/she will be best to advise you.
Unfurnished 2 bed apt in a sh*tty area will cost about 7k. Furnished in a decent area will be closer to the 9k mark.
200 for gas is fine and 12000 salary.... well that depends on the job and your credentials. Further clarity on the job will invite more accurate responses.
*** Light travels faster than sound. That's why most people appear bright until they open their mouths.