Buying a car, other questions

I've received a contract which I'm pleased with but have a few questions. I've done a search and found some info; this is a great site and I'm so happy I stumbled upon it.
Q1: Can I buy a car for 45-50,000 QR? If yes, what type do you figure. I currencly have a Honda Fit here in Vancouver and was hoping for something similar.
Q2: I will have 8000 QR for housing allowance. As I'm single, I was wondering if this is enough to rent a one bedroom (studio) type apartment. I hear the rents are through the roof over there so just wondering if I would be renting on my own or possibly sharing.
Q3: This will sound silly but I'm a very nervous driver and after reading postings on this site, even more so. Is it really suicide to drive over there? If yes, I may change my mind about coming.
Thank you much to all who take the time to read and respond.
You are's been quite a long time coming but, if all goes well, in the next few weeks. I enjoyed my site visit there last month and now it's just a matter of getting things organized. I'm a bit nervous but think it's going to be okay. Thanks for the message.
hi molly ... i was thinking you are already here ... i remember you asking about QP life in mesaieed.
Thank you..although not addressed to me, I found your comments very helpful as I, too, will be arriving soon and have many of the same concerns as my fellow Canadian.
People from all walks of life come to Qatar. You've been hearing alot of things that's making you nervous and worry. Qatar is just like other countries that if it is your first time, especially if you don't know anybody to welcome you, is the same as anyone felt. Don't worry people here are very friendly specially QLers. Just let us know when you get here.So you won't feel alone and we will be happy to help you.
Nissan Tiida cost 48000,but better buy suv type it's safer to drive.
and if it's so much fun, I might want to give it a try.
Thanks guys!
Rent a car for 1500-2000QR/mo for the first couple of months. Driving here is not Canada. If you're going to have an accident, it will be soon in your time here and make it at the car rental company's expense. Negotiating police, insurance and repairs is not a headache you need from the start. Once you're more comfortable about how the game works, you can figure out what sort of vehicle you really want and negotiate a good price.
You can't not be into it. It is so much fun! And you have to see the Inland Sea at least once. :)
I have a feeling
that once you get here
you'll get an SUV :-)
Sounds interesting but not something I would be I just need a regular car. Thanks for the info.
offroading - putting the car in 4 wheel drive and hitting the dunes. Driving off the road. :)
That is very helpful Hashin and you're kind to respond. Pardon my ignorance, but what's offroading?
I think the fit is called jazz over here... you should get a new one for 50000QAR
you should be able to find a single bedroom/studio apartment for 8000QAR. If you could find someone to share a bigger house, it might work out cheaper overall...
Driving is not as safe as it is in North America but its definitely not the most dangerous roads either... if you just drive nornally, you will not come to any great harm...
most people prefer to have an SUV cos the most popular weekend passtime almost always involves offroading...
and thanks very much for your quick response..I guess it's the only time being a nervous driver is to my advantage:)
Wow I think I actually helped for a change...
You can't teach experience...
Q1: Can I buy a car for 45-50,000 QR? If yes, what type do you figure. I currencly have a Honda Fit here in Vancouver and was hoping for something similar.
Yes you can...Just look at the classsified section...Recommend SUV cause the roads here suck
Q2: I will have 8000 QR for housing allowance. As I'm single, I was wondering if this is enough to rent a one bedroom (studio) type apartment. I hear the rents are through the roof over there so just wondering if I would be renting on my own or possibly sharing.
Yes you can...I have an apartment in 5 unit villa in a compound...Rate will increase to 7K soon...I think these are hard to find though
Q3: This will sound silly but I'm a very nervous driver and after reading postings on this site, even more so. Is it really suicide to drive over there? If yes, I may change my mind about coming.
Thank you much to all who take the time to read and respond.
Yes it is...But the nervous drivers survive...It's the ones who get pissed off like me that have the problems...I've got to learn to quit chasing down the a holes and never mind....And alot of it depends where in town you have to drive...Some places are much more tame than others...The industrial area is the biggest challenge....And I unfortunatly have to tackle it 5 days a week
Welcome to Qatar...
You can't teach experience...