Hurray, second Mobile License

Vodafone and Qatar Foundation Consortium is selected for grant of Second Mobile Telecommunications License in Qatar
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Vodafone and Qatar Foundation Consortium is selected for grant of Second Mobile Telecommunications License in Qatar
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I don't understand. Is this going to be 'Zain'
or is this the same as what MTC did and licensed the Vodafone branding only?
Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development is a private, chartered, "NONPROFIT" organization, ( taken from )
humm... in my mind i expect,
-there will be non charge-able phone for students.
-if you register your son at government school, you'll get 1000QR prepaid credit and new handset.
-we can donate money through SMS
-buy 100QR credit, and won scholarship
smoke keep dreaming...........
great i cant wait to see what they have to offer..starting with higher speed internet for less price :)
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
[img_assist|nid=14395|title=Smile, life is too short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|desc=|link=none|align=center|width=180|height=97]
Your glass should be half full NOT hlaf empty!!
[img_assist|nid=14395|title=Smile, life is too short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|desc=|link=none|align=center|width=180|height=97]
Why do you keep on filling my glass. You keep on filling my half-empty glass whenever you see only half of its contents are left. What are your intentions?
I think I have had too much, Should I serve you as well. I will try my level best not to spill:)
If only you know what I mean:)
that's another of your 'glass half empty' persona.
Love is the answer...
when the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter,get out of the way fast, its probably a train heading your way
After reading Jay Pareda's letter to the editor in the Gulf Times this is what I think.
Hey, you said it, Knoxie. Actually I believed you. I don't expect jokes from you. Good work! Keep it up. Eventually you'll have a sense of humour :)
Come over to the light side.
Love is the answer...
For the record I dont drink, I have never ever tasted liquor. I might not be a great five times praying muslim but I do have my limits and boundaries.
Coz if I drink today then tomorrow I will not be able to ask my kids to abstain from drinking
Xena, you go girl, that's more like it, ha ha ha.
Yeah, sorry, Iwael, for the hijack...I'm just catching up with my QL peeps :)
Love is the answer...
just successfully hi-jacked this thread... sorry iwael....
there will be many more people wearing dark glasses in the malls from now on....
make you proud of me..... but then, I am going to have to go into hiding... but then again.. I have picked up some pretty steep wasta.. so maybe.....
Knoxie, if you were in NYC would that really make you happy??? Happiness is a state of mind, not a place.
God help me, don't bring your pessimism over my
Love is the answer...
hope I didn't make too many light bulbs go off in peoples head...they might have been blinded.
Xena, you do disappoint. I expect much more from you ;)_______________________________________________________
Love is the answer...
if you dug deep enough, you would probably find those running Q-Tel.. run QF too..... uh duh.. of course they do.... they all have the same family name... don't they?
DG now my glass is totally empty, and also there is nothing left in the moonshine wiskey drum. Need to buy some moonshine from a black market dealer.
If only was in NY, I could have as much as I want, and get totally wasted in the christmas winter. Nothing like good old hard liquor in winter. Nothing beats the cold than alcohol
keeping it in the family.
well at least I try.... I know its boring.. but don't wanna be kicked out of Qatar..... lol...
lol...Knox, I'd temporarily forgotten how totally depressing and 'glass half empty' you are...have you been depressing everyone with your doom and gloom since I was last here you bad boy?
Actually word is VCU students will be bringing out a range of glittery sparkly mobiles in a wide range of pink shades with optional abaya and shayla covers...I think they'll do well :)
Love is the answer...
its called you watch my back and i watch yours
it's better than what happened in the UAE.
The second licence went to Du (owned by the government as is Etisalat). I cannot for the life of me see the sense in having two government controlled service providers supposedly in competition.
I go to my professor to ask some questions after university timings at QF and he tells me sorry son, not today. I have to help at QF mobile phone counter. Come tomorrow.
Best of all QF can also have only ladies only days at the mobile phone kiosks. or QF can make it protoypes serve the customers. For gurl robots they can make em wear veils. (Did anyone see the female robot invented by Japan, looks pretty real to me)
As the chairperson of QF is against arabic channels spreading obscenity so the QF mobile service can block the picture messages and the sexy sms as well. Hell QF can also censor sexy conversations.
Over to you diamond girl. No offence Miss.
KC on a rampage
Hi Xena, are you being good? hope not, life's too short :)_______________________________________________________
Love is the answer...
thats funny....
So what? If it makes the market more competitive, bring it on. Nobody cares what it's called...if it was called Vomit Inc. and offered a great deal people would buy it.
Love is the answer...
Seriously what is the purpose of QF. As QF got it this makes the whole bidding process a bit suspicious? Dont you think so.
I wonder whats going on...:)
No hard feelings QF employees. I thought QF was an education establishment but behold I was wrong and looks as if it is a wireless phone service provider as well. Talk about some Change.
Way to go QF. Whats next? QF cement. QF Gas, QF oil, best of all QF zoo, or QF entertainment.
Kc on rampage
so vodafone is coming in the market now lets see what their charges are going to be like.