worthy information for all of us !!
>Assalamualikum waramatulai wabarakatu
> Would you like to know what happens when you sleep??
> Allah says in the
>It is Allah that takes the souls (of men) at death;
> and those that die not (He takes) during their sleep:
> those on whom He has passed the decree of death, He
> keeps back (from returning to life),but the rest He
> sends (to their bodies) for a term appointed.Verily in
> this are Signs for those who reflect.
>Quran, Chapter 39 verse 42
>This means: every time you sleep, Allah takes your
> souls,amongst many other souls he takes during
> sleeping. Then Allah decides who is going to be given
> another chance. For those who are blessed with another
> chance, Allah will permit their souls to go back to
> their bodies, the rest he keeps back from returning to life
> i.e.they die.
>This means: each time you go to bed you should never
> be sure you will get up again, you ONLY have 50%
> chance for coming back to life.
>This means: each time you go to bed you should be
> prepared for your hereafter.
>This means: when you wake up the next day you should
> appreciate how lucky (blessed) you are. And say
> "Blessed be the one who returned my soul to my
> body, and granted me another chance". This is what
> the prophet PBUH used to say when he wakes up.
>This means: when you wake up the next day you should
> make sure you utilize the new day as much as you can
> before sleep time comes,in case the new day you are
> living is the last chance you are given.
>This means: you should try to make sure you recite
> sura AL-MULK (chapter 67) before sleeping, because
> the prophet PBUH promised that one who reads this
> sura before sleeping is saved from the punishment of
> the grave.May Allah forgive us all and bless us with a
> happy life in this dunya and the hereafter.
The Quran, just like the Holy Bible tells us things to ponder upon...not take each word for it's literal meaning...
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN
each night we will never die? Good luck with that one.
if I were to wish anything to God during Sleep ... I would wish I dont live again ... how lucky it would be to die during sleep ... amin
Nobody dies a virgin ... Life Screws you anyway !!!
Thanks for the information, but yes we shouldn't interpret it as having only 50% chance of coming back to life.
If ALLAH (SWT) says that the soul will be sent back for some and NOT sent back for some, doesn't mean that the shares are equal, and 50% people get it back and 50% don't.
>This means: each time you go to bed you should never
> be sure you will get up again, you ONLY have 50%
> chance for coming back to life.
Perhpas I'm misreading or misinterpreting the above, but isn't it implying that each night half of all Muslims die? Or to put it another way, the odds are that you'll be dead after two nights sleep. Can that really be right?
Buy Alwatan news paper and you will get the free edition of Daleel inside it :D
walaikumassalam warahmatulai wabarakhatu
sura AL-MULK (chapter 67) before sleeping, because
> the prophet PBUH promised that one who reads this
Jazakallah khair
Thanks for reminding me about this. I will try to read as well.
"Keep Smiling"
Thank you very much for information.It is really good.I will try to follow this.If you have any other good informatio n like this,keep on putting.
Allah Hafiz.
wa alaikumussalam waramatulahi wabarakatuhu
Wask luvtodrive,
it was really worhty info - thanks
i will try my best to recite surah mulk every night.
may Allah bless you!!
"Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."
and that may cause a misunderstanding in the interpretation of the Quran.
I may not be a Muslim but I do have 18-20% muslim blood from my father's lineage and I think the word "SLEEP" connotes a different meaning.
Just my views...no time to debate about religion...it usually ends in a messy argument...
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!- UNKNOWN