Demand for death of teddy teacher

By Searcher_rob

Their Country is going through poverty and fighting.Other countries are trying to help them out and these guys are taking to streets,asking for death penalty for naming the Teddy bear.What a peaceful... do I need to say more???

Check this Link.. and Comment

By Xena• 1 Dec 2007 19:26

don't you think you have insulted your bears with those names? Surely they would prefer something more like, Teddy, Pooh, Grizzly? ;-)

By missmoneypenny• 1 Dec 2007 19:23
Rating: 2/5

Having consulted all my teddy bears (Mohammed, Adam, Isaiah, Noah and Ruth) we have unanimously agreed that this drama is an embarrassment to a nation that surely has much deeper conflicts to deal with than those involving teddy bears.


By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 18:43

PM, that's exactly what I understood. lol

Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By Xena• 1 Dec 2007 18:30

I thought he did too....

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 18:20

PM lol, how can you know if he's a troll ? are there any specefic traits or charachteristics?

Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By Xena• 1 Dec 2007 18:00

am just sick to death of idiots....

By Xena• 1 Dec 2007 17:59

why don't we just kill you? I don't know... I am sure somewhere, sometime in your life you have unintentionally offended a christian, or a westerner....

By sidbawany• 1 Dec 2007 17:36

kill this lady..........

By swordfish• 1 Dec 2007 16:34
Rating: 3/5

All with no exceptions,

I am a Muslim and all I can tell you here is that the reason muslims are some times aggressive is because they love you and love every thing in this life, how can we hate any thing created by the God Allah who him self loves his creation, and that's what we believe in.

The only thing we are trying to do here is just to deliver a message we know we are responsible to carry and deliver, and every human has the choice as it's mentioned in Qura'a to accept or reject the message (believe or not to believe).

While we are carrying this peaceful message to people, we'd rather to be left alone with no circasism of our message, believe and prophet.

Lestining is what you need to do...

By stealth• 1 Dec 2007 16:32

that was one of the reasons for US overthrowing saddam

By stealth• 1 Dec 2007 16:09

then it becomes easier for the Iraqis to enter isnt it PM

By stealth• 1 Dec 2007 16:02

rob sudan is not a poor country. It is rich in natural resources

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 15:59

And his fit wife !

Ohhh, i should be stoned...

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By dweller• 1 Dec 2007 15:55

the posts have (in my opinion anyway) hit the nail on the head.

It suits the Sudanese government to have their people "hating" the west.

By Cornellian• 1 Dec 2007 15:54

UAE can do that ?

I remember a story a while back that an Emarati company couldn't import its stuff into US harbor so it had to go through an American company...something like that, do u know what exactly happened?

I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield

By Tigasin321• 1 Dec 2007 15:54

You forget Mexico. The Mexicans have successfully invaded us for many years.

Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Mahatma Gandhi

By Vegas• 1 Dec 2007 15:49

We have already been invaded...

Think about it...UAE, China, Japan, ect...

UAE just bought 5% of Citbank

You can't teach experience...

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 15:49

hi all. A couple of things, firstly, i know a muslim did 9/11 but that doesnt make all muslims bad does it? Well the guy who shot John.F.kennedy was christian. Are all chrisitans bad? No. And this is stupid, idiotic. I mean naming a teddy bear mohamed? Those sudanese people are mental i tell you. I mean shes a foreighner that doesnt know anything about msulims. And naming a teddy bear mohamed is not an insult. The british government should react to this. Thats just mean.

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 15:47


Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 15:45

Let me call the Regiment !

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By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 15:39

Who can do that PM lol ? Maybe Great Britain .... then it will get back its old empire :D That would be funny . George Bush in the hands of the English special forces :D

Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By stealth• 1 Dec 2007 15:29

thats what i do outside the forum Paul.

But the worst part is we all could be sucked into that vicious

cycle for no fault of ours.

COuld be a suicide bomber or a misguided missile

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 15:27

Just get on with yer own life.

[img_assist|nid=47010|title=Captain Smiley is here to save the world !!|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]

By stealth• 1 Dec 2007 15:26

Look at the front page in Gulf TImes today and see another instance of America kowtowing to the whims of Israel.

By stealth• 1 Dec 2007 15:25

Paul saddam was groomed by the Americans,who can forget the fact that the SAme Rumsfeld who had gone to Iraq to give them the weapons in the early 80s would also be the one who had a hand in the overthrow and hanging of Saddam.

ITs not the Amricans pre se that I have a vendetta just the policies followed by the Americans in realtion to Middle east

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 15:20

was a perfectly innocent guy who was just misunderstood.

It seems to me you have a personnal vendetta against the USA.

[img_assist|nid=47010|title=Captain Smiley is here to save the world !!|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 15:19

Thanks stealth, that's exactly what I was going to write:

"Helping at the time of calamities is done by many of the countries

irrespective of their enmity."

Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By Tigasin321• 1 Dec 2007 15:18
Rating: 4/5

Switzerland is not blameless. During WW11 the Swiss acted as bankers to the Nazis for their stolen Jewish assets. After the war, the Swiss banks held onto this stolen gold and it took more than 60 years for them to start acknowledging this theft and making very belated restitution. The Swiss have little to be proud of when it comes to their war record.

Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Mahatma Gandhi

By stealth• 1 Dec 2007 15:16

Paul the less said about the Iraq invasion the much better.

Iraq invasion was a plot set up by the USA and executed according to their plan though there was some deviation from the script.

Helping at the time of calamities is done by many of the countries

irrespective of their enmity.

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 15:11


Sorry if you took it that way. I never meant to hurt or premideted rudness. It's just not my nature. Concerning that "honey pourring" , I don't think I've been hypocryitic with anyone on here.All what I did was sincere, so now if you feel offended by what I said, I'm sorry that was not intentional. I don't feel superior or inferior to any one, I may feel different and who is not so? I would understand some things better concerning religion or other subjects, amd you would certainly grasp others better than anyone else. When I said that I meant that particular points , and I never generalised. well, anyway... never meant to be rude except with those who make fun of Islam amd Muslims.

Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 15:06

Not all Westerners are bad...Take me for example, Im just loveable and cute, and all the ladies want a piece of MR PAUL...

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By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 15:02


First, I never lectured you. Second, those who profit from oil would never let Sudan,Iraq, Afghanistane,...etc enjoy peace. I just refute that notion of "the west" being one entity. This is rediculous. The same could apply to the Muslims or the Islamic world. Many countries are included, and there is no possiblity that they'd have one similar foreign policy. Complianing ? lol Giving with one hand and taking away with the other, that's what USA usually do:) I would never put all the Americans in one basket. There will always be honest people / organisations that are fighting for the real things.

Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 14:54
Rating: 4/5

The Muslim country (Saudi Arabia) turned to the West (USA) for help !

Didnt seem to bother you all back then did it ?

And the CIA financed and supplied Osma bin liner with weapons for his fight against those ruskies..Again, you never complained.

So dont try and lecture us on how bad the west is..I KNOW THE WEST IS NOT WITHOUT FAULTS.......Every country has problems and is responsible for war crimes and the like (with the exception of Switzerland who are too chicken to join in a war).

When Indonesia (the biggest Muslim populated country) has all these bad storms and stuff, the USA sends aid and rescuers, still no complaining !!

[img_assist|nid=47010|title=Captain Smiley is here to save the world !!|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 14:48


"It's patronising and doesn't help your argument. I think I understand you quite well now Frog so there's no need to pour honey on things now"

That introduction was really useless. If I'm calling you "dear" it's essentially a sign of respect and esteem. Now, if you think you're not worth it, it's your choice. I just cannot believe someone like you brings the argument so low at a personal level. What did you understand well about me ? You're on your toes since that last discussion. Don't be narrow-minded, you're not an illeterate woman. Prejudices and value judgements will lead you nowhere. This is an intelectual exchange nothing more , and nothing less.

Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By jauntie• 1 Dec 2007 14:41

around the world who were offended, PM - just a few who have done the religion a disservice. Shame. Real shame.

By jauntie• 1 Dec 2007 14:38

NOT the rape of The Sudan!

And it was the most popular name, so they chose it. As PM pointed out the other day, and as I read also, Muslim tutors have a teddy bear named Adam (another Islamic prophet) to help teach them about Islam.

By stealth• 1 Dec 2007 14:32
Rating: 2/5

So long as the American/European interests are met the governments turn a blind eye.

Otherwise you are labelled as terrorists or supporters of terrorist.

ALgeria, Libya, Palestine all come to mind.

I agree there a lot of problems within the community, these problems are taken advantage of by the West to further their means.

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 14:31

PM ;)

That's why I always say : Some are wise, and some are otherwise:) The wise people prefered to protect muslim during those difficult moments.

Our injuries are real my dear, they are not fake. Us Armies have envaded Iraq and Afghanistane and killed people inside mosques in front of cameras. What was done in the name of " US THE SAVER OF IRAQ" " The ANTI-TERRORISM" cannot be overlooked either.

We -muslims- are asking for nothing more than justice for all. I'm not sanctionning terrorism, but hatred is spread from both parts. when armies get into your home, murder you wife and kids and destruct your house, what would they expect ? White Pigeons in the air? The notion of peace should be revisited by all. The balance is overweighted on one part.

Who deprived Sudan from its oil and created a non-ending ethnic conflict? Then afterwards , people were let on their own striving for a piece of bread and a handfull of water. We are not naive, and we're not fellowers of the "concpiracy theory". We just consider facts on land. Ask yourself a simple question. Who benefits from the genocide in Sudan ? and please don't come and tell me like some idiots on here that Sudan has no established governement.

Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By stealth• 1 Dec 2007 14:28

DG agreed that many were given protection and they had to after all it was their citizens right?

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 14:07
Rating: 2/5


That was so small .

DG, once again you've been too simplistic. Darfur genocide is not one part's fault. and the Americans interference has a great deal in what 's happening there. I don't think that teacher was going to have any problems if Sudan was let alone to handle its affairs. The whole issue is more political than religious, so please let Islam and his Prophet ( PBUH) in peace. every country has the right to decide for itself and it may use political strategies to blackmail its opponents.

Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 13:43
Rating: 2/5

card again....Believe it or not stealth, NOT every problem in life is the fault of the west... Maybe you are just bitter about the West, 'Cos you used to be part of the British Empire.....

And Mugabe is just a c***....Full stop !

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By diamond• 1 Dec 2007 13:39

Actually, it's not entirely about oil. It's ethnic cleansing too.

And it doesn't change the fact that the government are sanctioning and funding genocide. The US and therefore the rest of the world are turning a blind eye in exchange for being thrown occasional titbits of useful information about Al Qaeda.

So laudable.


Love is the answer...

By stealth• 1 Dec 2007 13:35
Rating: 4/5

Even the Darfur problem will have to be studied carefully to know the reasons.

Again its got to with oil and nothing else.

MOst of the problems that have happened in Africa is related to the

interference of the Europeans there.

Now dont take Mugabe and throw it as an example. EVen there you will just see one side of the story being dominated

By Rock The Casbah• 1 Dec 2007 13:32
Rock The Casbah

side of the story. There is something fishy going on here and I don't like it one bit. Did the teddy just sit there and allow himself to be called by that name? I bet he did, knowing full well the outcome.

I think we should bring the teddy up before the judge and hear what he has to say for himself before this thread turns into an anti-islam post.

I hate teddy bears.

By diamond• 1 Dec 2007 13:30
Rating: 3/5

I don't blame anyone for not wanting to go to a country whose governments are cold calculating killers of their own people.

Let us not forget the millions of Sudanese who have been murdered in the Darfur region - men, women and children. Babies macheted on their mothers back as they ran, attempting to flee. It is too evil for words.


Love is the answer...

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 13:24

So the kids will be the losers in all this.

Let the Sudanese reap what they have sown... Cos its coming !

[img_assist|nid=47010|title=Captain Smiley is here to save the world !!|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]

By diamond• 1 Dec 2007 13:24

Overeaction of the highest degree. Stupid. Wrong. Idiotic.

Need I say more.

This is a typical move by a government who are committing genocide to their own people. I'm surprised that they didn't throw her to the machete wielding crowds outside the jail baying for her execution.


Love is the answer...

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 13:14

harrassed ???.....What do you expect, when it was Muslims who killed over 3000 innocent people by flying planes into buildings.

Theres also another proverb...Before setting out on revenge, you first dig two graves.

Its the Idiots who commit these crimes in the name of ANY religion, who give that religion a bad name...No Religion is without guilt here.

[img_assist|nid=47010|title=Captain Smiley is here to save the world !!|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 12:36

Darude , you're also being funny :)

Well my friend, you should also know why muslims are easily offended. Nothing comes without reason. aftre the 9/11, muslims were harassed unfairly all around the world. I'm not sanctionning what Sudanese did or want to do, but There's an arabic proverb that says" When a snake bites you, you start to fear ropes" The so called "over-sensitiveness" of muslims nowdays is the result of years of unjustified attacks. Remember those stupid caricatures in Denmark. If that Newspaper came out of any success, it should be that spread of hatred and fear among people from different cultures and religions. What a great "victory" for Freedom of speech. I belive there are always limits to everything and some people just go too far. Thanks God that teacher is now safe, and please for God 's sake joke away from religious symbols. this would just put more oil on an already great "fire".

Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 12:17

is..Without this debarcle, to pour fuel on the fire.

[img_assist|nid=47010|title=Captain Smiley is here to save the world !!|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]

By the_hippo• 1 Dec 2007 12:10
Rating: 2/5

I think that many (if not all) of the friendly, gentle and kind Muslims whom I have had the pleasure to meet will be deeply shocked and embarrassed by this crazy teddy bear business in Sudan. But shouldn't we try to see this unpleasant affair in a wider context?

Yes, Islamic law is strict and the punishments are pretty nasty, but I for one would be very happy to see some of the criminals who are currently filling U.K. jails (at the taxpayer's expense) getting the proper punishments for their evil deeds. Islamic law also upholds the rights of victims, whereas in the U.K. the victims are often exposed to the torture of "trial by media".

And no, I am not a Muslim.

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 11:45

This will give the west haters a big smile !


[img_assist|nid=47010|title=Captain Smiley is here to save the world !!|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]

By dweller• 1 Dec 2007 11:06

Stupid is all I can say.

Wonder why Roosevelt didn't object when they were originally named?

By Scarlett• 1 Dec 2007 11:04

and that is a really BAD mistake...Still feel she did that in total ignorance of what would offend but the govt is making all expats leery of going and working there much less making friends with sad is that??

By anonymous• 1 Dec 2007 10:06

we have 4 Mohammeds working here, does that mean i cant say their names for fear of insulting islam..Give me a break.

This is getting all out of proportion.

[img_assist|nid=47010|title=Captain Smiley is here to save the world !!|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]

By Searcher_rob• 1 Dec 2007 09:52

Even if they think that she has made a mistake by naming the teddy,Can't they forgive her, as she is a foreigner and this is the first time she has done something like this. Their religion doesn't teach them anything about forgiving.

Its easy to punish but difficult to forgive.

By DaRuDe• 1 Dec 2007 09:30

God did a mistake here.

cant say it on main so if any one wants to know ask me in PM.

because you know members these days get offended so easily :D


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