Respect For Prostitutes

After Reading Spitzer's escort's aka Kristen, webpage on myspace I guess I now have a deep sense of respect for prostitutes/hookers/*hores etc etc.
I believe many of you will disagree in embracing hookers as part of a society, though their work is gross, having sex for money but hey as long as the demand is there and with easy bucks you can feed the starving and with no other alternative for someone whose landlord is banging on her doors for rent someone will take up this job.
I dont know who is the more guilty one, is it the people who go to them? or is it these women who sell their body and soul for money? Is it the society who is unable to fend for these helpless women, or is it us who look down upon them? is it those husbands who go to them? or is those wives whose husbands are "stolen"
My advise to all of you would be to respect them, they are doing service to you horny bas***** and to those who are not content with their wives.
Here is CNN's Report on Kristen
Would you like to get married to me??
Wonderful insight...
As I'm pretty sure the victim isn't "consenting".....any other arguments?
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
nevah respeck prostitution like apple she say she is arab wifey the truth she pakistani wifey...LOL!!!...
Mary Magdalene was a sinner (according to the bible), but, did Jesus look down on her???
rape and sex are two very different things. Rape is a physical crime against a person that actually has nothing to do with the sex act, but is done for domination and to hurt the other person, for whatever reason. Sex is just for gratification.
For those of you who think prostition is wrong for ANY reason...I say learn to have compassion. SOME of the women (and men!) are prostitutes because that is the only way they can survive. Be a 2nd or 3rd wife??? What if they are really ugly/not personable, whatever and/or don't have anyone to represent them to a man who will accept them as a wife?? Where does that leave them then?? Still on the streets with no food or shelter, to starve. Yes, there are those that use prostitution as a means to advance themselves or for drug money...and for those I have no compassion at all for they have made a choice because they could. For those that have no choice except to sell their bodies so that they could eat or feed their children...I DO have compassion enough not to look down upon them. Remember what God has taught you...we are all equals in His eyes and its not for us to judge each other, but is up to Him to do that when its time.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Let it be.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
women into prostitution. However, IMHO, many women make this as a lifestyle choice. It is easy money, especially when we talk about high priced call girls.. As Dupre herself says ""It was my decision, and I've never looked back,"
You can't teach experience
you keep repeating consenting adults, what about gun for hires? Isn't it consenting adults also, Isn't also law of supply and demand, does it mean you are in legalization of gun for hires. What about other "unlawful" things which runs parallel to your reasonings, do we need to legalize it?
Does a prostitute asked her client if he is married or not? Or is he the kind of person you are trying to visualize in your earlier post? Nothing or noone is being hurt? what are the parameters of no one being hurt?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
And half the world out there............. is doing someone else wife/husband or boy/girlfriend! Of the evils which is the lesser?
Read this somewhere and love it: Before you judge someone, walk a mile in his/her shoes! And then who cares? you´re a mile away.........and have his/her shoes!
why you guys are thinking you cant survive for some time without having s*e*x????by the way i think you all have 2 healthy hands and some hard core movies at home so you can help yourself.
all crap
If there were no "working girls" rape would increase. These ladies fill a function (good or bad). Suggest people learn to live with it
No one should EVERY HAVE to prostitute themselves! And don't even get me started on the child prostitution epidemic...its just so depressing
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
I realized there are some people that love the attention they get from this dirty business not to mentioned the easy money but am here talking to some descent desperate soul that have no choice to choose to sale their body for money. these people are millions outhere, trap in situation that they cannot get out as the ring of goes on.
so we can start, if we knows one of them why not try to support them, give them the skills to do normal job to earn money.
Mila - You are daydreaming. It is the way they can earn loads of Fast Money without having a skill. Can they get paid QR 1000 a hour by normal means:)
In that Education...other skills...and most of all CHOICE are paramount...but I think you'll be dissapointed to know that there will always be people who choose to do this....which is why its important to regulate it to protect everyone, and mimnimize the social impact.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
As my comments above, I think if we can educated this ladies/gents and give them other skills to earn money, pretty sure they wont sale their body for money anymore. I dont think anybody want to have sex with total stranger and tear up the heart with awful feeling of guilts. so as I said, we need to educate, recruit and give them the option to choose.
Well prostitution has the same economics as other things, Demands vs Supply. you will see peostitution everywhere. its a need for men who cant satisfy them selves
for example here the marriage is such an expensive thing, plus people think otherwise like to get some status , some qualification etc . so basically there need for satisfaction increases and they always look for cheaper ways.
2ndly in some parts 2nd,3rd and 4th marriage is considered not good. but if someone sexual need is not fullfilled by her wife let him marry one girl may be she can satisfy her need or 3rd or 4th one.
By eliminating both factors you can control a bit on prostitution , like marrying a boy of age 17 and let him marry again if his need are not satisfied. you can curb on prostitution
when there is no demand , there will be no prostitutes. and all you married woman dress up and do make up for your husbands when he reaches home , he will never try to goto some place else
Take care , just a thought
These were advertised in Doha section :( It is an open secret :(
Am talking about Julia Roberts. Then who dare not to respect her
I don't really have a direct source....its just propugated so much that it has sorta become defacto accepted...I really wonder if it is IS the worlds oldest profession....wouldn't say much about us humans eh? LOL
But wether it is the oldest or not is sorta aside from the point that the demand for these services exist in every place and at every time. Better to regulate it I think.
Anyways, I appreciate the opposite point of view you are bringing to the table dude.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
YEAH i think be the second or third wife rather than have second third forth and so on user eeewww!
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
Supply and Demand....and i'm not talking about coerced prostitution or the illicit sex trade....i'm talking about 2 concenting adults....there is no victim, hence no instead of wasting tax payers money on vice squads, we should make sure the city is completely free from ANY other crime, THEN worry about prostitution (If you still want to outlaw it)!
Some people think being a second wife is worse than a prostitute...but hey, to each their own....that's why I said my opinion was controvercial.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Charan, no way, don't repeat advertisement here, fear for good guys, they might temp to try...LOL!
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
hiya charan,those people are just trying to be nasty and biatch....i bet they're just hiding who really they are...using names and trying to portray a role which is not far from where they came from...a hooker will always be a hooker,even you dressed them up with good clothes time will come they'll be missing their old self.
Charan, how come you get gay and lesbian on you????
"I asked God, 'How do I get the best out of life?' God said, 'Face your past without regrets. Handle your present with confidence. And prepare for the future without fear!'
From: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Category: Escort (Social)
Region: Doha (email only)
Description: Hi
I am Julie, living in Doha. i am waiting to meet nice western style guys for fun and more. Please email me . tell me where your from, leave your number if want and I will message to you
From: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Category: Escort (Social)
Region: Doha
Description: For a limited time only, available in Doha in March.
A true companion for those special Gentlemen.
Rates starting from 1800 US$ for 2 hours.
Very important, please visit my website before making any contact:
Please note: incalls are not possible.
Cheating is another issue can cheat with other married people, no prostitutes necessary.
Wether the money is easy or not depends on supply and demand, like anything esle.....but we regulate the trading of renumeration for services all the time....why not for this service if the demand is there (and history has shown it is in virtually every culture on this earth).
I understood your objections to be from a religious standpoint...and that I cannot argue with....but just realize that imposing your views on everyone isn't exactly fair either.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
There is no excuse for prostitution! this is one of a lazy way to find easy money. It is one way to cause a family break, because these men though they don't like it, they will try to do it says, try once but after that there will be twice and thrice, and when they get sick, then what will happen? If there are no prostitutes, there will be no men doing it, it made these men do it because, they pay for it. There are other way to find money but they are lazy, they just want to gain easy. But no one will get hungry as long as someone is industrious and have faith in God.Just work hard, and you may not get rich but you will not get hungry...
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
Are you saing that because I don't want my son to become a garbage collector we should ban that profession?
Come off your high horse my friend....who appointed you the judge of others....MY preferences are based on MY tastes....I am not so conceited that I think I have the right to impose them on ALL.
You should learn to respect people whose opinions are different from yours, and as long as they are not hurting you (or anyone else for that matter), stop interfering in their lives.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Ragnarock if you dont like your daughter and wife to do this kind of work, then stop justifying the work itself.
So you are wrong thexonic...but of course you think every religion but your own is wrong anyways, so what does it matter....
There is nothing corrupt about the practise or renumeration for a service...and if its regulated and portection is used, then there are no other social issues like paternity and children etc....
Again i'm not talking baout married people cheating etc...that is another issue entirely.
Again ymmv, but that's what I think.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Prostitution is a corrupt practice and if U legalise it its like legalising corruption.And it being a corrupt practice comes frm the Fact that mr. Governor or anybody who goes to a Prostitute pays a hefty amount for a limited service.But Will U pay atleast half amount of that to ur Wife/GF for double the Time. ?????????????..Nobody will do that.Inface if Wifes start to practice Prostitution with their husbands the Guy will be pennyless to go anywhere..hhehhhheee..
But on a serious note the whole social fabric will be disturbed if prostitution
was not banned.Who want to take care of children and spend on them,if u can satisfy ur needs just by paying one time.And what abt. the security of these Women in later Years.When they can no longer have Clients.How will they survive.So,whether legalised or in-legal the practise should be discouraged in all forms.
It's a sin and It's a sin in every single relegion except for athiests.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
Its not a sin and shouldn't even be illegal.
It as renumeration for a service performed...we have contracts to regulate this for almost every other service you can think of, so why not this one? The fact that it is the worlds oldest prosfession is a testament that there will always be demand for it. If its between 2 consenting adults in private, then there is no victim, and it should be no one else's busniness.
I personally don't think its THAT different froma pre-arranged marriage of a teenage girl to an older welathier husband she's never met (except the payment is in less liquid assests like jewlery amd property instead of cash).
Would I want my daughter to go into this profession?! Should it be outlawed?....I also think no.
Just as I would not want my daughter to marry for money....but guess what, people do it everyday and its not illegal, nor is it considered a sin by religion.
That's just my opinion...ymmv.
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
look Princess Habibah. Circumstances is something that we make, they do not
happen. As long as we have 2 hands and 2 feet, we can work even if we get
low paid. Weather its men or women, there is no circumstances in this. Its just
the choices. We cannot say that God has written in their luck to become
prostitutes. It's what they choose to do.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
Yes it is a sin Thexonic. No one is denying that fact!
but we cannot judge each individuals circumstances and are only able to make generalizations!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
I believe if they have other option to make money they would choose the other option. most of the case, they dont. So lets give them the option...
"I asked God, 'How do I get the best out of life?' God said, 'Face your past without regrets. Handle your present with confidence. And prepare for the future without fear!'
Prostitution = Sin.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
perhaps its just me..
or maybe its the muslim in me
but if you wanted a relationship couldn't you make a contract with you wife that you didn't want anything too time consuming. I.E. one who will be happy to have a nice upper class lifestyle and not have to worry about the pressure of also having a husband.
I mean if you find a women who agrees with this.. and you guys have a good relationship together and one of understanding. Why couldn't it work?
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
Prostitution is always controlled by nature to some extend..
The primary weapon of nature to control prostitution is the STDs
Many ppl re afraid to go for it because of our dear 'AIDS'
See... if there is no one there to control.. god does it...
lets put a twist on this...
lets say you are a guy/gal and you are a motivated worker... you work all the time... basicly your a workaholic and you dont have time for a realationship... so you become lonely... but you dont let it bother you because you have work to do...
as time goes by you will become lonelier because man kind is a very social creature and we need relationships or companionship of some kind...
but you dont want that because your a workaholic and you know that if you were to stop for a relationship you would not have time for work because a good relationship takes time and effort... time and effort that you want to spend towards working...
there are many people like this today... LOTS OF THEM... and many of them are upper class citizens... they have loads of money and would just rather pay for a no strings attatched relationship... because believe it or not... prostitutes have clients... they have regulars... people who keep coming back for the same thing from the same person...
is this wrong? ... well just as PH said... its all based on your society... in las vegas nevada... there are a few places were just this sort of thing happens legally...
now if it was legalized... in more places were it happens all the time... then it can be controlled and monitored just like any other profession and laws can be set for it so it becomes a safer more feezable concept...
i would hate my self as a father if my daughter did it for a living... but at the same time... who am i to judge anyone ... i do not qualify as some one who has the right to pass judgement... so i dont have sympathy ... but i dont have ill regards for prositutes...
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
Out of necessity?
Please read this
This is the story of the 21st century’s trade in slave-children. My journey into their underworld took place where its alleys and brothels are most dense - Asia, where the United Nations calculates 1 million children are being traded every day. It took me to places I did not think existed, today, now. To a dungeon in the lawless Bangladeshi borderlands where children are padlocked and prison-barred in transit to Indian brothels; to an iron whore-house where grown women have spent their entire lives being raped; to a clinic that treat syphilitic 11-year-olds.
Would the females in the forum support their husbands/bf\s going to these prostitutes?
This shows that the scoiety as a whole has failed in their responsibility.
ahh alexa always out for a punch! Perhaps you would like some ice for that hand!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
I don't buy the 'I became a prostitute to support myself' story entirely
I can relate that to the scruffy lady standing on the kerb with cheap makeup and loud clothes waiting and hoping to be picked up... she needs the money... I won't respect her... but I do empathize...
But what about the polished woman who is flying to meet her rich client while wearing the most exquisite designer wear wondering what exquisite gift she might get this time... that woman has just found an easy way to some fast bucks so she can indulge in her own expensive bad habits... that woman I don't respect and I don't empathize
i read about women trafficking where she was abducted and forced to prostitute by the pimp (which is arab) and must served 50 man a day! and she get maybe 50 dirhams a day. and it happened wideworld. but for kristen case where her rate is 1000$/hr, definitely she's not hungry or homeless, or abducted. check in timesonline where her unfamous album becames best seller online now. this governer had spent $80,000 for prostitutes. he's sick. and yes, prostitute is about economic, demand and supply law. and we can't stop demand, but we can control the supply.
Since I've been in this place forever I have not "seen" pain of certain societies, but I remember hearing stories from my mom about women who are made into prostitutes by their society. These women continue this lifestyle when their families put them out and they have nowhere to turn to.
One of the hardest things for us to do in our human nature is to just stop what we are doing to allow God to produce in us what only He can produce.
Alexa that is probably the most insightful statement I have ever seen you make on QL.
I agree even a muslim can steal food if its for necessity! Or eat a pig if he has nothing else to eat! Or sell their body if that is the only way to survive!
Although yes.. your are partly right that we should also have tawakkul in Allah and roll our sleeves up and struggle (taqwa). But first like alexa mentioned we need to strengthen our faith(eeman) first.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
and what does''' Prostitutes''' means? is this some footballer's name or wht?
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Prostitutes are better than beggers that can work and earn but instead
choose begging. But then both of them are sinful. No relegion says to have
sex for getting money. There are alternates. Allah has said in Quran, if we
believe in him, we wont be found at the bottom. If we have enough faith in
our God then he will show us the way and guide us to money that comes
clean and not by doing sin. People who use prostitution as an excuse of their
earnings are shameless people, in the eyes of a society, in the eyes of God
and in everyone's eyes.
Allah has said: "Ask and you shall recieve". So indeed there is something
wrong with these people, cuz God is definetly not a lier.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
princess habibah, always empathetic and insightful :-)
gypsy i think that it is legal in amsterdam...
i think that making it illegal is not enough. you can have all the laws in the world, but thats not going to make people not want to indulge themselves. the only thing that will do this is morals, passed down from generation to generation.
"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock."
-Thomas Jefferson
Well said PH, I agree. Personally I think prostitution should be legalized and therefore controlled. This would cut down on abuse of pros and STD's.
"When they say he could walk on water, I think of it like he could fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Literal people scare me, getting it wrong fundamentally, down at the church of 'Look it says right here see!" Ani Difranco
It is the circumstances (society) that is the root of the problem. I don't think any of us have the right to judge until we are placed in the/her situation ourselves.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
where, sadly, prostitution/sin is respected & glorified while God/religions/virtue is regarded with contempt ...