Guys i am asking for figures here for me to be able to understand everything.Right with a total package of QR35000/MONTH,With a my wife and no kids,,what sort of accomodation would i be able to live in.Currently in Bahrain,,Can someone tell me from experience with the so called expense i.e food,rent,transport,,how much approximately would i be able to save from this package per month,,,Help guys before i make a move
I personally don't think Qatar is a tax-free country.... somehow, all expatriates in Qatar do pay quite high taxes.... the only thing is that it's called "Rent"!
GO for 35K Oscar..
cost of living became the first reason to quit qatar as the same met to extreme when comparing with any other cities in middle east. note that here in qatar an expatriate dont have to pay income taxes etc. ya . eventhough after spending the essential, he / she can save minute balance as house rent , car , food , everything reach to out of maximum.
what is your experience and job grade in oil and gas industry?
it's very easy to get a loan from the bank guarantor required..just a letter from your company/ copy of your passport and rp are needed... time for processing takes a maximum of 3 to 5 working days only...if you are going to get a flat i would advice take a minimum of 3-year would cost you less if you want to stay long to that flat...otherwise your rental would be increased by at least 10% every year.....35K monthly salary is more than enough living a decent life in Doha...
15k is too much to advice for something 'decent'.
He'd get something very very nice. For 12k you could get a 2bed room apartment with a sea view near the corniche.
35K is a very decent salary, go for it.
you really can't predict or assume the approximate figure youd'pledge to save. Not untill you are here.
I also read in your message that you are coming with "NO kids" LET ME TELL YA.... Most of the couple I know of, came to Qatar with no offsprings and left with 3!!!!! That's another valuable investment!
Whatever, 35K! is an excellent package. Saving is a discipline
Allow QR 15,000 per month for decent accm. If its just you and your wife you want somewhere nice to live.
Or take your existing salary take away the accomodation cost and add 20%. If it is less than QR20,000 per month then come. If not stay where you are.
what in the average salary in the oil industry for 15 - 20years experience in Qatar?
What is the average cost of living for a family of 5 in Qatar - the children in the teen ages.?
Oscar5050.... Boer's budget is spot on! You can base your plan on this advice and then decide your next move.
At first look that appears to be a good salary, but how much of it you spend a month will depend on the standard of living you are used to. A high spec apartment in a good location can set you back upwards of 15000 QR.
35k is a great salary if you ask me. I don't like sharing info so much but as a Qatari and a lead position in a Legal Department, I get 25k.
Since you have no kids, you'll save a ton and 35k is great.
So with bank loans,that merely means no saving here right,,well i am not an extravagancy lad tho.Anymo advice is and suggestion is welcome,,cos i am jiggling on whether to remain in BH or come to QATAR
It is up to you to save depending on what type of living you are interesed. If you want to save more than go for a sharing family accomodation which will cost you around 1,500/- p.m. & some reosonable price of food & miscellaneous exps. you can save upto QR 32,000/-. So you decide what you want exactly > Because I at present earning around 30,000/- and I am still having bank loans. your biggest worry which will put you back by around QR6000 for a decent accomodation. other than that you are all clear and you might be able to save a lot if you live with extravagancies!
Anyways, good luck!
Assuming you will be ok with a 2 b/r flat fully furnished, you will pay approx. QR 8 000 to QR 10 000 (or thereabouts).
Take another QR 2 500 for a reasonable car and about QR 3 500 for groceries, utilities etc. Also allow about QR 3 000 for sundries.
That leaves about QR 16 000 or so. You can probably save at least QR 14 000 and still have a cushion of QR 2 000 for unforeseen expenses/luxuries.
This has been my experience over the last 18 months
*** Light travels faster than sound. That's why most people appear bright until they open their mouths.