Should i wait for the Rent Law?
The rent for my apartment contract will be ended by 15-March.
I have asked for the new rent price and was told that the price will be increased by 10%.
I read somewhere in 'The Peninsula' or 'Gulf time' that in the new law rent, the max
increase will be 7%. Anybody knows more detail about this? Should i wait then?
He'd still be able to raise the rent before the new law passes. The new law doesn't apply to restrospect.
<-- Cost of Living, Visas, Safety Info, Tips, Pics, Vids and m
Many Days ago I read somewhere in Internet about upcoming Qatar Law Regard
Decrease Visa charges,
Remove Sponsorship system,
Decrease Driving Lcens charges/Rents,ext ext ext...............
Finally i read the lates news about Qatar law on News papers.
Every Expartise want to pay QR10 for Exit.
so Mr JSK,
wait for the latest law about Rent. You will supprise!!!!
Ya go ahead and sue that B*****d...All the best..!