Traffic lights near Landmark
The speed limit in the new underpass near Landmark now appears to be 80 kph. Last week it was 60 kph. Has anyone else noticed this? Are the speed cameras now set to 80 kph? Dare I now go faster than 60 kph?
And now for the Dahl al Hamam roundabout. Wtf have they done to the lights? This afternoon I stopped behind 3 or 4 cars. The lights were flashing amber. I interpret this as "sleeping" but the cars didn't move although the roundabout was clear. Just as I was beginning to get irate, the lights suddenly turned red and then quickly turned green and we began to move. There was something about these lights in the Gulf Times. I didn't really understand how it would work and having seen it in operation I'm none the wiser. Given the limited intelligence of some of the drivers here how can they expect a system to work where the lights "sleep" for a couple of minutes and then wake up again? And what about when they turn from flashing amber to red? Do you just slam the brakes on?
Please, someone tell me what it all means!
yeah u r right it was 60kmh last week lol************************************** [img_assist|nid=64346|title=irfa|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
with regards to r/a traffic lights they have announced this on the papers a few days ago. it is a caution signal, but still you need to stop . i think it still under experiment though
- live your life as simple as you are
- money doesn't create man, but it is the man who created money
- don't do what others say, just listen to them, but do what you feel good
they have changed speed limits on some roads here. the salwa road used to be 8-km/h now its 100km/h. so dont worry drive safely.