I have an idea how to relieve our tenacious little pal, spicemeup, from some of his arduous daily research chores

Here you are, everyone!
Click on the above and search for articles related to the United States of America.
I'm sure spicemeup will be grateful to have one less on-line newspaper to trawl through every day. :D
ha ha ha ... lol
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
You seem like an agressive person, or am I exaggerating?
I could be mistaken but I am noticing that you usually divert the discussions in threads to personal issues. Don't you have any comment concerning Juantie's subject about the daily research chores?
I usually neglect silly posts & comments that are not worth the effort, so please do excuse me in the futur.
Good night
Is the Catholic Herald still in circulation? Is so, then I guess it has a website - happy researching! :D
there's another member who needs to relieve us from the daily catholic preaches
some ppl do have loads of issues indeed........tsktsktsk wat a poor soul.....
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
a kind working in bwtn top executive feels lonely because no one talks to him and feels like left alone so he comes up with these race topic of his. and he blames every one for that. and its very common where he works. Poor guy.