
Hi Guys…
I need your advice?
If you want to buy a car in Doha, do you have to have an account in local bank? Is there any other way (accept buying cash).I am looking forward to buy a new car, and I was informed that I will need to open an account with Qatari bank and I have to transfer my salary as well.
Well, I really would love to keep my money into US account, since most of my bills, mortgage and cars payments are directly withdrawn from there. I just got my driving license thanks to your help (Thank you) and I am really discourage .If anyone has any idea or advice please do not hesitate to share with me!
Thank you !
We were in the exact same situation. Our paycheck goes into our US account and we did't want to transfer it here because we also have bills coming out of our US account. We talked to our car rental company and they bought us a brand new 2008 Yukon and we signed a 2 year lease for it. They lowered the rental payments because we signed a long lease. You might look into this option. We got a new truck, exactly what we wanted and don't have to hassel with insurance, or transfer our salary here.
Oh well...The best thing I can do is drag my husband to a several of these banks and see what will happen.
Thanks again..
If the account balance was below a certain limit there was a monthly charge. I don't recall what the limit or the charge was though. Other than that there were no conditions.
However, we haven't tried to get a loan here. I think there a lots of conditions you have to meet before you'll be given a loan, some of which other people have discussed above.
Ha ha ha....I mean except bying cash! Sory Guys my mistake...
I want to buy a new car and I am not ready to spend such a big amoung cash. So I need to get a loan here, but husband salary goes straight to our US account, because it’s a US company based in US and actually the bank its part of the company .It has a great service and my mortgage and loans are directly withdrawn from there. This is the reason we don’t like transferring our salary in Qatar. I wanted to know if I can open account and put monthly some money for the payments or something… I have no idea, I guess I have to go and talk with the banks here as well, but before that I wanted to get your opinions.
Hei Tallg...when your wife opened acount,did she has to put just the monthly payments amount or a certain amount had to be kept in the acount at all times.
Knspet what you want to say in your first post (accept buying cash) or (except buying cash)?
why does ur salary come from US to Qatar?
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
"Make a difference or make way"
Thats funny.....the man says he has cash. Then why do you wanna open an account. Buy the car on cash!
knspet - are you wanting to get a loan for the vehicle, or will you pay for it outright?
If you're paying for it outright, then obviously cash is an option but it may be hard to get that large an amount. However, my wife opened a bank account and didn't have to get her salary transfered to it. That was with HSBC. It was a rubbish account with rubbish service, but you could open one, transfer money from the US, pay for the car with it, then close down the account.
well actually they wanna see that you are actually getting monthly income before they can approve yr loan (something like that)or that you are employed here
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Thanks Guys,
Helps a lot,I have to get the letter first and start one by one!I guess I have to figure it out with the salary transfer.What about if I just transfer money,a certain amount .Do I really have to transfer my whole salary?It doesn't make much sence in my head...:)))
The easy way is to open an account in a local bank. Then you are to get wehicle loan or personal loan. You are to check which one is more profitable for you. Don't look the interest, but the total amount you are to pay back at the end of the day. Take into account that with vehicle loan you'll become legaly owner of the car after you have reimbursed the loan. Also before to go to the showroom you have to have a no-objection letter for your purchase from your company (your local sponsor). Good luck.
yep yep you need to have a local account with salary transferred there or you will have to give them POSTDATED cheques for the duration of the loan and yes the cheques have to be fr a local bank.............sorry dont think there is any other way unless you pay cash or unless you just rent a car through out yr stay here......whichever suits you that is.......
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
you need to have a local account here and need to transfer ur salary..or check with some banks if they accept post dated cheques from bank outside qatar.. they accept cheques from the bank inside country....
I will...:)))I really apreciate your help!
hold on dont jump with joy with my silly reply...there are folks here who can better advice you so check back later..:)
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
thanks ,my salary comes from the US and I was comfortable using my account over here,I guess that was the only reason I was not interested in opening an account.Plus I am looking to buy a new car,so cash it's not an option:)))!
Thanks for your help...I was hoping there is a trick and I don't have to do it!!
if your in Qatar you will need to have a local bank account for ur salary to be transfered to. I'm not sure about this but i dont see why u cant pay cash and buy the car if you have it? but opening an account here is a must for salary transfer..if your going to buy a car by taking a loan then the car company will give u a quote and u have to show that to the bank to get a car loan.
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot