
By Absolutejaguar •
Some people have got excellent signatures, like Smoke and his dancing Garfield but a couple of people use huge ones, I still like them but running on a slow connection they take their time and they push the discussion to multiple pages very quickly, especially as the latest post is on the last page.
Can we have some moderation in the use of large pictures, please,
or how about swapping so the latest post is on top
whats a video picture? this one's .gif animation. Jauntie just go to and select something from there i got mine from there :)
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
can only post static pix.
Poop ! :o(
*displays my cat for u all to see AGAIN and waits for the Signature of the Year Award*
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
awwwwwwwwww they so adorably cute............
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
hi hijacking the thread of
just smile..................say cheese!!
Tried to reduce the large pictures and I get a huge one, should of kept my mouth shut, they are cute tho
1 more trial
[img_assist|nid=55610|title="When it comes to bonding. Women do it better"|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
U made me sad :((
what day is young.... Am I not young??
I will wait for tonight.
Shooooooooo Daru.. u sleep man, dont disturb
first raining,then snowing for a short moment,actually a bit april weather,a mix of all.but the day is still young so many things could will tell you tonight how it was.
Open ur eyes and see yellow in SG (not inside man...) just the pic.
& darude's orange/red ..
dont tell in public.
BTW: has it started snowing there ?
i see blue everywhere
first it was a blue flower and now a blue bird what is it with you fellow and blue colour
The day u stop drinking beer, u will also do
but dont click "dont send" button on a pop up ERROR window.
I have to now try for a beautiful (Creamy....) LOL pic as a default.
I hope i dont fill QL with repeat threads of same pic
pssst,i will not tell all my secrets.
I mean attach a pic
i also created a unnecessary thread and 1 pop-up is ready for me to click and my IE will go for a while.need more hits and trials
SG: what cream lady ??
huraaaaahh and congrats!!!!
a new genius is born!!!!!!
see how easy it is,right?
Well done skdakak.
I am still in practice............
"Drink Beer Save Water"
what cream and u must be using a TON of it these winter days.
Darude, i will le-u-know the moment I have the name of that cream. LOL
Here I go with one more attachment of a pic
[img_assist|nid=55605|title=Blue bird|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=104]
the problem with computer is they dont do what they have to do,they do what you tell them to do.
just give em the right order and he works perfectly.
soft hands touch like swissgirl and there every thing starts running on pc so smoothly i think you need to ask swissgirl which cream she uses for her hands :D
it is so easy,just check some myspace pictures and take this one which you like most then add it here.copy the code and voila,its done.
loooooooooooooooolll.for that you dont have to be an IT specialist.
Darude... What do u mean by SG does it better ???
Whatever u and/or SG are welcome, just dont make my PC hang anymore.
Abso, good suggestion
He may return soon...
[img_assist|nid=54839|title=Perfect !|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Swissgirls does it better and easily Swissgirl can you plz teach him the html way of adding pics.
where is your signature cat?
我听见 我忘记; 我看见 我记住; 我做 我了解。
You can't understand until you walk a mile in someone else's shoes.
Where were u on a cool evening.
Ur excuse of not coming was, u going out of country.
Now where are u
I think it is high time I do something with my PC.. it bloody hands whenever I try to add a pic and u guys have it as a default.
Is it my PC that is dumb or do i need to take lessons frm u??
Get that HUGE signature awf 'ere - taking up precious page space and slowing me down and you KNOW I prefer to be fast ;D
Last year my signature and avatar were nominated for the best of the
"Drink Beer Save Water"
Swissy chick thanks :D and good morning
i agree with you PAULA go find a new sign quick :?
Darude Yours is fine about an inch (2.5cm)
I don't want to spoil the fun, just want to enjoy the site as well, thanks for the apology Mr Paul
yours is cool and dont think to change it!!!!
bigger too??
I apologize, im looking for a new sig. anyway
[img_assist|nid=54839|title=Perfect !|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]