The Truths of Qatar Living

I have been a member of QatarLiving now (under one guise or another) for over 2 years now, and during this time I've observed, during my less antagonistic, cranky or sarcastic moments, a few truths behind not only this wonderful forum of ours, but behind some of the people (don't worry, I'm not going to name you) and I think they sort of apply to the world in general. (I apologize, this may get corny when I wax philosophical I go off the deep end)
Firstly, QL is not simply an online forum, as much as it pretends to be one, hiding under the guise of an information portal where one can come and ask questions about life in Qatar, salary expectations, etc, it is actually a microcosm of not just Qatar, but really, the entire world (as is Qatar if you really think about it). QL is like a mini UN, we've got Qataris, Afghanis, Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Egyptians, Syrians, Americans, Brits, Germans, Canadians, Filipino's, Indonesians, Chinese, Africans....the list is endless, and for the most part (like it or not) we all bring our particular cultural beliefs and sterotypes to this forum.
Even more than that, we discuss REAL issues, that are affecting our world. I know people complain about the religious, or moral topics some of us discuss, but really, these ARE things that in todays world DO effect us. We are all of us touched by the "War on Terrorism" by AIDs, homosexuality, the Palesinian/Israeli conflict etc. And, unlike anywhere else, probably with the exception of the UN, do we actually discuss these issues, no holds barred.
Personally I think some of the worlds global leaders should actually read this forum, where else are you going to find this many opinions from this many backgrounds? They might get some actual ideas about how the world works (dysfunctionally ) (Although I doubt Bush would read more then the jokes).
Secondly, as much as it might seem to some people that all we do is argue endlessly, over the course of 2 years of observation and participation I have actually watched people's opinions change! I know! Crazy eh!
For me personally, things that I never really thought about more then in passing have become fundamental values in my life, such as freedom of speech. Until I had to start actually defending it, and defending myself, I never really thought much about it. The existence of God, Religion, Human Rights. I've experienced groundbreaking realizations in all of these areas. So whoever says, just stop trying to make them see your side, you'll never change their view. I say Poo to you, keep trying please. I want you to challenge my views.
So anyway, the whole point of this long post is, I guess I just wanted to say Thank you, to Qatari for making this site, for the "mullah mafia" (kidding) who challenge me, to all the people from all the cultures who are kind enough to tell me about theirs and listen to me blab about mine, and to all the like minded people who support me, and even the not like minded people who argue civilally with me.
Someday when I am Queen of the World, I will still come back and read this site.
Comment va tu? C'est une vie de merde a Doha. Comment etait Maroc?
Fairy tales don't tell children dragons exist. Children know dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children dragons can be killed. G.K Chesterton
Frog I was not about to start writing every single one of the African Nationalities out, the post is long enough as it is!
"When they say he could walk on water, I think of it like he could fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Literal people scare me, getting it wrong fundamentally, down at the church of 'Look it says right here see!" Ani Difranco
"Africans" ????? Africa is not a country!!!!! shame :D
I wouldn't say I've changed through my long discussions on QL, but for sure talking to so many people from so many nationalities has made me more tolerant and less "racist " :D
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
you mean that QL like mini UN, all decisions only caring with USA & other friends, and all the other countries they don't have any rights
I don't get it Gypsy "QL is like a mini UN, we've got Qataris, Afghanis, Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Egyptians, Syrians, Americans, Brits, Germans, Canadians, Filipino's, Indonesians, Chinese, Africans"
Why did the Filipinos earn an apostrophe and none of the other nationalities did?
I thought you'd done so well too by spelling Qataris without one.
We figure it out :)
My mobile was off and I was asleep. As I've said before on March 15th you'll know WHY i've been so tired.
"When they say he could walk on water, I think of it like he could fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Literal people scare me, getting it wrong fundamentally, down at the church of 'Look it says right here see!" Ani Difranco
Gypsy _ why didn't you turn up on Thursday Night. We even called your Mobile but nobody picked it up. Something to do with OZ connection :)
good post, Gypsy
I dont know if you are gonna read this rant, but here goews nothing...
I am sad that two years of QL did not pound in two weeks worth of senses into your head. I am sad about that. I have been here 42 weeks less than you and i got SO MUCH MORE that just classifieds. I got friends, a lot of fun trips and even better, wider range of people who read what i write (i am a reporter) and appreciate/criticise my piece.
You got ONLY classifieds out of QL because you looked out ONLY for it. Had you looked a little deeper, you would have seen the bigger picture, about people and their views. If you say that the classifieds are the only good thing in QL, then sadly, my friend, you are an ostrich whose head is buried firmly ten feet deep.
QL is what you make it out to be. I respect your opinion, but i dont agree when you say that it is only about Western ideas. I am and Indian, an Asian. What i have to say is received in this forum. If someone has an opinion about it, you argue about what you believe in. Well, that is called a debate and it happens everywhere. So does it happen in QL. Anyways, if you have that idea ingrained in your mind, no matter what i say, you wouldnt retract from it.
All the best with your ideas and thoughts. But do know one thing. QL is a lot more than simple classifieds for a lot of people here. Sad that 96 weeks of being here didnt change that opinion for you...
It was not in anyway alcohol inspired, I wrote it during the day at work.
"When they say he could walk on water, I think of it like he could fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Literal people scare me, getting it wrong fundamentally, down at the church of 'Look it says right here see!" Ani Difranco
Kudos Gypsy...good post
So what was that? ..........Gin, Whiskey, Vodka or Rum? ...which.... brought out the
You like to write.....and well keep the good work going.
Very well written confession, "where no woman has gone before" and your point is well taken, but like always there is a special place for you on My Confession Booth, virtually speaking.
Lets not forget that Aliens and Extra Terrestrials do read all the forums of QL not only Homo sapiens. They are always trying to communicate with us in different signal frequencies.
"Live long and prosper my friend".
Mr. Spock
Science officer and Executive Officer of USS Enterprise.
thanks for the great post Gypsy. I think you sum up the feeling of the community nicely...
@realsom : dude, that's like the first time anyone has accused me of setting up a bastion of imperialism. wow!
Please read our Community Guidelines before posting on Qatar Living. It will save us all a lot of pain :)
Good one, Gypsy :o)
If you're looking for a problem, you're probably gonna find one.
Gypsy ... good thoughts !
beside "mulla mafia" v "pope mafia" (yea me too just kidding) there are other mafias too (if I name these mafias here then this post will shooooooooot) ... hehehe !!
Well, this is the beauty of QL where people from all over the Globe meet and share their ideas/ views etc... it's like a "Global Village"
I must say I have learnt lots and lots from QL, met few QL Social Group members and found them very different as they appear to be on QL (sometimes I doubt if they are the same QLers) ,... still have to meet many more incl. the future Queen of the World !!
You are already a Queen of Cyber World So keep reading QL !!!
i agree 100% with you Gypsy
just you need to change the title to be ( The Dream of Qatar Living )
medo_dubai = medo_qatar
Thanks Gypsy for this post.
I for one have never found your comments to be that thought provoking, since I cannot think of a single instance where I've disagreed with what you've said! You've always been on the money, in my view.
In fact all I've ever felt about your comments is frustration - frustration that you managed to make the point that I would have made if I'd got to my keyboard in time, or thought about an issue in a different way.
I'm glad there are people like you in this forum; people who approach issues with an open mind, and whose only agenda is one of seeking a rational truth, rather than one based in religious or cultural ideology.
That being said I'm also grateful to those people who do make endless comments about religion, culture and other things which aren't part of my heritage. Grateful firstly because they make me question the source and strength of my own beliefs, but also because I would never hear these opinions in any place outside QL.
Well said and done. Hope any QL users are trying to contribute directly and indirectly for the betterment of the forum. I certainly believe this site is very helpful for anyone in one way or another. With the inspirational thoughts of some of our writers, we may widen our perspective and improve ourselves wherever we are in the future. This dialogue may contibute to better understanding of cultures and norms between expats here in Qatar.
"Gypsy, Medication working and in a relationship. " with a BoyToy :)
me really enjoying my time with QL anf all QLERS....
thanks gypsy....
me really enjoying my time with QL anf all QLERS....
thanks gypsy....
Well Apple lets see, Dohagirl: Medications was working, but single, Mulie: medication not working, still single, Gypsy, Medication working and in a relationship.
"When they say he could walk on water, I think of it like he could fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Literal people scare me, getting it wrong fundamentally, down at the church of 'Look it says right here see!" Ani Difranco
i think you have something on your nose gypsy... hahahahah just kidding...
good post
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
thank you for the compliment PH.
Thanks :)
Tim Cahill, The Best Footballer in the World
novita I wasn't suggesting otherwise honey! I was actually complimenting you on how you approach people. And I respect the fact that your nice to everyone not for what they can do for you but what you can do for them. I very much had a best friend at University (HK chinese) who was very much as charming as you seem to be. I miss her terribly!
Oh right Alexa! I wish you the best wherever you may be then!
"Although I haven't quite figured out how to win a khaleejis heart
yet??? The hardest challange I have yet to face! lol Maybe Novita can
give me a few tips on that? "
---> Sorry PH. I never tried to win anyone's heart based on the nationality , tribe (Khaleejis, Phatan or whataver), race, or religion. Have no experience in that. I made friend with people because i get along with them not because of their background. My friends who knows me can vouch me on that.
post Gypsy.
I am impressed, in fact I am very impressed.
Not yet Alexa! We hope to be there in September if everything works out okay. And I look forward to meeting you and pm actually! I happen to be very charming in person :) Although still very opinionated!
Although I haven't quite figured out how to win a khaleejis heart yet??? The hardest challange I have yet to face! lol Maybe Novita can give me a few tips on that?
'doesn't make him any more scary than you are (on QL). '
I do not advocate physical violence towards minors for what ever reason. Something R123 has also mentioned today on other threads.
This is a VERY important distinction.
thumbs up for you
Just asking:
How will you describe or differenciate Mulie from DohaGirl and to Gypsy? I know the fact all three were defending freedom of speech on QL. But what makes them unique to each other?
you dont need to answer if you dont feel so
mmm excellent point Diamond girl LOL!!!!!
Of course you are an expert. Basing your opinion on one family member's personality trait and then applying it to an entire region of people. Yeah.
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________________
Love is the answer...
ahh thought you would take it the wrong way! As a matter of fact I am an expert of "us" khaleejis.. .. Can't say I know any Qataris though! And of course am only basing my post on my own experience with family moral! My grandmother was also very stubborn ;).
PH, forgive you? For what? I don't hurt that easily by people I don't know. I'm not one to suffer fools gladly either though.
Good to know you are an expert on us khaleejis. I may ask you for your expert opinion on us soon.
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________________
Love is the answer...
I've been here almost a year and probably attended as many Social Group gatherings as I could count on just under two hands, so not that many, but have enjoyed each occasion and met a variety of individuals.
I even met Baedaebok! - He's not at all scary Oryx. Just cos he doesn't 'smoke the same cigarette as you' (on QL), as the song goes .. doesn't make him any more scary than you are (on QL).
one more hijack gypsy!
So then diamond girl since you are talking to me does that mean you forgive me yet???
As the typical khaleeji stubborness is not to talk to people they don't like :) oops not supposed to ask forgiveness either!!! ha ha ha Its a sign of defeat
Enlightening sometimes, irritationg at others, but never a dull moment....thanks Gypsy, and thank you all.
Stay safe my friends.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
PH, I guess it depends somewhat on geography and family, much less on society from my point of view. I have been slipping from fingers to fork with ease since I was a baby.
Apologies Gypsy, no more hijacking such a great thread.
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________________
Love is the answer...
ops mistake...
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
I agree with you Oryx about the social events; the prospect of actually meeting some of the people behind the madness that's written on here is quite daunting, though in real live most of you probably act quite differently to how you come across on here!
I dipped my toe into QL socialising with the recent sponsored dog walk organised by, and I made it out in one piece. I even met some nice people. But I'm not sure if I'm ready for a full blown social event!
wasn't to do with you :D
PH - thanks for clarifying 'the fork issue' I thought you meant a cannibal fork... I saw one once in Fiji - I just got scared when I read your post.
I thought you may have been a cannibal before you reverted to Islam.
Because I know loads of muslims who are handy with forks and some even know how to eat with them and so I assumed you had been a cannibal.
do tell... not too many to chose from so far.
DG? richard? Alexa?
are u referring to me charansoi? what im sharing to my friends are informative issues and events happening in Doha and not gossips...and besides i havent been to any social event in QL...
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
Nice thread gypsy....Who says everyone has to agree..listenings to other peoples ideas, beliefs etc just makes you really appreciate who you are and i guess validates your beliefs and views as a person to yourself..and others peoples views sometimes just makes you "shake your head in disbelief". Arguments/debates are great..i just think insulting people personally is a bit too much and i dont certainly enjoy reading them.....wish we had less of insults and more debates...
Oh and for the people who are worried its all "nice nice here dont worry it wont last prepared for more fun....
"u r one of the reasons I don't go to QL social events.... u are scary"
Ha why is that You know something we don't know :)
QL is very informartive and i became like a live reporter to my staff and friends about what i read!
and it really feels good when people do agree on what you say and for those conflicting views, it allows you redirect your thoughts on another perspective...and above all of this QL is fun!
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
This niceness could be the beginning of the end for QL. Enough of this. Lets have some good ole fashioned vitriol and stupidity. Where are my friends Air Supply, Realsom et al?
In a great romance each person basically plays a part that the other person really likes. Source unknown
Yes diamond girl that is somewhat true.. Just like buddhism (allahu alim) could have done, Allah has humbled me through my experiences as a muslim. Because there was a time when I would have never thought it acceptable to eat with my fingers at all! And, in fact, looked down on any person who did this as something bedouin and villagy like an illiterate elder!
In fact, it was only through Islam, I realized that the notions society ingrained in me became delusions based on what other peoples secular moral told them is right and wrong.
All this niceness is confusing me. Please go back to arguing with each other before the stability of the QL universe is tipped past the point of no return. If it wasn't for mr realsom keeping to his usual form I think the site would have self-imploded already.
Gypsy lovely post.... eloquent and well argued
but as per usual 3 of the nutters seem to be on day release but then again it wouldn't be a QL thread with out them!
baedenbrook yes the child spanking - the runaway maid and another one.... time for you to make a new thread....
u r one of the reasons I don't go to QL social events.... u are scary
QL is a mini uk..its a truth☺☺
rofl...using a fork and being a Muslim are not mutually exclusive
PH, you are hilarious sometimes...
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________________
Love is the answer...
Well QL is certainly a place of learning for me. I really enjoy seeing what everyone's talking about everyday. I perhaps think more about certain issues that may not come up in my day to day life and conversation. I appreciate the fact that most people express themselves much more honestly to me than they would if they were face to face. Less diplomacy but still respectful (well, mainly!) for a change - much appreciated!
Thanks Gypsy for the thread...and thanks everyone for the diversity of opinions.
[img_assist|nid=57389|title=|desc=peace|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] _______________________________________________________
ok i will stamp your topic for approval :D
I have to agree with you there baed
For the most part superficial conversations are the norm and expected. I am sure I shock the shi ite out of some people (muslim and non muslim) laying down opinions and thought provoking statements to the general public.
My husband, aunty and mother have been teaching me how to be more diplomatic (Like Diamond Girl usually seems to be) since that is how one acts in professional circles. (yes I'm a spoiled society brat that once upon a time knew how to use a fork: oh how Islam woke me with a humble slap in the face! ;)
Although I don't actually agree with the modern form of western manners. I find it can also include being rude, presumptious and boring. I think that is also very superficial of me to think that way..
Because western (and asian) manners have alot of good in them too! i.e. try not to offend another person. Or try to find an acceptable code of conduct welcomed by society.
And well it takes alot of energy to discuss and analyse our experiences so that we grow rather then become stagnated by them.
You have done some great threads its true. I especially loved your spanking children one. That was a classic and just kept going.
I was on to you early though. I knew you were being provocative for the sake of having a fun thread. I even called you out on it but you ignored me. You did the same on the runaway maid thread. Good work.
I think it is about time that you came out with another one. I tried to help you out with the violent movie one but it just ran out of gas.
In a great romance each person basically plays a part that the other person really likes. Source unknown
Jaunte I told you before I dont read the bible nor did I got this phrase from bible and please dont hijack this thread.. thank you
********************************************************* Blessed are the geeks, for they shall Internet the earth!
the Beatitudes. You are changing the words from the Bible
The correct wording is "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth".
Last time I mentioned this, you said 'I don't read the Bible', well I don't read the Quran, but if someone told me I was twisting the words to make fun of a phrase from it, I would stop doing it.
Sorry for the hijack, Gypsy :(
Realsom, I was just pointing out, how you actually "proved" my thread. That it's the clashing of opinions that makes this site so great. You say it's too Western, but the Westerner's I know say that it's to Eastern.
"When they say he could walk on water, I think of it like he could fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Literal people scare me, getting it wrong fundamentally, down at the church of 'Look it says right here see!" Ani Difranco
Alexa that is what I am doing...peace
********************************************************* Blessed are the geeks, for they shall Internet the earth!
I rarely get into deep or meaningful talks in the office, company hallways, or lunchrooms. Most of these people want to talk about salary levels, pensions, sight-seeing/travelling, gossip about who did what where, etc. QL is where I feel valued enough to start threads about these hot topics. I must admit that sometimes my posts get too hot to handle!
beauty of recent traffic laws
spanking: pros & cons
gay pride day parade
excessive violence in movies
Oiliness/saltiness of Yellow Cab Pizza
East Asian racism in Doha hotels
my workplace performance evaluation
making threads disappear (well, that's rather internal)
Gypsy was just making my point about how I feel the truth of QL in this important thread
********************************************************* Blessed are the geeks, for they shall Internet the earth!
hail to the queen!!! just turned 1 year weeks ago, and summarize all your observations here (boy, i will turn a year also in a couple of weeks, did i manage to gain something like you? will ponder about it later)....
disagreements is a healthy contribution of how you are at the moment... and how you will be in the future..
and oh....gypsy, you are what you are -- standing strongly with your views and principles now matter what they say.. and that's how i like you as THE GYPSY of QL..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Way to put everything in perspective realsom.
"When they say he could walk on water, I think of it like he could fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Literal people scare me, getting it wrong fundamentally, down at the church of 'Look it says right here see!" Ani Difranco
the truth is QL is place for western ideas a bit of Qatar and we cant leave it since we need the classifieds..
Everything you said is correct but they are mostly a western Agenda as the UN...we are dragged sometimes to arguments when we are insulted...we are the defendents in our own land...
The west didnot only invaded lands but they also invaded minds like QL..
almost my 2 years of membership the best I got from QL is the classifieds..
********************************************************* Blessed are the geeks, for they shall Internet the earth!
No plagarism from me. Hell no.
In a great romance each person basically plays a part that the other person really likes. Source unknown
QL Has made me grow so much as a person .....ok too far? maybe? just a bit?
"When they say he could walk on water, I think of it like he could fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Literal people scare me, getting it wrong fundamentally, down at the church of 'Look it says right here see!" Ani Difranco
this is really good point!!! I learned sooo much new information through serfing net for my posts...
it helps to improve our typing skills as
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
can't decide which faction within it, did it ... could have been any one of the sites I've bookmarked, to be honest! lol
Loving the 'source unknown' part of your sig. richard123
Seriously, with the amount of research I've had to do to respond to some of these posts on here, I should have my PHd by now.
"When they say he could walk on water, I think of it like he could fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Literal people scare me, getting it wrong fundamentally, down at the church of 'Look it says right here see!" Ani Difranco
Loads of stuff I never bothered to think twice about I now research and generally have been given food for thought on many aspects of this old world of ours and the people who inhabit it.
We have a condensed World of opinions on QL, to be sure.
I always say: it’s sooo healthy to have a BF/GF!
we all change.. i also used to disagree with you a lot.. but i always try to "cross the street and be on the opposit side", to see how does it feel...
and sure.. Bush would read only jokes
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Oh they're around Mulie is currently in hiatus. THat foot in her mouth just got too big, so she's waiting to have it removed. Doha Girl......who knows with that s**t
"When they say he could walk on water, I think of it like he could fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Literal people scare me, getting it wrong fundamentally, down at the church of 'Look it says right here see!" Ani Difranco
Good post Gypsy. You summed it all up quite nicely!
A thought provoking, engaging and stimulating post! Gypsy's wit and humour make this post very digestible. 2 thumbs up!
would get the jokes Gypsy. For that a modicum of intelligence is required. Whatever happened to Doha Girl and Muliebriania?
In a great romance each person basically plays a part that the other person really likes. Source unknown
wow Gypsy.. you really come along way in this site, and i am glad that you can take all the positive and negative in very good perspective. Well done gal. keep doing what you doing. dont be afraid to be who you are. And thanks for make this site for fun to read sometime with your post and comments. Brilliant.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
You may be right Gypsy... but I consider it bit big...
Stay :)
When you're through changing, you're through.
it kinda broadens ones way of thinking fr being narrow minded on certain issues to being broad minded and that is a good sign indeed...... it also creates awareness(opens up ones eyes so to speak). anything positive i am all for it............wtg qatar living>thumbs up
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Exactly! See people do grow from reading this forum.
"When they say he could walk on water, I think of it like he could fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Literal people scare me, getting it wrong fundamentally, down at the church of 'Look it says right here see!" Ani Difranco
Bless you Gypsy ... i remembered we had a bicker in the past ... with your old user names of course