Why are we closer to one parent?

By azilana7037 •
I just had a long chat with the family this morning. Spoke with my kids and then had a long talk with MOM. Then, conversation steered to my father who happens to be on vacation.
I just wondered why we are closer to one parent than the other?
But dont get me wrong I get along with my father though we argue more than we agree on things (particularly on/about my kids)and stuff.
I'm always close to my mother where as my sister is closer to my father.
Why is this? And which parent are you closer to?
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain! - UNKNOWN
Brother closer to father.
I'm closer to mother.
My daughter closer to me.
My son to his mother.
Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes.
- Ben Franklin
I'm closer to my mother while my brother is closer to my father. But, I'm sure dd will always be closer to dw. Do you know why? I need breasts and a nurturing heart!
(BTW, if I write breasts, will I have broken the QL posting guidelines? Is there a list of unacceptable words here?)
They divorced when i was 6. Only saw my dad every fortnight. Left home at 16. Now i have my own life.
Suits me really, dont like people worrying about me !
Still need to lose another 5-7 kgs to go back to my ideal weight...too #$#$^% hard, really. :-(
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!" - UNKNOWN
Now you are doing regular exerzise to loose weight right. so lost how many 10kg?
that much...and I seldom drink or go out lately.
some people still watches my every move...whehehehehe
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!" - UNKNOWN
It will get better from today. Do you want a bottle of Whisky to help you out:)
it's been too freaking cold in the evenings...
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!" - UNKNOWN
The problem is nobody knows where he is. I even checked in his favourite place yesterday. (Stinky Ramada sports bar)
where RED POPE is...lol
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!" - UNKNOWN
Bloody Red_Pope didn't turn up to get his quota of holy water :)
it was fun...hope everyone had a nice weekend
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!" - UNKNOWN
Azilana - No problem with the wifey. I continue where I stop from Rydges at home with her untill 3.00am :)
I didn't had any hangover (thank GOD) but almost froze to death that night. I met up a friend and had siesha at Souq waqif...
Hope you didn't have problems with the wifey... :-P
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain! - UNKNOWN
Azilana _ Have you recovered from your hangover :)
Niether of them, im more closer to my husbands parents.....
Or the eldest of the siblings tend to be closer to the parent who were more approachable...
In my case, my father is the stricter parent who definitely does not spare the rod. And mother is always there to take the blunt of father's wrath.
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!" - UNKNOWN
One very learned guy came to take a class for parents in our church. He was talking about why male children generally bonded better with their mom and vice versa.
What he said made sense. He said that children always learn about the opposite sex first by watching their parents. A guy learns about females and interacting with them by looking at his mother. Girls look up to their father in a similar way.
Also, the elder ones generally tend to be closer to the mother while the younger one will be the dad's pet. I dont know why this happens, but it is the case more often than not.
I found that both these were very true in my life. Even though i am fiercely independent, i am considered Mama's boy and i am the elder in the family.
Child shows mother her new world and so she is is close to the first.
The last child is the pride of the father that he can still prove to the world and hence he is closer to the second.
There is lot more politics than love to children and parents. It's my thinking only...........................
Can I say DUh....
Mother there...
Father not...
In my case anyway....
Would be closer to a spouse than anyone in the long run...
You can't teach experience...
Well what i've noticed is that the girls are more dear to the father and the
boys to the mother. But it actually depends, now I was more close to my aunt
and my grand father, cuz its not about who u spend ur whole life with or
until u grow up, but who held ur hand first. When I was a little kid, my parents
left to london, cuz my dad had to study and my mom was there with my dad.
So I was living in Qatar with my grand parents and my aunt and I was around
2 - 3 years old. It's the age when kids start having emotions and are sensetive.
At that age who ever is there for u and takes care of u, u love them more than
anyone in your whole life and you always turn to them.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
maybe it's because I grew up with my grandmother till i was 8 years old and my parents took me back.
I wasn't even close to my mother till I 12 years old.
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain!" - UNKNOWN
when I think about it, I realized it is not true in my case. I was always between parents with equal distance..
I was closer to my father when i was younger because he let me get away with anything, now i am closer to my mother because as a parent now know why my mother was more stricter on me.....and i feel like i relate to her more...but i appreciate them both as i know how hard it is trying to raise children in the best way you can..
hmm maybe you are close to your neighbours :D
Often, girls get close to their fathers and boys to their mothers. I got close to neither...
One of the hardest things for us to do in our human nature is to just stop what we are doing to allow God to produce in us what only He can produce.