My parent’s wedding anniversary

After 2 to 3 years we all are together now here in Qatar to celebrate my parents wedding anniversary on coming month. I really want to give a big surprise to them. But me and my brother are in dilemma what to do for them? What should we arrange for them? How? Don’t know? Can any of my fellow QLers could help me with some suggestions ….
Have you tried Sharq VIllage? Their spa is amazing! They do romantic packages too (if its not too traumatic to think about your parents taking a romantic bath together!!). It would be lovely for them to have a nice relaxing spa day. Ive been there and they really do make you feel special!
Its so nice that you are doing something special, and whatever you do Im sure they will love it,
happy anniverwary to them
if they are getting old then best gift for them that you should give your hole day to them ,switch off your mobile,don't go out with your friends,make your all day plan with them,it is best gift for them.
which anniversary is it? how old r they?
If you're looking for a problem, you're probably gonna find one.
Thanks for your wishes. every one should keep smiling.
"Keep Smiling"
tearstosmile... happy anniversary to you too. keep smiling...
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
Switch off your mobile and be with them for the whole day, if you can, like your childhood. I think this is a great gift your parents will never forget.
Happy wedding anniversary to your parents
call one of the 5 star hotel here and ask them to give you honeymoon packages and let them enjoy it. am sure they will love the idea and cannot say NO.
good luck
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
Happy wedding anniversary to your parents.
"Keep Smiling"