Time for a break

By swissgirl39 •
After analizing my present situation i urgently need a break.A time out.I have to make desicions about my near future.Where will i be?What i want to reach?I am confused and empty at the moment.Nothing is going on.I stuck here in some problems and cant find a way out.So i want to say good bye for a while.And thank you all for many,many happy and unforgetable moments here on QL.May god bless you all and i hope i will find a way out from this and i will come back again with more knowledge and a bit wiser then now.
Again thank you QL,merry x mas to all and a happy new year.
She will explode....Help Swiss gal I can accompany u durng the New year
I thin you better quit that you know what i am talking about.
not you also...please, if you need to talk, email me..I'm going to PM you my email address...geez I hope you get it before you sign off!!
You know, the first Christmas I spent away from my family, when I was first married and living in Jeddah? Much as I LOVE my family, that Christmas - the first in my LIFE I'd spent without being 'summoned' to a family gathering - was honestly the BEST ! I always enjoyed it, and had fun, but it was that 'commitment' thing which spoiled it. 'be there or else' type of thing.
Just spent it with people we'd met and everyone pitched in with either a Turkey, or the veggies, or the salads, or the desserts and there was ABSOLUTELY NO PRESSURE.
It was such a feeling of freedom LOL
Mind you - these days I'd really enjoy being with my family on Christmas Day, but maybe that's because I've tasted having the CHOICE to be there or not.
If you see what I mean.
Exactly Jauntie, that's why I've learnt to take things easy especially in Holidays and just whatever happens happens. U can't get disappointed when u don't have expectations :D
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
Festive Seasons (especially the ones around this time of the year) seem to make loads of people miserable and unhappy.
The expectation of wonderful family times and all the hype that goes with it tends to leave some people feeling extra flat when things turn out to be really not too different from every other day of the year, except everyone argues more! ;P
Pressures on all to make life seem what it aint ..
Sad, but true.
Whats happening to everyone these days...cant you people be alright going with things happening in life..do you need to get so depressed that you have to leave QL and all of us and ofcourse < ME >...
Come on Swissmiss...get your brains going and stay with us dont go anywhere...we get only 1 shot at life...so that 1 shot be with us...
And that applies for everyone...stop getting depressed atleast in the Festive Season people....
So hows everyone doing...
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This doesn't sound like you .... please, please cheer up and get your bright pretty head around whatever the problem is.
We don't want to lose you!
swissgirl39, i hope you find what ur looking for. goodluck 2 u!!!
Swiss, sorry to see you like this...maybe we can help?
Love is the answer...