Rents Are Going Down

Dont believe the subject heading. Just open your latest newspaper and you'll see for yourself, whether you agree or not, its there. And its good for a typical resident like us.
Before, an independent 1-bedroom with hall, kitchen and t/b for family would cost you not less than 7k, now the same description at 5k only. Still high huh, well, few months back this price was impossible. Now, there's even 2 bedroom flat for 6k. And so on...
Could it be that the real status of the market value is on the streets?
"We must become the change we want to see. - Mahatma Gandhi
that what the Peninsula prints is correct. I know better than anyone how some of the reporters there find their stories. Infact i got my fingers very burnt, last year regarding the Peninsula. All im saying is that,in my personal view, i havent seen any evidence of rents lowering,apart from the occasional post on here.
[img_assist|nid=17864|title=Chicks dig Guys with skills|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=440]
lol I'm with you Jauntie
@matt, yep I agree, some places prices are becoming very high. However it is important to know that orgs and personal rental have different restrictions and laws. When it comes to businesses you can pretty much raise the rent to a million if you wanted.
Can't wait until the iron fist slams greedy landlords down.
Looks like fairly sensational journalism to me LMAO
No point in publishing good news is there ;) Better to pick something to catch the public eye, don't yah know wot?
Apologies for the cut and past....i'll keep it brief
Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (QCCI) member Ahmed Nasser Al Rayes said he had to abandon an educational institution after the owner of the premises decided to raise the rent from QR12,000 a month to a whopping QR50,000. The owner of this property raised the rent from QR1,000 per unit to QR4,000 a month. “How can I afford to pay such astronomical sums for office (institute) and housing for my employees, so I decided to quit the business than run the institute in loss,” he said.
Barely three years ago, a small storage facility in the Industrial Area was available for a monthly rent of QR3,000. “Can you believe it if I tell you the rental has now gone up to QR60,000? It’s unbelievable, but true,” said Rayes.
I dont doubt what Amnesia states in the future may happen. Like ive said before his posts appear to be well informed. However these are the facts right now!!!!
@qatarisun, you make it seem like things change overnight so easily.
Rome wasn't built in a day! You are saying in 2 months rent went up by 25%. I'm sorry but that's just BS.
You don't even bother to READ my posts some times. You asked "what makes you think they will go down?" Because I was in a meeting in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where there was a discussion about the solutions and government intervention to prevent the inflation and to help reduce it. THAT is how I know!
@JOHN.K Are you all going insane. I AM NOT THIS FREAKING THREAD STARTER! I DIDN'T SAY RENTS ARE GOING DOWN. I am saying that rents should go down in the future. BIG BIG BIG DIFFERENCE!
Jauntie is spot on with what I was saying.
I really worry about people's powers of assumption on these forums.
People still assume when you say things flat out...
All I can say is that I just find it funny that to justify our honest facts we have to find people apartments. It's a lose lose situation for us.
in The Peninsula and Gulf Times. I think the agency who had the QR6,500 ones was ..... nope - I thought I had the name here in my pad, but I can't find it immediately.
the whole reason I started looking for a new apartment was because I went into a friend's 2 bed in Muntaza and it was GORGEOUS. Spacious, light, nice road with trees! and he is paying QR7,000.
you say 6000-7500.. but 6000 and 7500 are two absolutely different stories!
please for God sake, tell me where i can get 2-br apartment for 6000?
as for 7500 for 2 br, it is way too expensive... some time ago you could get the same flats for 7000, and now they go for 7500.. and that's what exactly i am saying...
and amnesia's euphoria regarding this matter is just so cute and touchable...
Whatever Turns You ON...
[img_assist|nid=55275|title=|desc=PEACE PLEASE!|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
I spent one day viewing about 6 places, a second day viewing 3 other buildings, each with 3 apartments or more available and on a THIRD day I viewed about 4 places and plumped for one of those.
The prices varied from QR7,000 to QR12,000. Lower prices were unfurnished.
I had been living in a LARGER place in Mansoura; not bad area; fully furnished; excellent maintenance which was QR7,500.
Oh! And I almost forgot, I saw some apartments advertised on QL for QR10,000. Guess what?? When I telephoned to view them the price had been reduced to QR9,500 !! :D
what he is saying is that there ARE 2 bed apartments around from QR6,000-QR7,500
I went to see some very nice, new, 2 bed apartments in Muntaza, for example, at QR7,500 in a good area. I didn't take one because I didn't like the lay-out.
I was invited to see some near the Corniche for about QR6,500 but the agent told me they would be rather small and before I got around to investigating further I found a place which I really like.
I see places like Beverley Hills but know we couldn't afford them and, anyway, we don't need a large place.
"Sometimes I read threads and people make it seem like it's costing a million dollars to live in a battlefield/death zone with no clean water, bacteria infested food and rapists everywhere."
I enjoy my time here, as do my wife and children. If it was like the above paragraph, i would be long gone.
In my honest opinion and im talking from my friends and I experience, rents are still going up still. I've seen no evidence to suggest otherwise.
Im not being arguementative here, im just not seeing or hearing what you are.
amnesis - hey you, rent is going down huh, it is going up and up just like the economy growth of qatar ok
you are talking about reducing accommodation prices for about 21 weeks by now( this is how long you are memebr on QL). During these 21 weeks the prices so far went up for at least 25%.
What makes you thinking that in any near future the prices will go down?
you say, you were hunting, this is a right word...probably I have to give up my present job, and to dedicate myself to accommodation search 24/7, and to have hundreds of friend here who can help me with that, just to be able to find a place a bit cheaper than a market price.
Open a newspaper. It is clear.. whatever yesterday was QR 4000, today is QR 5000.whatever was 10,000 today 13,000. I know I am not one of your "friends", but could you please also find a cheap ( and decent of course!!) place for me, your opponent, just to show me HOW WRONG I AM and JUST TO MAKE ME SHUT UP?
Whatever Turns You ON...
[img_assist|nid=55275|title=|desc=PEACE PLEASE!|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
live in a battlefield/death zone with no clean water, bacteria infested food and rapists everywhere.
I somehow cant see people thinking its that
'Our freedom is but a light that breaks through from another world'
Hi there Matty,
I am telling you God's truth.
I know this because I often share opinions with people in the ministry.
Now what people say and what happens can be different things.
For example, you could say that tomorrow rent prices are not going to go down, but others would disagree with you. Would they be insulting your intelligence? Obviously there must be a reason for what they say correct?
As I mentioned, I've been apartment hunting for friends and have found a numerous amount of accommodations at much lower prices than what people said they'd find.
PM Jauntie for example. She's an expat and she'll confirm what I've been saying.
I just want people to realize that things are not all chaos.
I agree, some places are too expensive. Unbelievably expensive and in my eyes not even worth it, but the fact of the matter is, rents will be due to be going down in the future.
I don't agree that they've gone already as the first poster said but I am sure something will be done about it in the future.
I never ever tell people to 'go home'. I will tell people that at the end of the day, where they live is their choice and its out duties to be able to make our home a better place to live in rather than moan, complain and exaggerate.
Sometimes I read threads and people make it seem like it's costing a million dollars to live in a battlefield/death zone with no clean water, bacteria infested food and rapists everywhere. I'm sure we can both happily say that is not the truth.
You are clearly an educated and well versed citizen of Qatar. Ive read your posts before and you appear to have a grasp of the "here and now". However please dont insult any ex-pats on here by telling us that rental issues are changing. Your world must be great, however, nothing is changing at my level. Check the papers and the websites! Im fooling nobody, especially myself, thats ignornantly presumptious. Im paying for my rent....and its ridiculous.
Before you start the ' you can always go home thread'. Im here on invite to help Qatar move on.
Walk a mile in my know the rest.
@alphabattle, yes non-Christians can use a phrase, however I am reffering to the term 'Cross my heart' referring to placing a cross on your heart.
The phrase means "I promise" but you are using a Christian context. Simple as that. It's the same as a Muslim or Jew celebrating Christmas. Nowadays everyone celebrates it, and the religious meaning behind it is gone or non-existent for them, however it doesn't mean its not there.
I don't know why threads go off into such tangents so easily or why there are arguments that try to defeat the main issue.
"cross your heart; hope to die; stick a needle in your eye"
It's just a series of oaths, a childish warning of what might happen if you're not telling the truth. No one would believe that you worshipped the Greek or Roman gods if you said "By Jove!" or "By Zeus!"
Would they?
that's how it started - but non-christians use it a similar amount to christians now. it's developed into a playground phrase (I can recite a couple of rhymes that refer to it from when I was at school) rather than having any sort of religious significance.
@alpha... yes it is....
Cross my heart refers to the tradition of crossing one's self.
It is a custom of swearing by the Bible or tieing yourself to god through the Cross.
Read here for more.
isn't a christian thing! It's a western thing!
lol I do want to make that a part of once the website is fully completed :)
@Matty, you're only fooling yourself.
High High High.........dont be fooled.[img_assist|nid=17864|title=Chicks dig Guys with skills|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=440]
No one is against him, if he is good as an estate agent as he is a lawyer I will ask him to help me too lol.
Common guys
If some is trying to help, why are you not taking it positively.
Amnesia is only trying to do what I SUPPOSE we are here in QL for (just one of the reasons to be in QL)
You should open up a website for information on vacant and cheap accomodation. You are gonna get so many hits that within no time. your website will be the most sought after site for ads plus money as well.
Good I was a little worried there that you changed your religeon lol.
To your post you can probably expect a lot of PM's looking for cheaper accommodation now lol.
Take away the "Agents" ..and the rents will come around QR2,500 for a 2 Bedroom+Kitchen apartment.
I really cant understand why the Owner "Shares" his profit with the "Agent", especially when the amount is huge.
The Agent is making as much if not more that the Local!!!
In Indian the Agent gets only the eqvuivalent of the 1st months rent from both the Owner & the Tenent & then he is no longer involved in the deal. All minor repairs in the Apartments are done by the Tenants themselves, & only for the major repairs does the Owner gets involved.
to be honest I should say cross my heart because that's a Christian thing, but I didn't know a Muslim equivelant :P
alright... i am waiting for ur PM
Oh please don't do that I wouldn't like to loose you this early in your life lol.
I can send you a pm if you like with information. But I'm just waiting on Jauntie and a friend first. (Don't want the places to get stolen before they decide :P)
What did u find ??
Myself and Jauntie were looking for apartments, and I'm sure she'll tell you that the prices she found were similar to what I found ^_^
Cross my heart and hope to die :D
I think he found the needle in a haystack my personal opinion.
I am looking for a new place and complete last month was as before.
I for one did not see much decrease in rent, but at the same time they have not gone North wards.
I hope what u are mentioning is correct... wanna shift before new year sets in
What about the QR 55,000, in yestedays post does that sound ok to you.
To be honest the prices were always around that range. It's just that people didn't shop well enough :P
yes and all we need now is that is being implemented......
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
at least the newspapers are showing some indication that it is somehow not rising but instead slowly leveling down...
seeing is it really going down or do some get away with it??
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Still High though....