is it true? a car accident within a month from the date of issuance of license means cancellation?

By dutchess01 •
Greetings everyone. Just new in QL dont even know if im posting my question in the right post. Nway,,I just had my Driving License 3 days ago and i already started driving my own car...the thing is somebody told me that i should be extra carefull within my first month of driving because if i happen to have or i get into any car accidents within a month from the issuance of my license...the authorities will have to cancel my license. Hope someone ,,can shed a light on this. thanks anyone.....
Ei Guys fellas,,,,,,,thanks,,,,
i don't know if this will clarify things, but the penalties on the new traffic law which took effect last Nov 2007 can be viewed on its english version at moi website (, hope this helps =D
hi there..will this all is just hear say...dont believe in this words...people try to scare you...there is no such rule to cancel ur dont worry
Insurance might say do it or don't do it,,,LOL!
What does insurance broker have to do with the drivers license???
You can't teach experience...
Ei thanks,,,i really appreciated it. I'll take your advice.
Have a good day!
You need to call or visit your insurance broker and ask them that question.
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
But as Muhammad Ali once said, 'It's not bragging, if you can back it up'."
Why would you scare? Just be aware, be careful, keep distance and drive suey-suey... and most of all, pray before you drive and thank God when you reach your distination.
same thing as to what i read in qatar violation rules. This guy who told me this thing is pissing me off now...Scary me...i left my car and took a cab for today. grrrr
What i know is suspension only, it depends what accident you are involve to. For under 21 years old, the license be cancelled or suspended until he turns 21 years old.
I had a friend, when she had just taken her license and in just 2 weeks she had an accident, she crashed the back of the car ahead of her, she had 2weeks suspension. After that, couple of months later, she had minor accidents again, and the same, she was given suspension. But take note that if i think you had thrice accidents in a row this might result to cancellation of license.
yah i know...but it did bothers me. Because after having my license i thought i'll have more confidence and yet,,,it worries me.
thats something new.