I need your advice

How can I get qualified English speakers to work as a class teachers in a nursery school? Where can I put the advertisement? If you know who may interest send her C.V. to [email protected] thanks for your help.
How can I get qualified English speakers to work as a class teachers in a nursery school? Where can I put the advertisement? If you know who may interest send her C.V. to [email protected] thanks for your help.
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Stepone email katie : erasmus[AT]qatar.net.qa, she sends out a mums the word newsletter on mums group on QL..Nurserys often advertise for workers and it gets some coverage. im not sure when the next edition is but its worth a try....
You can always advertise at hypermarket boards like FFC etc..a lot of expats advertise and look on those boards...
HI stepone, how olds are your nursery? and kinder? Where is your school?
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
I try it already but no reply. do you know another idea. Thank you
here you can post it.. just go to ... Post a classified and click for a JOBs.. same procedure as forum.