QatarGas New Employees Information Forum

By shilpakomal2109 •
This is a forum where existing employees, new employee or would be employee (all nationalities) of QatarGas Operating Co. Ltd; can discuss salaries, grades, allowences, housing facilities, medical facilities, children education, entertainment & recreations, club life, etc. All Qatargas employees are requested to join this forum for mutual benefits. Thanks to all.
What is your line of work or experience? If it is technical or critical post then you are safe. They say in january 2016, many expats (with or without family in Doha) will be terminated due to targetted staff reduction in some departments. Hundreds will be gravely affected.
You can ask directly the company representative who provided you the offer.
I have been offered job in QG.. I will appreciate if some one can put some light on edication assistance provided by QG.. how much they pay for school fees of kids..
talk to your HR at QG.not here in QL...intiende amigos?
Then I wonder how this post is called QG employees forum
It should've been more active.
804063 were you the only one interviewed for the position, or there were other candidates?? Have you got the "short listed" notice?
Because the next step after interview is "wait" patiently.
Hope you guys get more info!!!
Hi guys give this thread some life.
Some of us depend on it for crucial information to enable us make life time decisions.
I was interviewed recently.
What next?
What package for Senior staff?
Does anyone have any pictures or thoughts to share about the type of housing available to QG employees under family status in Doha?? Nice villas? Older construction? Newer and more modern??