Immigration rules...
Hello Everybody, I'm new new in this forum ;) I have two offers from Qatar and Oman. I already have Kuwait residency. My you guys please give me a total idea of how are the immigration rules there (Qatar)? I have tons of questions! :-I
1-What are the restrictions?
2-How is sponsor transferring (especially for the first sponsor to second)
3-Does the first sponsor can cancel my residency and if yes what are the conditions?
4-Do I need to use my bachelor’s degree to get work visa (like Kuwait) or any body can get working visa? If yes, what if the field of degree(Bio chemistry) is totally different than the working field( IT) (like mine!)
5-How can I have one of my parents with me? Is it easy or a long story?
I appreciattttttte it…..
Thanks you very very ... much. It seems I should really open my eyes on it! I need to know any other negative point you guys feel there. Waiting for your comments...
1-What are the restrictions?
can u be more specific...
2-How is sponsor transferring (especially for the first sponsor to second)
You have to wait one year before you transfer sponsorship from first to second and so on and so forth... You are allowed to change three times only... and each time you need written and signed permission from the old sponsor before you do so...
3-Does the first sponsor can cancel my residency and if yes what are the conditions?
Of course they can... legally there are some conditions but practically they can do it very easily...
4-Do I need to use my bachelor’s degree to get work visa (like Kuwait) or any body can get working visa? If yes, what if the field of degree(Bio chemistry) is totally different than the working field( IT) (like mine!)
Anyone can get work visa but depending on the occuppation that you want on your visa, you may need your certificates. Doesn't matter which field you qualified in... as long as you have some degree...
5-How can I have one of my parents with me? Is it easy or a long story?
I know that you can get them here on visit visas for six months at one stretch. Its slightly difficult if they are too old but generally its not too hard...
i sugguest if offers aer similar go for Oman..... but do research on oman as i know nothing, i recenetly moved from dubai to Qatar but been 3 months unable to get visa yet and no sign off it, obviously depend upon yoru nationality but than sponsering families and parents very difficult especially on residence visa.. oh yes you also need EXIT visa to go out.. so not only get in is difficult but goign out as well.... until and unless if u r employer is good and allocate you multiple exist visa... u will be stuck GOD forbid if you have emergency and need to leave company at middle of night or on weekend.... other than that i like the place, small but good, cost of living is slightly expensive than Dubai.. just my two bits.. however depending upon offers take calculated risk...have fun