Dune Bashing

By nathplummer •
Hey guys,
I was after a bit of advice. We fly to Doha from UK on 1st March and we are there for 2 weeks visiting my family.
We are wanting to go dune bashing on quads as we did this last year and it was fantastic.
I am trying to find out where the best place is to rent about 4 quads from for all day, preferably with trailer(s). Im wanting to do this as cheap as possible.
So, does somebody know how much it costs to rent a quad for some hours or per hour at this moment?
And are there specific rental shops who have better quality/safer quads for rent?
We would like to go next Friday morning, early as possible.
What time are they open?
It's just too busy for me. I get tired of making sure the kids don't get run over while playing around the water. Some people love it sure but I prefer a weekday.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Don't mess with me I am half Philipino on that front :)
charan -sorry chicken not duck,(i thought when i asked they told me it was duck)
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
why do you try and avoid fridays?
so would you say that it is dangerous to ride quads there on a friday?
It is not Duck. It is Chicken :)
no balut for me thank you(been there eaten it) them poor lil ducklings
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
"Balut" is Philippinas delicacy and I have eaten that in many time. If a Philipina gives you a "Balut" That means she has hidden interest of you :)
Ah bring me balut from Baggio or Pangasinan :)
I am not sure they rent quads for a day rate basis but they rent 4 x 4 for daily rate.
I took a quad for 300 QR for one hour. Howmuch do you think will cost for the whole day? I am talking about the renting guys at sealine.
I just googled that and I think the ladies maybe trying to kill you if they offer you that! Can't say I've ever tried it. Stick to the rum pina colada.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
They offer me Pina Cola with "Balut"
I'm sure they shade you with their palm tree leaves and offer you icey Pina Colodas. :)
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
I will not miss a Friday. There are plenty of Bikini Clad ladies by the side of Swimmimg pool to ogle at :)
Friday is "best" if you wants loads of dune traffic. Definitely a good day to watch locals. I avoid Friday like a plague!
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Reliability doesn't come cheep :)
"Hiring the quads for whole day will cost you fortune"
How do you know? Ever been there ?
nathplummer said Is it true that the best ...
Is it true that the best day to go to sealine is a friday?
Yes Yes nothing but Yes
Is it true that the best day to go to sealine is a friday?
I want to watch the locals driving on the dune?
That is what im trying to find out syamsat. I want them for whole day but as cheap as possible.
Hiring the quads for whole day will cost you fortune, if you get it near sealine beach. There must be some other places with better options. please checkout.
Does anyone know how much they are approx from the place at sealine?
We will want them all day.
That's really helpful, thanks
I think its approx 45 kms from doha. Not far really.
Last year we rented them from a filling station on the way to messaied. They cost approx 400qr for the day and 500 qr deposit i think?? cant quite remember exact figures. sorry.
Can't say I've seen Dunebuggies for rent out there but I'm sure there are.
Messaid is about 45 minutes from Doha. Mostly due to loads of trucks going very slooooow. Sealine Beach Resort is the only place out there for facilities, otherwise you're on your own for food/drinks/bathroom...
Don't know the price.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Easiest is the Rental Shop next to Sealine Beach Resort. You can rent every thing there.- Doha to Sealine is about 70-80KM approx.
Hey, I'm trying to research the same thing.
How far is Mesaied from Doha? Have you an idea of how much it is to rent?
Can you hire the dune buggy things? I think thats what they are called anyway? They had 2 proper seats in?
All around the Sealine area there are many places to rent. If you rent out there you really wouldn't need a trailer either. You can't miss them they are right along the road.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
mate u can hire them frm Mesaied, wch is close to sealine.
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