By Virgin_move08 •
Hello All,
Since I am in the process of trying to relocate to Doha, I was wondering if I can get some insight from those who have made the move. I am moving with my boyfriend he is also a U.S. citizen. He will be there next month. He has family in kuwait so we wont be completely alone but I do not have family in that region.
Has anyone made this move with a mate? The idea was passed on by a mate that wanted you to experience the opportunity as well.
If so, How are things working out for you now.
Anyone regret this move as far as the opportunity stand point?
I am sorry, trust you on what?
trust me
I am looking for my own employment with housing and we have discussed marrying once I am sure I can adjust to living there. I didnt see the point in getting married just to go and hate living there then putting me and him through a divorce.
I am excited about the opportunity but I am very careful with decision I make so I am trying to get all the info and use all the resources available before getting on the plane. We are hoping to get me over this year. He is starting a new job as Director of Sales for A.G.T so he will need to get settled and he will be able to help with the efforts in finding me employment.
So we don't have intentions on illegally living together.... You guys have helped warn against that..LOL
Once upon a time i came to Qatar
and since then i am in Qatar
and am loving it every day.
No we are not married...
The virgin is in reference to the move not my sexual status..LOL..I see this is the wrong site to put that up there...LOL
Do you have some experience with this matter?
As Vegas said, if ur not married u should be careful about living together because it's illegal in Qatar for unmarried couple to live together. Other than that, u should be fine, Qatar's a fun place and ur experience here is ultimately what u make of it :)
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Virgin Female....Cool..
The question is....
Are you married???
Cause if your not...
You can't live together...
Well ya can...But don't get caught...
You can't teach experience...
LOL..No I am a female...
You better go to another country if
your talking boy to boy...
I think its legal in Iceland???
You can't teach experience...
mate ?