Transporting Beer

By uncleshark •
Was driving back from QDC today, in a bit of a hurry so I wasn't thinking when I left the 24 of beer on the passenger seat. Some Qatari drove past me in his Land Cruiser and took a pic with his phone.
Could this be a problem?
The poor guy has probably never seen a case of beer in his life and probably never will again- so he decided to snap away!!
'Our freedom is but a light that breaks through from another world'
Let it be a transparent statue
However, don't foget this is all happening under cover lol.
It would be a better idea if they construct a huge statue of something indicative. Let's say a bottle of Corona beer in that place and can be seen from distant locations. Like that huge trolley infront of Giant Stores. What do you think?
recently for a short time they were and have been publishing the rules on the back of the invoices asthey were told to do so.
Recently they are publishing a map as how to find them on the back of invoices lol.
I think the story of the two women is a different issue. If am not mistaken, it was about shifting the alcoholic drinks from one car to another inside a university.
Previously, the laws were very strict about transportation. But now, for newcomers, they have the application they fill and the membership card. Both do not have any indication about alcohol transportation. So, legally there is no liability unless it is written on the back of the receipt or somewhere inside the store. Yet, if this is the case, it is illegal notice since we have to read the terms and conditions and sign somewhere acknowledging that we are aware of those terms and conditions. Such thing is not followed.
uncleshark...I think the beer landed you in soup
The guy who took your photo was a local.
He must have seen you and "your crate of sin" most probably at a traffic light when you aligned your car next to his.
The act of taking the photo was deliberate as one has to arm the
camera. And most probably he must have cliked you from behind after
arming his camera, then clicked again while driving side by side.
Were you grining in the picture or grimacing!
I would have told you that the guy who did it had a sense of humour but that would not be honest.
That was very foolish of you indeed. How much time does it take to open the Boot?
Doh !
Sorry novi, just realised that I was really stating the obvious there, wasn't I!
yes sir Tallg ...
I'd recommend your hubby covers it up with a blanket or something, novi.
The concession has a set of rules up explaining how to transport the alcohol from one place tothe next if the rules are not followed well.
We had this discussion two weeks ago ehwn it came to light that two women were deported.
my hubby car is santa fe ... it is hatch back ... and when he transport the booze people can see it very easy from the outside.
I'm trying to think of cars that don't have trunks! Examples please!
good question that chupa.......
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
What if your car does not have a trunk?
My wife confirmed what ohbee wan said - there's a notice at QDC stating that alcohol should be placed inside the trunk of your car and should not be exposed. And my wife's always right, about everything.
You should have permit to buy alcohol for home consumption.
As long as you do not need a local bank account, driving license, fixed mobile phone, land line and ADSL connection then you would be fine without a residency permit.
Can we buy alcohol in Doha for home consumption without a permit. It's just I'll be running a company in Doha without a residents permit as I don't need one. (I have a UK passport and will be constantly travelling between the UK, Dubai and Doha)
We should abide by the law and what we know officially. On the application and the membership card there is nothing written about how to tansport the drinks or which route to follow.
you are correct thexonic.
However suppose there is a group of people taking photographs in order to petition the ministry............then you could have a problem for everyone!
Well even if u have a drinking permit, i suppose it could be a problem. But it would be allrite if he didnt take your lisence plate no.
It's always the small things that make big differences.
that if the guy reports it and others are also taking snaps they can take it to the ministry and cause problems.
That was how the bar in the Falcon Club came to close in 1983.
People reporting that things were being discussed and who was talking about what to who.
There were so many reports going in (from FC guests) that the ministry ordered the bar closed.
He prob just thought it was cool...
And it was prob a qatari wanna be...
Just cause they got the outfit don't mean they qatari...
Drink your beers in peace...
You can't teach experience...
It is supposed to be out of sight.
Who knows what will happen the next moment...
i agree with tallg and gypsy, even though you have a liqour permit you need to be discrete when transporting booze to your place, if you're a little bit observant there is a notice at QDC stating that transporting ligouqrs, specifically on those cartons, should be placed inside the trunk of their car, and should not be exposed.
My understanding was the same as Gypsy's - when transporting liquor it should be in the trunk/boot or covered up, i.e. not in view of anyone passing the vehicle. I was told this by other people, but have not heard it officially.
I thought the liquor couldn't be out in the open? I thought the law was it has to be in the trunk?
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
yes as far as you have a liquor permit and going home straight to the house from QDC you fine. Dont worry.
There are sadistic people all around us. Someone just wanted to frighten you. relax. enjoy your night.
One of the hardest things for us to do in our human nature is to just stop what we are doing to allow God to produce in us what only He can produce.
That's strange. Probably just wishing he had some.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
as long as u have your liquor permit card who cares?
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot