Offer - housing provided

I have a potential offer. Family of 4 (husband, wife, 2 kids). Coming from Canada.
Housing provided by company, utilities will also be subsidized.
Salary and transport allowances add up to QR 26.5K per month. In addition, full schooling for both kids paid for. 37 days vacation. Car loan, furniture, standard stuff. As well, recreation club membership partially paid for.
My question: what will our monthly expenses and potential savings be if we spend normally but not lavishly, if we buy 2 cars - both late model SUVs. If we travel once extra locally, per year maybe Europe in addition to our trips back to Canada.
Sorry if I posed this question earlier, but times are changing in Doha very fast, and I'm asking for help in figuring out what a good, realistic budget would be. My worst nightmare is getting to Doha expecting to save a lot of money only to be disappointed....
Alhasnain, sorry, I mean possible.
Figure look OK, if your stick to the plan, 10K saving is not possible.
thanks tlpatlpa. I agree with your comments about lifestyle. Your choice of lifestyle is what you make it, but there can be some averages and assumptions made.
So I prepared a budget for myself and my family of 4.
Could you please take a look at the attached spreadsheet and let me know if this is a realistic budget for a family of 4??
thanks again.
ahasnain, normally westerner have a expensive lifestyle. for people coming form east eg filiphine, malaysia, indoensia its a very good money. unless you're migration to canada from other 3rd country, I assumed?
Thanks for your comment. Housing if fully paid for though. I mean the company provides a 3 or 4 BR villa (not a housing allowance). So I figure if my total living expenses are 17 or 18K (please see my post in the cost of living forum), am I not saving around 8-10K QAR per month??
Please let me know if I am mistaken,
I personally think the offer is not good. Total package of QR26.5k for a family of 4? Coming in from Canada? You might be disaapointed with what you'd be left with at the end of the month.
appreciate your feedback and comments. Thank you.
kids dont drink either - they are 4 years old and 1 month old!
(well, at least not yet!!)
I'd better get back to work before my boss catches me spending all my time on!
parents do not drink... what about the children?!
***The biggest risk in life, is not taking one!***
thank you. maybe this belongs in the cost of living section, but based on the situation I described above (villa provided by employer), would the following be a realistic spending monthly QAR budget:
Groceries: 5000
Eating out: 800
Miscellaneous: 1000
Landline/cell/cable: 800
Car payments: 5000 (2 cars totalling 100K each for total of 200K divided by 36)
Car insurance: 500
Maid: 1000
Does this sound realistic for a family of 4 (parents do not drink!!)????
saving is not from how big or small your salary but of how you manage things out!!!!
remember no tax here
you dont need to worry, your offer is fairly good, I expect from my experience here in Qatar, you can save more than half of your given salary
And keyed word 'livingcost'. Maybe you can have a read some of the thrad on below link :
My husband's company only pay once a year flight to the UK, while i am originally from Indonesia. So every year we always forked out an extra flight for going back to my side of family.
Travel locally here depend where you are travel and what sorts of acommodation you rather prefer. Then that would affect your expenses.
SUV would be depend on the car what you getting .. you can get SUV for just under 100.000 QR and up. Most families i know normally have 1 SUV and 1 non SUV. The wife will take the SUV for ferrying the kid/s while husband used the other car to go to work and back. I would say you will to have at least 1 SUV in the family ... during winter time there are alot of group going to the desert for dune bashing.
Housing provided by the company would be a big plus. Make sure they not giving you an allowance ... it would be a big plus knowing you dont have to get through headache thinking about the rent raise.