Please form an orderly queue

By silversurfer •
Your accommodation problems are solved! Beat the rush! Get down there now, before everybody has had a chance to see the ad. in today's Gulf Times.
Beverly Hills Suites - only QR 55,000 * PER MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!
(* note - terms and conditions apply, so this may be a 'special deal').
Whaddya think??
timbo - I agree that this could be a case of perceived value pricing, but you forget that there are some big companies bringing high-ranking employees over to Qatar to work full time, and these people like to know they're getting the best available. QR55000 a month is a drop in the ocean to a big company.
I don't believe that anyone will pay that. A villa with its own beach and pool on west bay lagoon is only 35k. Admittedly the place above includes a full time maid and body guard but they only cost about QR1500 each a month so I would go with the villa on the beach anyday and I think everyone else would too.
Think this a case of perceived value pricing. By making it expensive people assume it is good like stella artois beer - reassuringly expensve
Well we all know rents are high - similar to London - so QR55,000 for what could be considered a penthouse suite (I'm still making the assumption that is what the advert is for) would appear to be right. Beverly Hills Tower is pretty full from top to bottom, so people are obviously prepared to pay it (or more likely their companies are).
cananrybird - I know what you mean about not trusting the towers. When you see them relaying a simple pavement for the third time, just because they couldn't do it right the first two times, you cross your fingers that they were a bit more careful with the towers! It seems pretty stable so far!
I will run to get 2, it might get more expensive tomorrow
Serious? There is no way I can pay that much money per month.
I honestly believe that the system will collapse somewhere - inflation is quite high and there is no improvement on the leasing sector.
This is damaging the face of Qatar quite highly - I mean QR 55,000 this is EURO 10,000 Qatar is not New York and not even anywhere near Dubai is is just unbelievable.
I think it's actually a room at the Emir's palace. He decided to take on a few renters so he can pay his own mortage.
Anwyay if you are on the top floor you can watch the construction going on in the other buildings,
I like my feet on the ground and prefer not to live, work or be in a tower, these things scare me to death and what happens if they used cheap material as well as cheap labour I hate to think of the consequences.
have to run along now folks enough of the cyber world back to the real world with chores and errands and duties and responsibilities to see to......have a good day every1 till revoir >waves
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
When I was living in the UK, it was suggested I get a house boat or Canal boat, and then I could float around instead of drive
by george we were sucked in werent we??tsk tsk tsk so much for being very gullible.......
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
I am sure this must be a palace they are talking about either that or the person putting up the ad has just received a permit for the crazy house.
have lived in a mobil home in the cornfields when i was in ILL-USA. it was fun .......(reminiscing the good ol days)
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Assuming they're talking about Beverly Hills Tower (I think they are if I remember the advert correctly) then that must be for the huge suites on the top floors of the tower. I'm fairly sure the not-so-big one we're in doesn't cost that much. Nearer QR16000.
The thing I like about the advert is the picture - they've made it look like Beverly Hills Tower is right on the waterfront, next to all the sites of the Corniche! How they get away with such misleading pictures I'll never know. I remember the Bavaria Towers (now called something else) doing the same. They made it look like they were on a beach!!!
It's a kind of take up thy bed and drive lol.
soon will have to put up our tents somewhere to stay since we cant afford the rentals much do the portable toilets(cabin) cost???
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
You just have to keep moving around and you know in some countries there are actually people living in mobile homes as ther prefer that kind of life.
You have to take a look on the internet and just see what is offered as mobile homes nowadays.
we have the government to thank for that...Sure go ahead break all the damn old building at the same time its good for economy, throw half the people out on the streets to find a place double the rent itz all good in the hood.
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
are we allowed to do that birdie??if yes thats a jolly good idea...blimey why didnt i think of that??wake up to diff scenery each morn........heehhehehehehe
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
You can buy one of those mobile homes for 12 months rent and can travel all over Doha and live in the best areas. lol.
i'll take two
hmmm may i add that since we arrived and renting here we have forked fr our pocket QR108K to subsidize for our accomodation........grrrrrr could have done loads with that amt........(looks at wish list)
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
man do u know i can buy a freaking car with just 5 months rent at the rate of 15grand per can they even ask for such amounts grrrrrrrr
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
when first arrived doha we paid QR8K for unfurnished no AC individual villa for 2 yrs then it went up to 10.5K for a yr now he wants 15K-told him to keep it as we finally managed to get company villa-phew wat a relief...........stillwaiting for control over rentals thats been spoken of fo rthe past 3 yrs........ladidaaaaaa
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
sorry not interested...if it was around 80,000 per month may be i'd consider it..but 55,000 must be some cheap arse place with cheap arse funitures :)
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
55000Qr. whats that rent or some installment???