The Truth Behind Starbucks

By dragonfly212 •
Hi guys.. I just received this via email from a friend of mine and shock about this Truth Behind Starbucks. Do you think this is just a pure hoax or true fact???
Sorry I am not that good to generate a thread for easy and smart way to read, so everyone is welcome to participate with their perspective.
that's my point
KH. If one has to stop using products from companies funded and/or associated with Zionist/Jews then such people have only to live on air and water.... not bottled water.
whether going south or north, those people know how to make money like a seesaw
in most commodities and companies are heading SOUTH!
Recession ... that nasty little word ...
since all companies have their shares available in the market and technically every person can have shares in any company anywhere in the world.
This means that Zionists own certain shares in any company and everything we buy/use will end up financing Israel.
Who guarantees that the Zionists or Americans or Danish do not have shares in Toyota or Nissan for example?
Starbuck do have a problem with coffes procurement from Ethiopia
shut up guys.
Now i am confused.
Is is OSAMA or Obama for this kind of Star bucks publicity.
Not entirely true though. I once met someone in San Francisco in 1989 that I didn't like.
In a great romance each person basically plays a part that the other person really likes. Source unknown
Wasn't there a thread about Coke here recently? Now it's Starbucks....
Everyone has a choice. If you dont believe in big corporation 'ethics' then you dont have to hand over your hard earned cash to them... either way they are going to keep on rolling.
Buy fairtrade coffee and make your own at home... it's a bit boring though isn't it?
tallg, i know that, but if every day more more people believe and choose not to go to starbucks they will loose money. but everyday starbucks open up new branches around the world, so what the heck...
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
"Make a difference or make way"
Who is accusing starbucks?? We franchise the company here
I don't think this will do much damage at all to Starbucks Mila. Big corporations have this sort of rubbish spread about them all the time with little consequence. Don't expect to see the many branches in Doha suddenly start shutting down!
starbucks , i love my frappuchino java chip with lotsa cream and choc sauce.....hehehhehheheheh
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Sorry...didn't mean to hijack the thread. I scanned the Recent Posts and skdkak's post about Obama behind Starbucks (on this thread) came up. Let's talk Starbucks!
Carry on with your lives, citizens.
Richard123 - You are a fan of everybody :)
I don't think she can do a better job than Monica :)
I am also a big fan of Obama but what does that have to do with the Starbucks conspiracy?
In a great romance each person basically plays a part that the other person really likes. Source unknown
hillary wants to see if she can do a better job than DH did before///lol
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
its amazing how your apponent can do to damage your business.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
I'm a big supporter of Obama. He's honest, sincere, and really wants to help America. Hillary is running for her own ambition. She is doing it for herself....not for the good of America. I'm glad she is a woman running for the top job but, I think, the main reason is for herself.
Samething happened back home. But on the bright side, no long queue...heh..heh..
absolutely obviously.. and even sounds dramatically sarcastic...
This Too Shall Pass.....
[img_assist|nid=71431|title=magic ring|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
This is yet more conspiracy garbage that makes the rounds as 'fact". Do you remember the alleged genuine letter by the American DJ complaining about Philippinos being the scum of the earth?
Philippinos understandably were upset and offended. The DJ not only had a Fillipina wife but he has a house in the Phillipinnes and plans to retire there.
In a great romance each person basically plays a part that the other person really likes. Source unknown
Guess, Osama might be behind it. He might have asked for a donation and not got one. LOL
Big corporates also get the blame for just about everything! I think I take everything on the 'net' with a big old pinch of salt....
I see, but really this circulars has done big damage to Starbucks i think, my muslim friends dont want to go to starbucks anymore although I keep saying dont believe anything you read on the net. but they just pure sturborn with what they believe. bless them.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
Thanks CG for clarifications. Not that it matter to me anyway but what cheap publicity would S..bucks get with that kind of word of mouth
Mila: dont take such mails seriously.... they are the one among many who will send u anything to get ur id. If u reply, forward and/or logon to their site for unsubscribing.... u have done what these guys need... and that is confirming a particular mail-id.
Later this id is traded with other like minded sites and what u have is adv for the followng
and the likes
Information about it's validity here;
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